Peter Parker|Partners

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Peter, my boo 😍⤴HES SO CUTE
Got any ideas for more Peter Parker imagines?


Y/N is the new girl in her school. She only has one friend in this new school, but this friend happens to be the complete opposite of her.

Her friend is an extrovert, outgoing, talks to everybody, and she loves parties. Y/N always reminds herself that they have been friends since they learned how to talk, and her friend was not like that before. Nevertheless, they stay friends. Even if they drift apart from each other.

After a few months of school, Y/N had gotten the hang of where to go for classes and how long the breaks were.

One day, she walked into her science class and saw something on the white board. Something she absolutely dreaded. "New seating arrangement plans" "Partner project coming up"

Crap, Y/N thought. Whyyy!

The teacher started calling everyone's names for the new seating arrangement.

"Liz next to Flash at table 7. Michelle next to Ned at table 8. Peter and Y/N at table 9..." The teacher read from her diagram.

Y/N walked to table nine with her books, sighing softly. A cute and quiet boy comes and sits next to her. So this is Peter? He seems kinda like a... A Thomas. Maybe a Tom? Hm, whatever. She thought.

The teacher started explaining what the new project was.
"For this project you will make a presentation about an animal of your interest. There will be no two groups with the same animal, so write it down on the board before it's too late. Your partners for this project are going to be your seating partners. Let's get to it!"

Y/N was glancing at Peter while he was writing something down. She really wanted to feel his hair. It looked so soft. Was that creepy?

There hasn't been anyone in this school that really interested Y/N. The jocks were a-holes. Well, most of the hot guys take advantage of their hot-ness to be an a-hole, anyway. But there was something about Peter. His quietness? She couldn't tell what it was about him that made her want to know him more.

Peter turned his head to face Y/N.
"Uh, hey. I'm Peter Parker. Do you have any ideas for the project?"

"Hi Peter partner. My names Y/N, by the way. I was thinking like, spiders or something because that's the least likely to be chosen."

"I was gonna say spiders too! Alright, well Y/N, let's get started."

The end of the school day

Peter was walking down the hall after the school bell rang. He was almost out of the school doors when he saw Y/N with her new friend Michelle. He speed walked to her, tapped her on the arm hesitantly and asked:
"Um, hey, Y/N. Do you wanna come to my place tonight to work on the project?"

"Hey, Peter! Uh, yeah sure. I'll just call my parents. I'll meet you near the buses."

Peter went to where all the buses parked, as instructed. Peter was blushing, and he was thinking about having a girl at his house. For, like, the third time in his life. Why am I blushing? I can't like her, can I? Nah, she's not my type...maybe. Oh c'mon Peter, chill!

Y/N walked over to where Peter was waiting. "Let's go!" He said.

Y/N and Peter worked for hours trying to finish their project, even though it was due in a week and a half.

After they had finished, Peter walked her to her house, because it was only about a block away. When he returned, aunt May waited at the door, smiling.

Peter was confused, so he asked her why she was smiling.

" like that girl, don't you? What's her name again? Y/N, right? She's really sweet."

"May, I do not like her like that. She's a good partner, and friend I guess."

"Peter, I know you better than this. The way you act around her is different than with any other person you hang out with!"

"Pshshh, no! We're just friends." Peter said, blood rushing to his cheeks.

At Y/N's house

After Y/N came home, she went straight to her room, tossed her backpack on the ground, and jumped on her bed. She was as red as a tomato. 'Psh I don't like Peter. Ugh. Yes I do. I can't hide it!'

The next weekend

Peter went to Y/N's house to add some final adjustments to their science project. It started to get quiet, and they could feel the tension in the room.

"Y/N, I need to tell you something. I don't know why I didn't say this before but I... I like you. And it was probably pretty obvious but yes. I like you."

"Uh, I, I like you too Peter. I have for a while now."

"Uh...umm...w-will you go out with me?"


When it was time to leave, Y/N offered to walk him home as well, to return the favor. They reached Peter's doorstep, and they hugged. Before Y/N turned to walk back home, Peter kissed Y/N on the lips.

When they both went their separate ways, the two teens were smiling so hard their cheeks started hurting.


Thoughts? Also, the ending is awkward af, kinda like me lol🤓

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