Chapter Eleven: Poisonous Plots.

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A/N: Here is the next chapter! Enjoy!

EDITED ON JULY 1ST, 2019 @ 3:38PM




WE WERE ALL OUTSIDE THE shop classroom. I was wearing a green shirt with my usual black leather jacket over it as I stood next to Levi. "On that day, 10 years ago, the day the monsters took Brody... Dad told me..." He told us what Mr. Romero told him. "I saw Dad and Mr. Evans turn into Power Rangers. I couldn't believe it." Aiden explained.

"Hmm." Brody muttered. "But then Galvanax hit Dad and Mr. Evans hard. Our dad destroyed the star, but then he and Mr. Evans disappeared into thin air. They were gone. But I knew one thing for sure: I had to keep the Ninja Steel safe. I hid it in Dad's trophy at the high school, then left you the clue in our secret spot. I was terrified Galvanax would come after me, so I went away as far as I could go. When I saw the Power Rangers on TV, and you and Trent had the Red and Green Power Star, I knew it had to be you two." Aiden finished. Brody chuckled.

"Dad would be so glad we found each other again." Brody said. "Hey, do you think I could come and see the Ranger hideout? What do you think?" Aiden asked. "Sure." Brody replied. "Strike one, the real Aiden would never ask that right away. Who is he and how did he get Aiden's memories?" I thought. Mick then stepped in. "Uh, uh, Brody. I wonder if that's such a great idea. The prism, Ninja Steel, they're, uh, really only—They're only for Power Rangers. Sorry, Aiden." Mick said. "Bless you, Mick. I'm not the only one who's fishy about this." I thought.

"Oh, th—that's okay. But do you think I could train with you guys?" Aiden asked. "Oh, uh, sure." Mick replied. "Let's see if you remember what Dad taught us." Brody said. We were training as Brody was sparing with Sarah and Preston was sparing with Calvin. We were all wearing our Ninja outfits. Levi was sparing with Aiden as I was sparing with Hayley. Both of us stopped. "Nice moves, Levi." Hayley complimented. "I have to agree." I added. "Come on, you think those are nice? Check this out." Aiden said as he demonstrated some moves.

"Yeah?" Aiden asked. "It's cool. But we're not goin' full speed here, Aiden. Just training." Levi informed. Aiden ignored him and continued fighting with him. "Enough." Levi said. "Yeah, chill out, Aiden." Hayley stated. "Seriously? You could've hurt him." I added, holding onto Levi's arm. "Hey, I'm not one to complain, but that's not cool." Levi said.

"Oh, come on, seriously?" Aiden asked like it was not a big deal. "Yeah. Seriously, Aiden. We're here to practice so we can all improve. It's not a contest." Hayley replied. "We train so we can defeat villains like Galvanax. We don't do it for fun." I added as Levi and Hayley nodded in agreement. "Hey, guys. What's goin' on?" Brody asked.

"Looks like I don't play nice enough for your buddies. I'll see ya." Aiden replied as he left. "Guys, what's the story?" Brody asked. "Honestly, Brody, your brother doesn't want to train. He just wants to show off." Hayley replied. Levi and I nodded in agreement.

"He's been on his own for 10 years. Cut him some slack." Brody said. I was with Levi and Hayley. "Oh, come on, everybody, finish up your sculptures. We have to get these chocolate sculptures done for the children's charity later today." The teacher said. We saw that our chocolate melted.

"It melted again." Levi stated. "What are we doing wrong?" Hayley asked. The bell then rang. We ended up running to the location the monster was supposed to be as we morphed. "Our sensors said a monster would be here, but all I see are Kudabots." Brody said. "And there's a lot of 'em." Sarah added. "Look who else is here." Hayley said as we saw Aiden fighting a Kudabot.

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