Chapter Three: Meeting Green, Part 3.

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A/N: Here is the chapter where Trent finally reveals himself as the Green Ranger! Enjoy the chapter!

EDITED ON JUNE 24TH, 2019 @ 12:23PM




I GROANED. I WAS STILL in pain from my last battle with a monster. I was surprised that the others didn't question how I was so beaten up. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom. I was shirtless and wearing gray sweatpants. "I can't believe I almost got exposed at the last battle. I know I'm gonna have to reveal who I am to them soon." I think to myself.

I made up my mind. I was going to show them who I was at the next battle we have. I just hope that they won't be too disappointed. I walked into my bedroom and changed into some black skinny jeans, a green tank top that showed off my muscles, and put on my white Converse. I grabbed my green backpack and headed out of my house and headed to school.

I walked into school and immediately bumped into Victor and Monty. I sighed. "What do you want, Vincent?" I asked. "You better watch that tone with me, newbie." Victor warned. "Yeah, newbie!" Monty added. I rolled my eyes. "I guess I'm gonna have to be the one to break it to you, you're not cool, Vincent. Stop acting like you run the place." I told him as I pushed passed both of them and headed into class. I sat down next to Brody.

The bell rang as class ended, I walked out of class. I ended up in the cafeteria with the others. "Uh, guys, bad news. The monster that Brody fought, he's back." Preston informed. "Brody, you fought a monster?" I asked, pretending I didn't know anything. "I'll explain later. Right now we gotta go." Brody said as all of them headed out. "I guess my reveal came sooner than I expected." I thought.

I arrived at the scene to see the others fighting, excluding Brody. I took a deep breath and appeared from out of my hiding spot. "Hey flame-breath! Leave them alone!" I shouted. The others looked at me. "Trent?" Sarah asked. "Get out of here it's not safe!" Preston added. "You guys are so rude. I'm here to help you." I said as I got out my morpher and Ninja Power Star.

"Power Star Lock In!" I shouted as I put my Ninja Power Star in. "Ninja Spin!" I yelled as I morphed into the Green Ranger. "What the?" Calvin started off. "Trent is the Green Ranger?" Preston said. I was fighting with the others until Brody showed up and attacked him. "You guys okay?" Brody asked. Brody then morphed.

"Power of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Red!"

"Stealth of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Blue!"

"Strength of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Yellow!"

"Spirit of the Ninja! Ninja Steel White!"

"Speed of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Pink!"

"Poison of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Green!

"Power Rangers!" We all turned around one by one. "Ninja Steel!" We finished off.

"Kudabots!" The monster said. "All right, team, let's do this!" Brody said as we began fighting the Kudabots. "Brody and Trent! Get the monster!" Sarah told us. Brody looked at me, shocked at first but we began fighting the monster. "Does this guy ever burn out?" I asked as Brody and I continued fighting him. "It's hard to burn out when you're literally on fire!" The monster exclaimed. The monster ended up knocking both of us down. The monster laughed.

"Time to roast some Rangers!" The monster said. He threw fireballs at us as we got hit with them. The monster laughed once more as Preston, Calvin, Sarah, and Hayley ran up to us. "More Rangers?" The monster asked. He started headed off on his skates.

"Trent!" Hayley said as he helped me up. "Brody." Calvin said. "Calvin, catch up to Spinferno, and lure him back to Conifer Park. We'll have a trap waiting." Brody said. "Got it. I'll give Water Mode another shot!" Calvin said.

He ran off to catch Spinferno. "How can we trap him? He's too powerful for our weapons!" Sarah asked. "No monster is more powerful than the five elements." Brody claimed. We appeared from the bushes. "Ninja Spin!" We all yelled. "Element Star! Forest Attack!" We all shouted as vines appeared and grabbed the monster. "Gotcha!" Calvin said.  "You tricked me." Spinferno said. "Looks like this race is over." Brody stated.

"Element Star! Fire Attack! Final Strike!" We all shouted. All of us attacked Spinferno as he was destroyed. That wasn't until Spinferno came back as a giant. "Woah, that thing looks crazy!" Hayley exclaimed. "Yeah. Well, our Zords are pretty crazy too!" Preston said. "Zord Stars! Lock In! Activate! Ninja Spin!" We all shouted. We all began attacking Skullgator one by one. We all followed Brody on the ground.

"Just like we've come together as a team, I think our Zords can too." Brody explained. "Into a "Mega" Zord?" Hayley asked. "You know it!" Brody replied. "Ninja Steel Megazord! Combine!" Brody yelled. All of our Zords combined as one as all of us were transported into a cockpit. I was between Brody and Preston. We got into Ninja Master Mode.

"Let's finish this! Ninja Master Blade... Energize!" Brody yelled. "Ninja Steel Megazord, Master Slash! Final Attack!" We all yelled. "Show's over, Ninjas win!" We all cheered. We were all at Summer Cove High School playing pool. Brody and I walked down to join them. Brody ended up giving Sarah, Hayley, Preston, and Calvin a surprise as a way of saying sorry. "So, Trent. You were the Green Ranger all along, huh?" Calvin suddenly asked. "Yeah. Sorry for waiting so long." I replied.

"You were trying to tell Brody too, until you got interrupted by the bell." Sarah added. I just nodded. "I bet you guys are all wondering my last name. My full name is Trent Evans." I announced. That's when all of them gasped and Brody just hugged me. "Trent, you're alive." He said. "Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, confused.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Do you know where Aiden is too?" Brody asked, ignoring my question. I tilted my head in confusion. "Um, are you from my past or something?" I asked. That's when Calvin realized something. "You don't remember Brody, do you?" He asked. I shook my head. "No? I don't remember anything from my childhood. I got into a bad car accident three years ago, causing me to get amnesia. If you're from my past, Brody, I don't remember you." I explained.

All of them looked at each other. "Don't worry, Trent. We'll try our best to make you remember. That's what friends are for right?" Preston said. Everyone else nodded. I smiled. "Thanks you guys." I said. But as they were talking I couldn't help but wonder.

"Can they really help me get my memories back? Or will I forget who I really am forever?"


A/N: Sorry this took so long to update. I've been busy with junior year. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1198 words.

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