Chapter Nineteen: Helping Hand.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Only one more chapter to go! Enjoy!





ALL OF US WERE IN shop class. I was wearing a gray hoodie with a green shirt underneath. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to be rich. This is our metal magnet, entitled the "Mighty Mag."" Victor said. "It can find and retrieve any kind of metal." Monty added. "We're going to use it to find hidden treasures." Victor said.

"Uh, it can detect and attract metal?" Mick asked. "Uh-huh." Victor replied. "Okay. Uh, how does that work?" Mick asked. "Well, Mr. M., we'll show you on this hubcap." Victor replied. "Hubcap, hubcap, hubcap." Monty said, imitating an echo. Monty moved everyone away. The metal ended up being attached to their magnet.

All of us clapped. "I can't believe this." Calvin said. "That was actually impressive." Hayley stated. "Are we geniuses or what?" Victor asked. "You're right. That is pretty impressive." Mick replied. That's when the magnet started going again. "Uh, watch out, guys." Sarah said. I took Levi's hand as we all stepped aside.

Multiple metals started heading towards Victor and Monty as everyone ducked. "Ouchie!" Monty said. "Victor? Monty? Are you okay?" Sarah asked. Victor and Monty appeared from the metal. "You see it worked like a dream!" Victor stated. We all chuckled. "More like a nightmare." Monty corrected. They both went back into the metal.

"So... did anyone else do a project for extra credit? Sarah?" Mick asked. "Uh..." Sarah replied. "Yes! Hi!" Avery, Sarah's mom, exclaimed. "Mom." Sarah said as she rushed over to her to talk to her. Her mom finally came over. "Hi." Avery said to Mick and the group.

"Sarah designed the battery, and I made the charger." Avery continued as she cleared her throat. "Help me." Sarah said to us. "It's already charged. I'm gonna personally show you how well her hoverboard works right now. We're gonna get that extra credit, sweetie." Avery said as Sarah came to join us.

"Hope it goes well." Mick commented. Avery placed the battery in. "In goes the battery." Avery said as the hoverboard started up. "Hold onto your hats, everyone. And away I go!" Avery said as the hoverboard flew out from under her. Brody caught her from falling.

We all ducked as the hoverboard went flying until it finally stopped. "Oh! My board!" Sarah exclaimed. "How did that happen?" Avery questioned. We saw that her hoverboard was messed up as her mom joined her. We all went to join them. "I don't want your help, Mom. Why do you always have to jump into the middle of things?" Sarah asked. "Sarah." Avery said.

We were all in the base. The alarm started beeping. "Suffering circuits. I'm detecting buzzcams at the stadium." Redbot said. "We're on it. Let's go." Brody said. "You got this, Rangers." Redbot told us as we headed out of the base. "Hold it right there!" Brody shouted.

"Rangers. Ready for defeat?" Forcefear asked. "We're always ready. Ready to kick butt!" Brody replied. "Bring it." Forcefear challenged. "It's Morphin' time." Brody said. "Power Stars, lock in. Ready. Ninja Spin!" We all shouted as we morphed. Brody got into the Lion Fire armor.

"Ninja Rangers fear no danger." We all yelled. "Levi, Preston, Trent, you take Forcefear." Brody said. "You got it." Levi replied. Everyone else were fighting the Basherbots while Levi, Preston, and I fought Forcefear. "Ally-oop!" Preston said as he kicked off from Levi's hand.

"Get 'em, Presto!" Levi said. "Your turn, Levi, Trent." Preston stated as Levi and I used his shoulders to launch. "Rockstorm Slash!" Levi shouted. "Poison Strike!" I shouted as well. Forcefear blocked both of our attacks. "That tickled!" He exclaimed. "Together!" Preston said. "Three of you isn't enough." Forcefear said. "How about four?" Brody asked as he attacked Forcefear.

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