Chapter Fourteen: The Royal Arrival.

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A/N: Please remember to vote and comment! Don't be a silent reader! Also, yes, I know that Princess Viera wears a green coat. But I decided to change it to black. Enjoy the chapter!





WE WERE ALL IN CLASS as I was wearing a green v-neck with black jeans. "Now for Sarah's presentation." Mrs. Finch announced. Sarah rolled a covered cart to the front of the class. I was sitting with Levi and Brody as they tossed a small ball around. Sarah got everyone's attention.

"Are you sick of cookies being a "sometimes" food? Do you want to eat them for every meal without your mom getting mad? Well..." Sarah started off as she pulled off the cover, revealing a pink cookie maker. "Ta-da! My business project is Sarah's Cookie Creator. You can put any food you want in here and a delicious, healthy cookie will come out of here. Who wants to give it a try?" Sarah asked.

Victor stood up. "Victor! Of course." Sarah said. "Really? Delicious cookies from any food? I highly doubt that. Give me your lunch, Monty." Victor ordered. Monty got up then suddenly shook his head. Victor pointed beside him. "My mom made it." Monty said.

"Let's see, what's on the meau today?" Victor asked. He pulled out a sardine. "Sardines." Victor announced as everyone in the class groaned. I covered up my nose with my shirt. "I think I'm going to be sick." I stated. Levi just put his arm around me as he pulled me closer to him that my head was on his shoulder. "Broccoli." Victor said as he added it to the mix.

"And yummy... a liver sandwhich." Victor finished. More students groaned. Even Sarah gagged. "Let's see if your contraption make that delicious." Victor stated. "Ok." Sarah replied as she started the machine. A disgusting looking cookie popped out on the other side.

Sarah handed the cookie to him. Victor then handed the cookie to Monty. Monty took a bite of it. "Hey, that's kinda good." Monty said. Victor took it as he took a bite of it. "It's really good." Victor added. "Sarah, I think that the public will really love your business idea." Mrs. Finch told her.

"Thank you!" Sarah replied as she rolled her cookie creator away. "And now for Victor and Monty." Mrs. Finch said. "Hmm?" Victor and Monty both said. "Where is your business invention?" Mrs. Finch asked. Victor and Monty both stammered. The bell than rang. Victor and Monty headed for the door but Mrs. Finch stopped them.

Everyone else began packing up. We were all helping out Sarah with her business. A huge line started to form. "Whoa. Uh, that line is long and getting longer!" Mick exclaimed. "Oh. Well, let's speed things up a bit." Preston stated. He used his magic to auto chop the carrots. That's when we heard beeping. "Go on. I'll man the cookies." Mick said. We all left to the location.

We were all morphed. "Hold it right there, creep!" Brody shouted. "Rangers, finally." Drillion said. "So you think you can beat us and win "Galaxy Warriors" huh?" Preston asked. "Well, we've got news for you... it ain't gonna happen." Brody added.

"On behalf of the Lion Galaxy, may I invite you to your destruction!" Drillion said as he attacked us but we dodged. We began fighting Drillion. We were all on the ground. "I'll end you all!" Drillion exclaimed. "Deflect his blast!" Brody said as he blocked it. "Drillion, stop the battle!" Princess Viera exclaimed.

"Not now, Princess Viera! The Rangers are at my mercy!" Drillion stated. "You will obey me! Stop!" Princess Viera ordered. "But... Princess!" Drillion protested. Princess Viera looked at him. "Yes, your Majesty." Drillon finally said. Both of them then disappeared. "Who was that?" Sarah asked. "The monster called her "Princess Viera"." Calvin replied.

"I saved her from falling and I didn't even know she was an enemy." Sarah stated. "Let's just be glad that she stopped the "Drillion" dude. He was kicking our butts." Brody said. "We'd better be on guard." Hayley informed as Calvin mumbled in agreement. We were all back at the booth helping Sarah with her cookies.

"I'd say your project was a big success." Levi said. "Except the help keeps eating up all your profits." Hayley said, looking at Calvin. "Hey, they're healthy! I've only eaten two..." Calvin argued. "Dozen." Preston finished. I chuckled at my friends and teammates.

