Chapter Thirteen: Ace And The Race.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Just to let you know, I'm still going to be typing Levi when his lines come in. Because it'll confuse me if I type "Aiden" but Trent is the only one who calls him Aiden while the others call him Levi. Enjoy!

EDITED ON JULY 19TH, 2019 @ 10:29PM




ALL OF US WERE AT the Fun-athalon. I was wearing my green hoodie "Sarah and Hayley." Preston said. "Yes." Sarah replied. "You're on the Green team with me." Preston announced. "Oh cool." Hayley said. "Calvin and Levi. . . we're on the orange team." Brody said as he handed them a jersey. "I got each team a baton." Calvin said.

"Thank you." Hayley said as she took the green one. "You sure you're not going to participate?" Levi asked me. I shook my head. "I would only slow you guys down. Good luck though, Aiden." I replied as I kissed him. Calvin seemed to get distracted. "Hey, where are you going? The race starts soon." Hayley said. "That's Ace and his crew!" Calvin exclaimed. "Ah, who's Ace?" Levi asked.

"He only has the coolest car in town. And he—" Calvin started to say. "Totally rebuilt the engine himself." Calvin and Hayley both said. "Yeah. . . I remember "awesome Ace"." Hayley stated. "Don't worry, I'll be right back." Calvin said as he walked towards them.

"Gather your teams, the Relay Race is about to start! Remember, your three-man team has to take turns carrying the baton." The mayor announced. We were all in our jerseys. "Did you find Calvin?" Preston asked. "Mick said he saw him pushing Ace's car into shop class." Sarah replied. "But without Calvin, we don't have a three-man team." Levi said. "Don't stress, remember we're here to have fun." Brody reminded him.

I was about to offer to take Calvin's place when a man came up to us. "Looks like you're short a runner. Name's Bob Shoespike. But you can call me "Shoespike"... and I even have my own baton. Whaddaya say, can I run with you?" Shoespike asked.

Brody and Levi looked at each other. "Well, uh, that's mighty lucky. I'm Levi, this is Brody." Levi said as he shook Shoespike's hand. "Hey, I'm Brody." Brody said. "I'm Trent. I'm not participating, but I'll cheer you guys on." I introduced myself as well as I shaked his hand. I don't know why, but I had this weird feeling when I shook his hand.

"Welcome to the team." Levi said. Preston went to shake his hand but got rejected. "Time to get pumped up, bruthas!" Shoespike exclaimed. "Team huddle!" Shoespike said as he took Brody and Levi away. "Okay, everybody to their relay positions. And remember like Brody said, we're here to have fun!" Sarah said. "Yep, whatever." Brody said.

"You're gonna eat our dust!" Levi added, avoiding her high five. I raised an eyebrow. "Why are they so competitive all of a sudden?" I thought. "On your mark. . . Get set. . ." The mayor said as the gun fired. "Go, Brody!" I cheered as he passed the baton to Levi. Though I didn't see Preston anywhere. Preston appeared from a bush as he passed it on to Hayley.

I cheered as Levi crossed the finish line first. Brody and Levi cheered as they won. "Good job, you two." I said. "You're a loser! In your face!" Levi said. "Oh, is someone sad?" Brody asked as he laughed and followed Levi. They met with Shoespike and high fived him.

"What is up with those guys?" Sarah asked. "I'm going to find out." Preston replied. "I'm coming as well. This isn't like Brody and Aiden." I said as I followed Preston. Sarah and Hayley followed close behind. "Hey, that was totally uncool." Preston said. "Yeah, why are you guys being such jerks?" Sarah asked. "Because we're... winners." Brody replied.

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