Chapter Eight: Gold Rush.

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A/N: Levi is finally in! Enjoy the chapter!

EDITED ON JUNE 29TH, 2019 @ 7:44PM




"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Brody shouted. We realized that the Gold Ranger was gone. "Oh, man... gone again." Brody said. "Every time the monsters send someone down to catch the Gold Ranger, he takes them out—" Hayley started off. "And we miss him by a second!" Sarah finished. "Don't worry, guys. We'll find the Gold Ranger eventually." Calvin said.

We were all in line for Levi Weston meet and greet. I was dressed in a green button up shirt with black ripped up jeans. I was also wearing a cowboy hat. "I can't believe I'm actually going to meet Levi Weston in person!" Hayley exclaimed. Sarah nervously chuckled.

"He is so cute." Hayley said. Calvin turned away. "Don't worry, you're pretty cute too." Hayley told him. "Let's all just try to act natural, okay? I don't want to embarrass myself." Preston stated. "You do realize you have a cactus on your backside, don't you?" Brody asked. "That cactus is going to win me a backstage pass." Preston replied.

"What backstage pass?" Brody asked. "Levi is giving a backstage pass to his biggest fan, but you have to dress up to win! So—" Sarah replied as she chuckled. "I would give anything to get that backstage pass." Hayley said. "Anything." Sarah agreed. "You guys are crazy. I don't see what's so great about Levi Weston." Brody said. "Remember the rules when you talk to Levi, folks. No photos, no screaming, and no shaking his hand. He doesn't need any "fan germs" before his big tour." Tom said.

"Fan germs"? Seriously?" Brody asked. "Stop it." Preston whispered. "I see you didn't dress up." Tom said. "Well, I'm not really a fan." Brody told him. "Brody, just stop talking." I whispered as the others looked at him. "It's fine, Tom. Leave him be." Levi said. "Whatever you say, Mr. Weston." Tom said. That's when an explosion suddenly happened as Kudabots appeared. "We got trouble." Brody said. All of us began fighting the Kudabots. "The Gold Ranger better appear or I'll destroy everyone! I'll start with this cowboy!" Ripcon exclaimed.

Brody ended up saving Levi just in time. "Ninja Spin!" The rest of us ended up morphing as we fought the Kudabots once more. "Levi!" Tom shouted. He was carrying a briefcase as he bumped into Ripcon. The briefcase ended up being opened as the Gold Power Star was in it. Tom quickly picked it up and was about to leave when Ripcon stopped him.

"Ninja Blast!" We all shouted. "Curse you, Rangers!" Ripcon exclaimed. Tom ended up running away. We began fighting Ripcon. We were fighting Ripcon at the beach. Brody ended up ripping off Ripcon's horn. "My horn! That's impossible!" He exclaimed. "Not so tough now, are you?" Preston asked. "Poor little Ripcon. Are they getting stronger? Or are you getting weaker?" Madame Odius asked. "I'm just toying with them until—" Ripcon started to say.

"Enough! Galvanax says you must capture that Gold Ranger! He's obsessed with discovering the traitor who hid him." Madame Odius interrupted as both she and Ripcon disappeared. "Ripcon's after the Gold Ranger." Brody said. "How do we warn him?" Sarah asked. "We don't even know who he is." Calvin added. All of us were in our Ninja outfits as we took down the Kudabots who were guarding one by one. "That's all of them, let's go." Hayley said. "Ripcon!" Hayley shouted. "Oh! Power Rangers. Perfect." Ripcon said. Brody ended up joining us.

"So glad you could join the party." Ripcon said. "He's got the Gold Ninja Power Star!" Preston exclaimed. "And the Gold Ranger!" Ripcon added. "Levi Weston's manager is the Gold Ranger?" Brody questioned. "That's right! And when I'm done with you, I'll have all seven Power Stars." Ripcon replied. "Don't count on it. It's Morphin' Time! Power Stars!" Brody shouted.

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