Chapter One: Meeting Green, Part 1.

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A/N: Here is the first chapter!! Enjoy!

EDITED ON JULY 28TH, 2018 @ 7:21PM




I WALKED THROUGH THE FOREST trying to get to school. "I hate walking to school." I groaned in my head. I scolded myself. Suddenly, something fell out of the sky. I dodged it before it hit me. It looked like some sort of prism. Inside the prism, there were two Ninja Power Stars. One was green and the other one was gold. I was just about to grab it, footsteps came from behind me. "Don't touch that!" I turned around to see and ugly monster behind me. "Who or may I ask, what are you?" I asked, not knowing what he was.

"My name is Ripcon, I'm suprised you don't remember me." Ripcon said. I began fighting Ripcon. After what seemed like forever, Ripcon finally landed on the ground. I ran up towards the Ninja Prism. I put my hand in the Prism and grabbed the Green Ninja Power Star. Ripcon got back up. I put the Ninja Star over my right shoulder and a morpher came.

"It's morphing time!" I shouted. "Power Star lock in!" I continued as I put the Green Ninja Power Star in my morpher. "Ninja Spin!" I shouted as I morphed into the Green Ranger. I fought Ripcon and ended up defeating him. I demorphed and checked the time. "Dang it! I'm late on my first day!" I said. I put the Green Ninja Power Star in my back pocket and started running.

I finally arrived at Summer Cove High School out of breath. I entered the school and saw that the hallways were empty. "Everyone is in class." I thought. I went to the principals office. "How may I help you?" The principal asked. "Yeah. My name is Trent Evans and I'm a new student here. I'm super late because I got caught up in something." I explained. The principal nodded. "All right. Here is your schedule." The principal said. I took it and headed out of the office. I walked into my first class to find everyone staring at me. "May I help you?" The teacher said, turning to me. "Yeah, I'm the new student. I'm late cause I got caught up in something." I explained.

"All right, take a seat." The teacher said. I looked around for a free seat and saw an empty seat across from a guy wearing a red shirt. "Class, we have a new student. Would you introduce yourself please?" The teacher asked. I stood up. "I'm Trent an—" I started to say. "Okay moving on." The teacher interrupted me. I sighed and sat down. Class was finally over and I headed out of classroom. "Hey, Trent!" I heard someone say. I turned around to see the guy with the red shirt and four other people behind him. "Hey, Brody right?" I asked, remembering that I heard his name in class. Brody nodded.

"This is Preston, Calvin, Sarah, and Hayley." Brody introduced the four people standing behind him. "Nice to meet you all." I said. "Trent, why don't you hang out with us sometime?" Brody suggested. I smiled. "I would like that." I answered. That when something beeped. "Sorry, Trent. We gotta go." Brody said as the five of them headed out. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to follow them." I think to myself as I followed them. I hid behind a wall and peeked. "There you are Rangers!" The monster said. "It's morphing time!" Brody shouted as all five of them got out Ninja Power Stars.

"Power Star lock in!" They shouted as they put their Power Star in their morpher. "Ninja Spin!" They finished. I saw Brody morph into the Red Ranger. "Power Rangers? Maybe I could help them out somehow" I think to myself. I watch them fighting the monster. "It's over Power Rangers!" The monster shouted. I got out the Green Ninja Power Star. "It's morphing time!" I shouted as a morpher appeared. "Power Star lock in!" I continued. "Ninja Spin!" I shouted as I morphed. "Leave them alone!" I shouted and attacked the monster. "Huh?" Calvin said. "A Green Ranger?" Preston added. "Another Ranger?" The monster said.

I began fighting the monster. "Another Ranger makes no difference, I'll destroy you too!" The monster exclaimed. "I'll make you eat those words!" I shouted as I began fighting him. I could feel Brody and the others watching me. I finally ended up defeating the monster. Everyone rushed up to me and congratulated me. But that's when the monster ended up growing. "We'll take it from here!" Brody told me as they got into their Zords and created their Megazord. "Guess this is my cue to leave..." I thought. I went behind a wall and demorphed. I continued watching behind the wall. They finally defeated the monster once again and got back down on the ground. "Hey, where's the Green Ranger?" Preston asked.

"He just left. We never found out who he was." Calvin added. I took a deep breath. "Hey, guys. What are you doing here?" I asked as I came out of my hiding spot. "Trent! How long have you been standing there?" Brody asked. "I just got here." I lied. "So you mean you didn't a giant monster just now?" Hayley asked. I pretended that I didn't know what they were talking about. "What monster?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. All five of them sighed in relief. "Never mind about a monster. So how about all of us hang out together?" Calvin asked. "That sounds great." I commented as I followed them.

"I have no clue what I've gotten myself into, but I know that ever since I arrived, I feel like I've known Brody before..."


A/N: I know the first chapter took forever! School and homework are mean. Hope you enjoyed.

Word Count: 987 words.

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