Chapter Nine: Rocking & Rolling.

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A/N: Guys! The next episode is where Trent gets his memories back! Yay! Enjoy the chapter!

EDITED ON JUNE 30TH, 2019 @ 2:16PM




WE ALL LOOKED IN AMAZEMENT at the stadium that Levi's concert was at. We all had back stage passes around our necks. I was wearing my usual green hoodie. "Levi. Twenty-thousand people, all coming to see you." Sarah said. "It's sold out. Crazy, huh?" Levi asked. "I heard some people waited in line all night." Brody said.

"I've been working so hard on this world tour. They're gonna love it." Levi stated. "Uh, world tour? How long are you gonna be gone for?" Brody asked. "Uh, just three months. But don't worry. The Rangers need some Gold Power, I'll be there." Levi replied. "Maybe we should talk about this." Brody told him.

"Here's your biggest fan." Tom announced. "Levi!" Mary shouted. "Hey. Mary. I'm so glad you won those back stage passes." Levi said as he gave her a hug. "When I grow up, I'm gonna be a singer just like you." Mary stated. "Sounds good, buckaroo. Hey, how about we take a selfie?" Levi suggested. "Cool camera." Mary said.

"Does my biggest fan know my favorite food?" Levi asked. He opened up his camera. "All right, one, two, three—cheeseburger." Both Levi and Mary said. "Did you guys know that he was going on a world tour for three months?" Sarah asked. "I had no idea." Brody replied. That's when there was sudden loud rumbling. "That's another earthquake." Preston informed.

"All those earthquakes are coming from a location close to you." Mick informed. "Really? Send us the coordinates, Mick. We'll check it out. Levi." Brody said as he walked up to Levi. "All these earthquakes aren't normal, even for California. We need to see what's causing them." Brody informed. "Levi. We gotta move." Tom stated. "Be right there." Levi told him. "Look, guys, my concert's about to start. Can you handle it?" Levi asked. Brody looked at all of us. "Sure, I guess if you have to. We'll let you know if we need you." Brody replied. Levi sighed.

"Thanks. Appreciate it." Levi said as he went to get ready for his concert. "Let's go." Brody said as we headed out. We were all in our Ninja outfits and wearing our masks. "Levi's concert is happening right over there." Preston stated. Calvin gasped. "And it's about to start." Hayley added. "Let's figure this out quickly so we can get to the show." Preston informed.

"Look down there." Brody said. "Those look like new monsters." Hayley said. "Why would they be moving dirt?" Preston asked. "Maybe it has something to do with the earthquakes." Sarah guessed. "We have to get into that mine." Calvin said. "Sarah and I will go check it out. You guys stand guard." Brody said. All of us put on our masks again. Each of us started grabbing the Basherbots one by one.

"Stay out there." Brody told us. "Maybe tell that to them." Calvin said as a group of Basherbots were in front of us. "It's Morphin' Time. Power Stars!" Calvin said. "Lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!" The four of us shouted as Calvin, Preston, Hayley, and I morphed. We began fighting the Basherbots. "These new bots are tough." Preston said. "Yeah, but we're tougher." Hayley told him. I slashed a few Basherbots with my sword "Heads up." I warned as I jumped over a Basherbot and then slashed him.

"We're surrounded." Calvin said. "Ninja Blasters!" We shouted as we destroyed the Basherbots. That's when Brody and Sarah suddenly appeared from the ground. "Oh, look out for the hole! Is everything okay?" Preston asked. "Not at all. They're digging under the concert. They're gonna destroy everything." Sarah replied.

"We've gotta stop Levi's show." Brody informed. We all agreed. All of us appeared on stage. "Come with us, Mr. Weston." Brody said to Levi. "Okay. Yeah." Levi said as Brody, Hayley, and I got Levi off the stage while Preston, Calvin, and Sarah tried to calm the crowd down and get them out of the stadium. "That monster is trying to collapse this entire building." Hayley explained.

"What? We gotta make sure everyone gets out okay." Levi said as he morphed. I was at a stairway as I was leading everyone down. "Keep moving! You're going to be okay." I said. "Guys, is there anybody left?" Brody asked. "There's no one over here." Levi replied. "All clear on this side." Preston said. "Stairway is clear." I added. "Good. Our area's empty, too." Brody said. We ended up getting out of the staduim just in time. We then attacked Stonedozer. "That's news to us." Brody said. "You escaped? That's impossible!" Stonedozer exclaimed.

"Never underestimate the speed of a ninja." Brody told him. "You crashed my concert." Levi informed. "Now we're gonna crash you." Sarah said. "I'll take the rock-headed monster. You guys handle the rest." Levi said. Levi went after Stonedozer while the rest of us fought the Basherbots. Levi continued fighting Stonedozer until he finally defeated him.

That's when Stonedozer became big. "First, this one hit wonder attacks my fans, and now he's trying to make a comeback. Leave this to me. I save my biggest hits for the encore." Levi said as he took out his Zord Star. We saw that Levi had two Zords as he hopped in them. "Levi needs some help. Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord... combine! Ninja Spin!" Brody shouted as we got into the Megazord.

We then got into Ninja Master Mode. "One Stonedozer comin' your way!" Levi said as he lifted Stonedozer in the air. "Batter up!" Brody said. We attacked Stonedozer. "If the other Zords can comebine, I bet mine can too." Levi said. Levi ended up making his Zords into a Megazord. "Bring it on!" Stonedozer challenged. "Hey, blockhead. You're goin' down!" Levi said. "Let's finish him together, Levi." Brody said. "Rockstorm guitar. Activate! Bullrider Megazord, Rodeo Rapid Fire! Final Attack!" Levi shouted.

"Ninja Master Blade! Activate!" Brody shouted. "Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord Double-Axe! Final Attack!" We all shouted. We finally destroyed Stonedozer. We were all at school as a newswoman was there. "Three months is a really long time to go without the Gold Ranger's help." Brody said. "We make such a great team, and now he's leaving." Preston added. "We have to support him, guys. He may be our teammate, but he's our friend too." I reminded them. Mary rushed up to Levi. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Mr. Levi Weston." The mayor said as everyone clapped.

"I'm so glad you're all safe thanks to the Power Rangers." Levi started off as everyone cheered and clapped. "I recently figured out that even though music's important, lots of other things are important, too. So I've decided to postpone my world tour." Levi continued. All of us looked at each other. "But don't worry, I love my fans, and I'm gonna keep workin' on new songs for y'all." Levi finished as everyone cheered and clapped again. All of us hugged him.

"I'm so sorry, guys. I should have put being a Ranger first, and come with you to help investigate the earthquakes. My friend, Mary, taught me something today. Summer Cove needs the Gold Ranger a lot more than it needs Levi Weston. I'm a Ranger now. That's my top priority." Levi explained. "Boy, am I glad to hear that." Calvin said.

"Oh, and I always wanted to finish high school. Now I can." Levi added. We all laughed. "That's great." Hayley said. "The Power Rangers weren't the only heroes yesterday. Victor Vincent broke every bone in his body bravely saving people. I hereby award you the Summer Cove trophy for exceptional bravery." The mayor said. Monty took the trophy. "Guys, that's not fair. He didn't save anyone at all." Hayley whispered. "My 50th trophy. It was worth every broken bone. Ow." Victor said as he winced.

That's when Kody started unraveling the bandages that Victor had on him. It finally revealed that he was fine. "You don't have any broken bones." The mayor said. "Well, I do have a broken fingernail." Victor stated. "You're a fraud!" The mayor exclaimed as he took the trophy back. We all ended up laughing.


A/N: There you go! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1399 words.

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