Chapter Twenty: Galvanax Rises.

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A/N: Last chapter and then the epilogue! Dane comes back and so does Trent's dad, Jeremiah. Enjoy the chapter!





WE SAW GALVANAX OUTSIDE OF the school. I was still wearing a gray hoodie with a green shirt underneath. "So you do have our Ninja stars." Brody claimed. "Not all of them. So thanks for bringing your Power Stars. They'll be mine soon. I promise." Galvanax said. "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep." Brody said.

"We won't let you touch them." Levi added. "Basherbots." Galvanax said as he snapped his fingers. "Ninja Spin!" We all shouted as we morphed. We began fighting the Basherbots. I kicked some of the Basherbots aside and then slashed some more. Galvanax ended up getting Sarah and Preston's Power Stars as they demorphed.

He then got Calvin's Power Star as he demorphed as well. Lastly, he got Levi and Hayley's Power Stars. "Five down. Just two more to go." Galvanax said. "Where's the Red and Green Ranger?" Galvanax questioned. "Brody! Trent!" Levi shouted.

"He's gonna use that magnet and take your Power Stars! Run!" Calvin shouted. "Take them to the ship." Galvanax ordered. "Don't worry, guys. We're coming." Brody said as I followed him to where the others were. Brody slashed a Basherbot that was in our way. However, they disappeared. "No!" Brody shouted. "Aiden!" I shouted as well. "Oh, yes. Your story is coming to a sad ending." Galvanax said.

He fired the magnet as Brody and I dodged it. "Ninja Blast!" Brody and I shouted. We destroyed the magnet. "No. You broke the magnet. Now I'll destroy you, just like I did your fathers." Galvanax said. He fired at us as both Brody and I fell to the ground.

"This is the part where you beg for mercy." Galvanax said. "Not gonna happen." Brody said. "Agreed." I added. "Brody! Trent!" Mick shouted. "You two need to get out of here. Here. It's the only two stars we have." Mick said. "It'll do." Brody said. Brody and I got on the cycle as Mick was behind Brody.

"Plasma Blast!" Brody shouted. I followed him and Mick on my cycle. We stopped at a cliff. Brody and I demorphed. "This isn't right. We can't just run, Mick. We have to turn around and fight. They have our friends." Brody informed. "Not to mention my boyfriend." I added. "Galvanax has them on the Warrior Dome. We can't get in there and they can't get off." Mick told us.

"We can't just do nothing." Brody said. That's when his comm beeped. "Redbot, you're okay." Brody said. "I am indeed. Good news. The asteroid Mick discovered that may contain more Ninja Steel is now close enough to Earth that we could reach it in the Astro Zord." Redbot explained.

"But we can't summon the Astro Zord without it's star." Brody informed. "Okay, uh, we may have run out of Ninja Steel, but we could still make a new Astro Zord star by melting this one down." Brody said as he collected the two stars.

"Epic. If we get that asteroid, we'll have enough Ninja Steel to rebuild all of our weapons." Brody said. "Right." Mick agreed. "More Ninja Steel? How fascinating. I'll get that asteroid later. Now, it's time to finish this. Hand over your Power Stars." Galvanax ordered as he laughed evilly. Mick took out his sword.

"Not a chance." Brody said. "What he said." I agreed. "Then I'll give you a choice. Complete my collection of Power Stars... or watch the Basherbots destroy my new prisoners." Galvanax said as the others appeared. "No! You can't do this." Brody shouted. "Oh, but I can." Galvanax said as he laughed evilly.

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