Chapter Ten: The Ranger Ribbon.

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A/N: TRENT FINALLY GETS HIS MEMORIES BACK! This chapter will contain flashbacks from Trent's childhood and about him and Aiden. Enjoy!

EDITED ON JUNE 30TH, 2019 @ 9:20PM




ALL OF US WERE WALKING in the park as I was wearing a green flannel. "Where you takin' us, Preston?" Levi asked. "You'll see." Preston replied. "Isn't that the ribbon tree?" Brody asked as we all laughed and rushed up to the tree that was full of ribbons. "Oh, man. I remember it from when I was a kid." Brody said. "Wow, there's thousands of ribbons." Sarah exclaimed. "But, I don't—I don't get it." She added. "Yeah. What's the deal?" Levi asked. "It's so great. You tie a ribbon to symbolize important moments, like family, friends." Preston replied.

"Cal and I put one up on our anniversary." Hayley said. "Well, now we'll all be on the tree together." Preston said as he showed us a ribbon with all of our names on it and in our Ranger color. "Oh, Brody, Preston, Calvin, Hayley, Sarah, Trent, Levi." Brody read the ribbon. "Mm-hm. A Ranger ribbon." Preston said.

"That's a great idea. Well, let's put it up." Calvin said. Everyone else agreed. "How about right here?" Calvin asked. That's when I suddenly noticed something. I moved all the other ribbons aside, trying not to tear them down. And I looked at the white ribbon that caught my eye. Trent & Aiden. Together forever. The ribbon read. I touched the ribbon and that's when I felt myself going down memory lane.


"Come on, Trent. Hurry up!" A younger Aiden shouted, rushing up to the ribbon tree. "I'm coming! Gosh, Aiden you run so fast." A younger Trent complained. Aiden chuckled. "No, you just hate running." He stated. "Good point. What are we doing here anyway?" Trent asked. Aiden took his hand as he intertwined their fingers. Which always left a spark through Trent. "I want to put a ribbon up." Aiden replied as he revealed the white ribbon he was holding. Trent & Aiden. Together forever. The ribbon said. "Aiden..." Trent started to say.

"Are you going to help me put it up or not?" Aiden asked. Trent just nodded. Together, both Trent and Aiden put the ribbon up on the tree. "Do you think we'll get married someday?" Aiden asked. Trent looked at their hands, which were still intertwined. "Obviously. I'm going to be the one to ask you though." He replied.

"Nuh-uh! I'm asking you!" Aiden argued. "Yeah, right. I can't wait to see the look on Brody's face when we tell him that we're engaged in the future and have him freak out that he'll be his best friend's brother-in-law." Trent said. Suddenly, Aiden gasped. "Brody! We better get back before he tells my dad that I'm out." Aiden said as he helped Trent up as they rushed back to the house.

Trent just laughed and hoped that they could stay like this forever.

(End flashback)

I stopped touching the ribbon. "What was that? Was that one of my memories?" I thought. I was interrupted by a horn honking. "Huh?" Sarah said. We all saw cars and trucks coming on the grass. "Who's that?" Levi asked. "What's going on?" Brody also asked. We all stood in front of the tree. I saw that men were grabbing chainsaws. "Clear out of the way, kids. This tree's comin' down to make way for a new building." A man told us. "They're cutting down the ribbon tree?" Hayley asked. "They can't do that. Can they?" Sarah asked.

"Well, we won't let 'em. Unless you want to put a ribbon on it, you can't touch this tree." Preston stated. "Oh, really?" The man challenged. That's when another car showed up. "The boss is here." The man said. That's when a man came out of the car followed by Victor and Monty.

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