Chapter Four: Presto-Change-O.

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A/N: Ah! Season 2 of Power Rangers Ninja Steel is now on Netflix! In case y'all are wondering, I am going to be writing about Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel as well (It's already in my drafts lmao) I'll start writing it once I'm done with this! Enjoy!

EDITED ON JUNE 24TH, 2019 @ 1:10PM




"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, time for a moment of amazement from master magician Presto-Change-O." Preston announced. "Yeah, Pres!" Sarah cheered. We were all cheering him on. "Another magic show." Brody said. "Let's hope this one works." Sarah added as I nodded in agreement. "Behold, an entirely empty hat." Preston started to say.

That's when Victor stood up. "Hold on there, Change-O." He said. I rolled my eyes. Victor walked up to Preston. "Let me see that hat." Victor said as he took the hat. "Hey, you can't—" Preston started to argue. "Empty hat, eh?" Victor said as he pulled out a rabbit.

"A rabbit. Amazing. It's magic." Preston said. Everyone in the cafeteria was booing. The bell then rang. I was walking the hallway with Brody as we saw Preston at his locker. "Don't worry, Presto, just keep practicing. Your magic tricks will get better." Brody said. "Brody's right. Don't let idiots like Vincent get you down either. I may lost half my memory. But even I can tell that he's a jerk." I added.

"When I was about five, my parents took me to a magic show. He made this dragon bracelet appear on my wrist." Preston explained as he sighed. "Ever since then, all I wanted to be was a magician. I keep trying and trying. My tricks never fool anybody." Preston continued. Brody just shrugged.

"Trent and I trained to be ninjas since we could walk. It was a struggle, but then one day it started to click." Brody stated. That's when we heard thumping. "What's that?" I asked. The three of us saw a rabbit. "There you go. See? That trick was flawless." Brody told him.

"No, Brody, you don't get it." Preston said as he put on his hat to reveal the rabbit that he used in his show. "This is my rabbit. II only have one." Preston informed. "Then where'd this other one come from?" Brody asked. There was more thumping as Preston pulled out a third rabbit.

"I have no idea where they're coming from. It's not a trick. Magic must be starting to click for me. Like you said, I can do real magic." Preston said. "Well, maybe. Why don't Trent and I take your furry friends to a pet store while you go talk to Mick? 'Cause I think the Ninja Steel might have something to do with this." Brody said as he handed me a rabbit.

"Yeah, uh, talk to Mick. Uh" Preston said as Brody and I walked away. "Enjoy your new home." Brody said as both of us walked out of the pet store. There was sudden buzzing as Brody got out his Data Comm. "Hey, guys. We've got trouble. Trent and I just spotted a Buzzcam." Brody said.

Civilians were screaming as Brody and I rushed to the location. Where we saw Galvanax, Ripcon, Madame Odius, and some Kudabots. "Galvanax." Brody said. "You're Brody and Trent, right? Ten years ago, I spared both of your lives, gave you a home on my ship, and you repaid me by stealing my Nexus Prism, and all the Ninja Power Stars inside it.

"Not quite. Ten years ago, you destroyed both mine and Trent's fathers, and imprisoned me on your ship." Brody said. Flashes of my memory were coming back as he said that. He took out his Ninja Power Star as I followed him. "But now, these Ninja Power Stars are gonna help us destroy you." Brody finished.

"You fools. You two don't stand a chance against me." Galvanax said. "Well, we won't be fighting you. All of us will." Brody informed. Brody snapped his fingers as the others joined Brody and I. "You said Galvanax was big, but this is ridiculous." Preston said. "How, um — What are we supposed to do, Brody?" Calvin asked.

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