Chapter Six: My Friend, Redbot.

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A/N: We're an episode away from when Levi comes in! Enjoy the chapter!

EDITED ON JUNE 27TH, 2019 @ 11:05PM




I WAS WEARING A GREEN shirt with my black leather jacket over it. I was at the junkyard where my car was. It had multiple dents and the roof was caved in from my car rolling over. The airbag was still on as well. I looked at the time, realizing I was gonna be late to school. I exited the junkyard and unlocked my green Jeep Wrangler. Which was now my car that I bought since my accident. I dropped my backpack in the passenger seat as I drove to school. I arrived at school to see Victor dancing. I quickly joined the group.

"And now, my super-duper-mega twirl!" Victor said as he began twirling. That's when he suddenly went faster. He tripped over a mop bucket as he landed on the table and the punch went flying onto Hayley, Brody, and I. "Nice moves, Victor." Brody said sarcastically. "Seriously? This is my favorite jacket!" I exclaimed, flickering some of the punch off of my sleeves using my arms.

"We better go clean up before Victor shows us his super-twirl again." Hayley added. Brody, Hayley, and I entered the base. "Huh." Hayley said. "Uch." Brody stated. "Eww." I groaned. We saw that Redbot was no where to be found. "Hey, Kody, where's Redbot?" Brody asked. Kody barked in reply. "What did he say?" Brody asked Hayley. "Uh, I don't know. I don't speak dog." Hayley replied as she laughed.

"Ah. Good point." Brody said. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "Oh. Heads up." Hayley told us as she tossed two rags to Brody and I. "Hmm. He was here earlier. We were talking." Hayley said. I was wiping the punch from my shirt and my leather jacket. Brody picked up a book that was left opened. "Won't you accompany me to the grand ball?" Brody said as he read what was in it. "That's exactly what Redbot said to me." Hayley informed.

"He asked you to the dance?" Brody asked. "What did you say?" I asked. "I told him no, of course." Hayley replied as she chuckled. "Brody, Trent, he's just a robot." Hayley said. "I wonder if you hurt his feelings when you said no. Maybe that's why he left." Brody stated. "You're kidding, right? Robots don't have feelings." Hayley said.

"Redbot does. He's quite advanced. Why else would he leave?" Brody informed. "He probably went for a stroll to stretch his springs or oil his joints." Hayley replied. "I'm going to go look for him." Brody said. "I'll help you." I added. "No. No. You two promised you'd help with the dance. Kody and I will find Redbot, okay?" Hayley said. "All right. Thanks, Hayley." Brody said as he headed out of the base and I followed him.

Brody was busy setting up the disco ball. That's when we heard Kody suddenly barking. "Kody!" Calvin exclaimed. "What is it, boy?" Calvin asked. Preston, Brody, and I joined Calvin and Sarah. "Hayley's Ninja Comm. It's busted." Calvin said. "She went out after Redbot." Brody said. "She must have run into trouble." Sarah added. "Kody, take us to Hayley." Calvin said as we followed Cody out of the school. We ran after Kody. "Go, Kody, go!" Calvin shouted. Kody stopped as he barked. "I wonder why he stopped us." Calvin said.

That's when we got attacked as we ducked for cover just in time. "Kody was warning us. Good boy. That's a good boy." Preston praised as he was petting Kody. "Hello, Rangers." Ripcon said as he and Badpipes appeared. "Thanks for letting me join the party, Badpipes." Ripcon added. We all had our swords out.

"Ripcon!" Brody exclaimed. "Did you miss me, rat bait?" Ripcon asked. "Time for me to chime in!" Badpipes exclaimed as he started playing his pipes. That's when all of us started getting mind controlled. "Hand over your Power Stars!" Ripcon ordered. All of us took out our Power Stars as we began walking towards Badpipes and Ripcorn.

"We're about to make history!" Ripcon exclaimed. We broke out of mind control as Hayley attacked Ripcon. "Get to safety, Redbot." Hayley said as she got off her Cycle. "We've got to destroy his bagpipes." Hayley said as she got out her sword.

"Double sword doom strike!" Ripcon shouted as we got attacked and Hayley demorphed. "You can't stop the music. Those bagpipes are mine, and soon your Power Stars will be too!" Badpipes exclaimed. Badpipes was about to get his bagpipes until Kody grabbed them.

"Give that back, you mangy mutt!" Badpipes shouted. "Good work, Kody." Hayley said. "Time to hit mute, Badpipes!" Sarah exclaimed. "Ninja Blasters!" We shouted as we destroyed the bagpipes. "No! My beautiful bagpipes!" Badpipes said. "Time to crush you, Rangers! Ha!" Ripcon exclaimed. "Wrong. It's not crushin' time. It's Morphin' time." Brody said.

We all got out our Power Stars. "Power Stars." Brody said. "Lock in!" We all shouted. "Ninja Spin!" We all yelled as we morphed. "Ninja Rangers fear no danger!" We all shouted. "Aah! I'm gonna change your tune!" Badpipes said. Brody was fighting Ripcon while the rest of us were fighting Badpipes. "Better give Ripcon some space!" Badpipes said as he walked away while we followed him.

We were all chasing Badpipes with the exception of Brody. "Check out my fan attack!" Badpipes said. We all began attacking him once more. "Looks like my career is really taking off!" Badpipes stated. He attacked Calvin and Hayley. "Do you know my greatest hits?" Badpipes asked. "One goes like this..." He continued as he attacked Calvin and Hayley again. "And another like this!" Badpipes said as he attacked Preston, Sarah, and I. "Ninja Blaster!" Preston, Sarah, and I said as we tried to attack Badpipes. "I'm sick of you winging it!" Calvin exclaimed as he attacked him.

"I'll get you, Yellow!" Badpipes said. Preston and Sarah attacked him as I attacked him with one of my poisonous attacks. We finally defeated him. "Guys, how are you doing?" Brody asked. "Everyone okay?" Calvin asked. That's when Badpipes grew big. "As if his ego wasn't big enough." Preston commented. We called out our Zords and then changed into the Megazord. We then got into Ninja Master Mode.

We began fighting Badpipes. "I'll blow you away, Rangers!" Badpipes claimed. We continued getting attacked by him. "I'm going to put my nose where it doesn't belong." Badpipes exclaimed as his nose stretched. "We gotta do something!" Calvin stated. "I know just what we need. Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord, combine! Ninja Spin!" Brody shouted as the Rumble Tusk Zord combined with our Megazord.

"Rumble Tusk Stretch Attack!" Brody said as we counter attacked Badpipes attack. We ended up breaking off his nose. "Ninja Master Blade, energize!" Brody said. "Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord. Double Axe! Final Attack!" We all yelled as we finally destroyed Badpipes. We were all back at school at the dance. I was wearing a green button up shirt with some black jeans. Calvin and Sarah were dancing on the dance floor.

"That was fantastic." Preston said as he gave Sarah a high five. That's when Victor slid into the dance floor. "Do you know what time it is? It's dance o' clock!" Victor announced. That's when Victor started dancing automatically. That's when his shoes started sparkling. "Uh, Monty, Monty, turn them off!" Victor said.

We saw as Victor and Monty headed down the hallway. We then heard a crash. "So do you want to dance?" Calvin asked Hayley. "I would love to, but there's something I need to do first." Hayley replied. The rest of us entered the base. "That was so fun, Sarah." Calvin said as he laughed. We found Hayley and Redbot dancing. The rest of us ended up joining them. I suddenly stopped dancing as I looked at my teammates and also my friends.

"I do love being with them. But I just feel like someone who's special to me is missing from my life..."


A/N: Another update! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1368 words.

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