Chapter Seventeen: The Adventures Of Redbot.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to the next chapter! Enjoy!





I WAS IN THE BASE writing in my journal. I was wearing a green v-neck shirt with one of Levi's necklaces around my neck. Levi was training and Redbot was doing something on the computer. "Hold on. That's not what happened." Levi suddenly said. I raised an eyebrow as I closed my journal and I walked up to him and Redbot. "Levi. I didn't see you there. It's my blog. Oh, I do love the internet." Redbot said. "A blog, huh?" Levi questioned. "It's called—" Redbot started to say. "The Adventures of Redbot." Levi, Redbot, and I both said.

"Whoa. Look at all those followers." Levi said, pointing to the follower count that continued to grow. "Thousands of people are reading your stories." Levi continued. I could tell what he was thinking. He didn't want everyone's identity to get out. Redbot knew he was thinking the same thing.

"Don't worry. I've kept everyone's identity secret." Redbot informed. Levi sat down. "Redbot... I'm not sure you got all the details right on that Trapsaw story. What I remember was..." He said as he said it the correct way. "Oh. Well, I may have embellished the story just a bit, you know, to make it more exciting." Redbot said. "To make yourself more heroic." Levi corrected.

"Perhaps. But my blog is just for fun." Redbot informed. "Be careful, Redbot. Telling fibs, even for fun... usually ends up getting you in trouble." Levi stated as I nodded in agreement. "Or someone could threaten you into telling them who the Power Rangers are. Which puts us in danger." I added. Levi nodded at my words. "Oh, dear." Redbot said. The base door opened and Mick's head appeared. "Redbot. Uh, there is a strange man in the rec area. He says he wants to talk to Redbot the blogger?" Mick questioned.

"That's me. Oh, my." Redbot stated. We all walked into school. "Wow. There are so many people here." Sarah said. "Are Redbot's stories really that good?" Calvin asked. "They are because he stretches the truth a bit." Levi replied. "That's not good. I hope it doesn't backfire on him." Preston said. I was sitting between Sarah and Levi.

"Yeah. Hey, look, guys, it's Mary, my biggest fan," Levi said, noticing Mary. "Hmm." Sarah said. "Hey, Mary." Levi greeted. She turned around and waved at him. "There he is. There's Redbot." A girl said. Redbot showed up with Victor and Monty by his side. "No way. He really is a robot." A boy stated. Hayley soon joined us as she sat down next to Calvin.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Redbot, and welcome to my book launch. I'm so excited to give you all a free copy of—Huh?" Redbot said as some guy interrupted him. I assumed it was the publisher. "I've just been told that the books haven't arrived yet. I'm very sorry. I can't imagine what the holdup is." Redbot said. Mick came in between Sarah and I as I flinched when he started speaking. "Guys. I've detected buzz-cams in the city." Mick stated. "We'd better go check it out." Hayley whispered. All of us nodded as we got up.

"So, while we wait, perhaps I could tell you a story, one that's not in the book." Redbot was saying as all of us left. We all arrived morphed. "Hey. That's the truck that's carrying Redbot's books." Brody said. "No way that's a coincidence." Calvin stated. All of us began fighting the Basherbots. "You know what to do, guys." Brody said.

"Ninja Blast!" All of us shouted. "Rockstorm Blast!" Levi yelled. "Final Attack!" We all shouted. The Basherbots then disappeared. "Why would they attack Redbot's books?" Hayley asked. "Uh, I have a bad feeling about this." Preston said. "You and me both, Preston." I agreed. "We'd better get back to that book launch." Brody said as everyone else agreed.

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