I looked over to see a woman on a bench wearing a black coat with sunglasses on. "Man, I really hate having anxiety. Something about that woman isn't right..." I think to myself. I helped Brody and Calvin take the stuff to the car. "Ninja blast!" We all shouted as we attacked Drillion.

"There's no place that's safe from me!" Drillion exclaimed. "It's Morphin' time! Power Stars!" Brody said. "Lock in!" We all shouted. "Ready! Ninja Spin!" We all shouted as we morphed. We began fighting Drillion. "This is going to be fun!" Drillion exclaimed. "Don't count on it." Brody said. "Element Star!" Sarah and Preston shouted.

"Storm Star! Lightning Mode!" Levi shouted. I pressed a button on my sword. "Green Poisonous Slash!" I yelled, as I put my sword behind me, getting ready for my attack. "Battle Morpher, Arrow Blast!" Calvin and Hayley yelled as well. "Ninja Lightning Attack!" Levi shouted. "Final Attack!" I shouted, glowing green. "Ninja Water Attack!" Sarah and Preston yelled. "I saw this coming!" Drillion stated as he blocked all our attacks.

"Now who's next?" Drillion asked. "You! Eat this!" Drillion said as he aimed an attack right at Sarah and Preston. Drillion then started attacking them. Viera then came to see if Sarah was alright. "So, ready to give up, Rangers?" Drillion asked. Levi, Calvin, Hayley, and I went to help Brody. "Oh goodie, there's more!" Drillion said. The four of us began fighting him. But we all got thrown to the ground. That's when Drillion grew big and two Skullgators appeared. "We can't wait for Viera." Brody said.

"It's time to call in our Zords!" Sarah exclaimed. We called in our Zords. We then got into our Ninja Fusion Zord as we also got into Ninja Master Mode. "Ninja Fusion Zord... Fusion Slash!" We all shouted. We destroyed the Skullgators. "Time to crush a Megazord!" Drillion exclaimed. We began fighting him.

"Remember my claw? It's full of surprises!" Drillion informed. He then attacked us again. "The Fusion Zord is becoming unstable!" Brody exclaimed. "It's breaking apart!" Calvin added. Our Megazord then fell apart as Calvin, Preston, Hayley, Sarah, and I fell to the ground. "Five Zords down, two to go!" Drillion stated. He then attacked Brody and Levi as they fell to the ground as well.

"Brody, Levi? You okay?" Hayley asked. "Aiden!" I shouted as I helped my boyfriend up while Hayley helped Brody. "Yeah, but we're in trouble!" Brody replied. "Goodbye, Rangers! It's been fun but now it's time to destroy you!" Drillion said. A Lion Ship suddenly appeared. Viera then attacked Drillion. The sky then turned dark. "The ship's drawing power from the atmosphere!" Hayley exclaimed. Viera continued firing at Drillion. Drillion then ended up escaping. We all cheered. We were all back at school.

"Okay, class, you've completed day one of your business assignment. So, any problems to report before we start day two?" Mrs. Finch asked. Sarah raised her hand. "Mmm... actually, Mrs. Finch. I'm so sorry but, I'm not going to be able to continue with my project." Sarah informed. "Sarah, I'm going to have to give you a failing grade. This isn't like you. What's happened?" Mrs. Finch asked. "It's not important, it's just—" Sarah started to say.

A boy walked into class. "Excuse me." He said. "Billy." Sarah said, recognizing the boy. "Yes, young man? How can we help?" Mrs. Finch asked. "There's something you should know. Sarah can't complete her assignment because she gave her invention to me. I needed food for me and my sister, and she helped us out so I could earn money. I came here to say... Thank you." Billy explained. "I'm glad I could help." Sarah told him.

"Because of you, I've re-enrolled at school." Billy informed. Mrs. Finch sighed. "Well, in that case... Sarah, I'm changing your grade to an "A" plus." She said. The whole class clapped. "Ok. Next up... Victor and Monty." Mrs. Finch said. They didn't show up.

"Where are Victor and Monty?" Mrs. Finch asked.


A/N: There you go! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1439 words.

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