Chapter Seven: Hack Attack.

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A/N: Next episode Levi comes in! And we're two episodes away from where Trent gets his memories back! Enjoy!

EDITED ON JUNE 28TH, 2019 @ 12:28PM




I WAS AT THEATRE CLUB, trying to memorize my lines. However, Sarah was already off book. I was wearing my usual green hoodie. "Hey, Sarah. Off book already?" I asked. "Yep! Memorization is easy!" Sarah replied as she continued saying her lines. We were all morphed. "Ninja Blaster, power up!" Sarah said.

"Ninja Blaster, Whip Lash!" Sarah shouted as she aimed perfectly at the target. "Pretty cool attack, huh? I just programmed it into our Ninja Blasters." Sarah informed. "When did you have the time to do that? You were at camping club with us." Calvin said. "No, no, no, no... she was beating me at chess club." Preston stated. "No. She was at track club with me." Brody informed.

"All of you have it wrong. She was at theatre club already off book when everyone else still was reading from their scripts." I told them. "Ah, um, well actually..." Sarah started to say. "Hello, Rangers! I'm Hacktrack. Hand over your techno-gadgets now." Hacktack said. "We aren't handing over anything!" Brody exclaimed. "Fine then. Kudabots, attack!" Hacktack ordered as we got out our swords and began fighting the Kudabots.

"Whip Lash!" We all shouted we all destroyed the Kudabots. That's when we saw Sarah glitch out and disappear into a ball. "Sarah just disappeared!" Calvin exclaimed. "But how?" Preston asked. "This looks like the kind of techno-gadget I want. This was fun but-but-but I've got to log off." Hacktack said as he disappeared along with the ball that Sarah disappeared into.

"What happened to Sarah?" Calvin asked. "She's in trouble." Hayley stated. "Let's get back to the base." Brody said. We all arrived back to the base, demorphed. "Mick, something crazy just happened to Sarah!" Brody informed. "We were fighting and—" Preston started to say. Mick pointed to something. That is when we saw Sarah appear with something on her head. "Sorry guys. That wasn't me at training... exactly." Sarah said. "What are you talking about?" Brody asked.

"Well, I engineered this. It's a Holo-Projector. It could project a holographic clone that looks and acts just like me. She put the ball in front of her as a clone of her appeared. We all looked in amazement. "So that's how you managed to go to all those clubs at the same time?" Preston asked. "Exactly." Both Sarah's answered.

"Ah, there seems to be a lot of "Sarahs" for you to keep track of." Mick said as he looked at the five Sarahs on screen. "Oh, don't worry... I've got it under control." Sarah informed. "But Sarah, when your clone disappeared that monster stole the ball thing, your Holo-Projector." Brody said. "Yeah, could he do something with it?" Hayley asked. Sarah looked at Mick. "Nah... no, I really doubt that. What would they use it for anyways?" Sarah asked. "I hope you're right." Brody replied.

Mick and Redbot were busy making a Ninja Star while Preston and Brody were training. When the alarm suddenly started blaring. "Suffering circuits. That doesn't sound good." Redbot said. "Whoa. There's a monster attacking the city!" Mick exclaimed.

We saw a bunch of Galvanaxs on screen. "Eight Galvanaxes? How is that even possible?" Calvin asked. "Those are Holo-Clones. Somehow the monster hacked my technology. This is all my fault." Sarah replied. "We need to fix this. Fast." Hayley said. "You're the only one who knows how these things work. How can we stop them?" Preston asked.

"Maybe I can find a way to shut it down." Sarah replied. "Get started. We'll go try and hold them off." Brody said as we all headed out of the base. I was on my Cycle following Brody and Preston. Preston fired at the Kudabots. "Follow me, Preston, Trent!" Brody said. Brody, Preston, and I were met in front of a giant Galvanax. Hayley and Calvin soon joined us.

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