Epilogue: A Ranger Proposal.

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A/N: We are at the epilogue! This will be written in third person because it just makes it easier for me. Enjoy!

Picture is what Trent's engagement ring looks like.




Four months after Galvanax was defeated... (Takes place before the events of "Echoes of Evil")


LEVI WALKED INTO SUMMER COVE High School, where he met the others. For some reason, he looked nervous. "Hey, guys. Has Trent arrived yet?" He asked. "No, he said he was going to be running late. Said something about catching up with his dad. Why?" Calvin asked.

"Good. I have to show you guys something." Levi replied. Brody smiled. Levi had talked to him about this beforehand. He knew what this was about. "What is it?" Preston asked. Levi took out a black box from his back pocket and showed the group a gold diamond ring.

"No way!" Hayley exclaimed. "Are you doing what I think I'm thinking you're going to do?" Calvin asked. Levi closed the box. "Yep. I'm proposing to Trent. It's been a year since we reunited with each other. I've loved him since we were kids. I think it's time to ask him to marry me." He replied.

"That's great, Levi!" Sarah said. Levi closed the box and sighed. "The problem is, I'm terrified that he'll say no. What if he doesn't want to make that commitment?" He asked. "Levi, I'm sure you're worrying over nothing. I'm sure he'll say yes. Just ask Trent." Brody said.

"Ask Trent what?" Trent asked. Everyone jumped as Levi quickly put the ring inside his back pocket. Trent was wearing a green hoodie. "Nothing, babe. Don't worry about it." Levi replied as he kissed his boyfriend.

"How's your dad, Trent?" Calvin asked. "Good. Still getting used to the fact that it's been ten years since he was on Earth. But I think he'll be fine." Trent replied. He then turned to Levi. "Aiden, we're still on for our date tonight, right?" Trent asked.

"Yeah. Brody and Sarah will be joining us. We're making it a double date." Levi replied. "We are?" Brody and Sarah said at the same time. Levi looked at them. "Oh, yes. We are." Brody said, pretending he finally remembered. "Cool. I've always wanted to go on a double date with you guys since you started dating." Trent said.

Brody and Sarah started dating a few weeks after Galvanax was destroyed. Which left Preston without anyone since there were now three couples on the team, but Preston didn't seem to mind. He was just happy for his friends and he knew he would find someone someday to make him happy as well.

Trent and Levi walked into the restaurant holding hands. Trent was wearing a green button up shirt with black skinny jeans. "Table for four please." Levi said. "There's only two of you." The hostess said. "We have two other people joining us. They'll be here soon." Levi told her. She just nodded as she lead them to a table. Levi and Trent slid into the booth.

Moments later, Brody and Sarah slid into the seats across from them. Sarah was across from Trent and Brody was across from Levi. They picked up their meaus to see what they wanted. A waitress came by as she took what they wanted to drink and winked at Trent as she walked away.

"Did you see how she winked at you?" Levi asked when she was gone. "Aiden, seriously? You already know I love you. Though it is cute when you're jealous." Trent replied as he chuckled. "Jealous? You think I'm jealous?" Levi asked. "Levi, even Sarah and I saw the glare you gave her." Brody informed.

The waitress set down their drinks as she took down their orders and walked away once more. "I'll be right back." Trent said as Levi let him out so Trent could use the bathroom. Levi sat down again. Once Trent was out of earshot, Brody leaned over. "How are you feeling, bro?" He asked. "Nervous and terrified. He'll say no. I just know it." Levi replied.

"Calm down, Levi. You two have been dating for a year. He'll say yes. Trust me. You're the love of his life." Sarah said. Trent came back as Levi let him back in and sat down once more. Their food soon came as the waitress handed it to them. Half of her clevage was showing from her shirt.

"Enjoy." She said, trying to sound seductive. All of them finally finished eating. Levi realized it was finally time. Levi stood up. "Everyone can I have your attention please." Levi suddenly said. Everyone in the restaurant looked at their table. "Uh, Aiden. What are you doing?" Trent asked.

Levi ignored him. "Trent Evans. We have been together since we were kids. Our fathers were best friends. And soon enough, I found myself falling for you. We made a promise that we would always be together. We gone through a lot of things together. And when my memory finally returned... I got you back and we've been together for a year ever since. So I have got to ask you..." Levi started to say as he pulled out the black box and got down on one knee.

"No way..." Trent muttered. He looked like he was about to cry any second. "Will you marry me, Trent?" Levi finished. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." Trent replied as Levi put the ring on his ring finger on his left hand and they hugged.

They sat back down. The waitress returned with the bill and handed a paper to Trent. "Call me." She said. Levi took the paper and crumbled it up. "Sorry, but my fiancé won't be needing it." He informed. The waitress's face flushed as she walked away. Everyone laughed at her reaction and how quickly she left.

The next day, Levi and Trent walked to the group holding hands. "Guess who's engaged?" Trent announced holding up his left hand. The group, excluding Brody and Sarah since they gave them their congratulations at the restaurant, walked up to them to congratulate them.

"How do you feel, Trent?" Calvin asked. "Really happy." Trent replied. Everyone smiled as Brody and Sarah joined them as well with Sarah holding onto Brody's arm.

"Man, if someone told me I would become Mr. Romero and Brody was going to be my brother-in-law in the future, I would've told them they were crazy." Trent stated, making everyone laugh.


A/N: The epilogue is finished! And yes, I do ship Brody and Sarah. Don't ship them? Too bad. And yes, Preston is going to be with someone. I haven't decided if I want to make an OC for him or have him be with that girl that he helps out in Super Ninja Steel. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1153 words.

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