Chapter Sixteen: Monkey Business.

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A/N: Hello, readers. There's a little Aiden x Trent moment in the beginning. Enjoy the chapter!

EDITED ON AUGUST 3RD, 2019 @ 10:39PM




I WAS DRIVING LEVI TO school in my green Jeep Wrangler. I was wearing my favorite green hoodie. "Huh. Isn't that Calvin's car?" Levi asked as I drove pass Calvin's yellow truck once we arrived at school. "Yeah. Looks like he's talking with Hayley too. Which I find odd since he always drives her to school." I replied. I finally ended up parking as I turned off my car. "You know. We don't have to go into school. We can just make out in my car." I suggested. "Nice try, Trent. We got to meet Brody and the others." Levi shut my idea down instantly.

I sighed as I grabbed my bag and locked my car. "You're no fun, babe." I commented. Levi put his arm over my shoulder as he kissed me. "You love me though." He said. Levi and I walked into school as we joined the others. Calvin and Hayley joined us soon after.

"Morning guys." Brody greeted. "I'd say someone overslept." Preston said. "Stop, stop, she's so mad at me." Calvin whispered. "'Student body elections...' Interesting." Hayley said. "That's right. You would make a good President, Hayley. You should run." Principal Hastings said as she gave her the clipboard. "Yeah... I should." Hayley agreed. "Interested in running for President, Calvin?" She then asked Calvin.

"Oh—" Hayley suddenly said as she scoffs. "Well—" Calvin started to say. "A president needs to get things done. Calvin is too laid back. He can't even pick me up on time." Hayley said. "Ooh!" The rest of us said. "'Too laid back'?" Calvin asked. "Yeah." Hayley replied. "Can't get things done?" Calvin asked again. "Yep." Hayley answered. "Hmm. Well... How's that for getting something done?" Calvin asked as he wrote his name.

"I'm gonna run for President, too." Calvin said. "You?" Hayley asked. "Mm-hmm." Calvin said. "Really?" Hayley asked again. "Yep." Calvin answered, popping the p. "Well, you're on, boyfriend." Hayley stated as she shook hands with him. "Bring it." Calvin challenged. "I will." Hayley said.

"This is going to spilt the team up, isn't it?" I think to myself. I was walking with Hayley, Preston, and Levi. I only joined Hayley's side to be with my boyfriend. I loved him to death and I didn't want to ignore him because I chose to be on Calvin's side.

"Poster boards, badges, markers." Levi said. "Uh-oh, we forgot to get the markers." Hayley informed. Calvin, Brody, and Sarah joined us. "Hmm. Here, take two of mine." Calvin offered as he handed her them. "You can always rely on me." He added.

"Thank you." Hayley said as she accepted them. "Man, this is going to be so much fun." Brody said. "So, we flipped a coin and Brody and I are going to help Calvin win." Sarah stated. "Unless Levi, Trent, and I help Hayley win first." Preston said as he put his arm around Hayley. "Uh, I'm only on Hayley's side because I'm loyal to Aiden. But sure, I guess I'll help." I said. "Well, may the best man win." Calvin said, crossing his arms. "Oh, she will." Hayley told him. That's when a bike bell suddenly rang. "Hey, look!" Levi said.

"Uh-oh! I've been spotted!" Phonepanzee exclaimed. We all chased after him. Basherbots then appeared. "It's Morphin' time! Power Stars!" Brody shouted. "Lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!" We all yelled as we morphed. "Ninja Rangers fear no danger!" We all yelled. We began fighting the Basherbots. I was fighting some of the Basherbots as I slashed them with my sword.

"Trent, help me!" I heard Levi's voice. "Hold on, Aiden! I'm coming!" I exclaimed. "Sonic Boom!" Phonepanzee said as I fell to the ground. I was up again as I fought more Basherbots. "Finish off the Basherbots! Oh no, that freak got away." Brody said. "We'll get that ape next time. Let's get back to school, I have a presidental campaign to start." Hayley informed. We followed Calvin and Hayley.

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