Peter Parker|Sister

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This was requested by someone and I forgot to write the user down so if u requested it, message me if u want to be tagged on this chapter
This one's a little longer than usual but I try not to make them too long and boring lol


Y/N Parker was a shy person, just like her brother, Peter. She was only a year younger than him, but sometimes they would fight like five year olds. Now they were 15 and 14 years old, and they both went to Midtown School of Science and technology.

Even though Y/N has her own friends at school, sometimes she'd hang out with her older brother and Ned. She'd usually just ask them to help her with her homework, because they had learned that the previous year.

Peter had become a little distant lately, because of this Stark internship. Y/N didn't mind it that much, considering her brother is working with the Tony Stark.

Y/N went to her locker after third period to switch her books, and Peter came up to her.

"Hey, Y/N. May is gonna pick you up after school, alright? So don't take the bus." He informed her. She nodded but asked some questions out of curiosity.

"Are you going to that Stark internship again? When will you be back? You gotta tell me something Pete. I'm your sister"

"I know, I know. Yes, it is for the internship, I'm not sure when I'll be back. And I'll tell you eventually what we do during the internship, I-i just can't now."

Later in the afternoon

Y/N waited at the schools parking lot for aunt May. She pulled up in her car and Y/N smiled, finally getting to go home after a long day.

May needed to run some errands, so she dropped Y/N off at the apartment building and left. Y/N walked into the apartment, assuming Peter wasn't home yet, and plopped onto the couch and watched some TV. After a few episodes, she finally stood up, looking around for food. She decided on a bowl of ice cream and went back to the couch again, enjoying her snack.

Y/N finished her bowl of ice cream and went to the kitchen again, rinsing her bowl and putting it in the dishwasher. It had started to get chilly, because the windows in the apartment were open, because she just ate a bowl of ice cream, and because Y/N was just wearing a T-shirt, even though she almost always wore a hoodie on top. She was generally just a person who gets cold easily.

Y/N searched her room for a hoodie but couldn't find any, so she went into Peter's room. She was sure he wouldn't mind. She took his sweatshirts before. She opened the door to her brother's room and went into his closet. Peter, when do you not have any hoodies in your closet. Oh right, at this moment. Come on.

Y/N turned around a couple times before spotting Peter's Midtown High shirt on his bed. She smiled and hopped on his bed, putting the sweatshirt over her t-shirt. She never really realized how comfortable her older brothers bed was.

Wait, what's this? She saw the corner of a familiar looking blanket. She tossed Peter's comforter to the side to get a better look at this particular blanket, and she realized it was the blanket her best friend had given her for Christmas a few years back. So that's where it went. Dammit Peter, stop taking my things!

Y/N grabbed the stolen blanket that was rightfully hers and wrapped herself like a burrito. After a while of almost dozing off on top of Peter's bed, Y/N decided that she should leave his room before he came home. She got up and made his bed nicely so Peter wouldn't notice that she took her blanket back, and yawned, closing her eyes. She turned around towards the door to exit her brother's room.

Y/N opened up her eyes after a long yawn and was shocked at the sight of her brother. Climbing down from the ceiling. In a Spiderman suit. Peter turned around and was shocked at the sight of his little sister in his room.

"Holy sh-" Y/N said, getting cut off by Peter shutting the door.

"Y/N, I thought you were with aunt May!?"

"And I thought you were at the Stark internship!"

"I was. Well, kinda. It's a long story. I'll tell you later but why are you in my room?"

"I think that my big brother being Spiderman is more important than me being in his room looking for a hoodie and finding my blanket. Peter, you can get yourself killed! And if you die, and May will kill you dead! And then she'll be proud that you died a hero, but depressed because we've already lost too many people in this family and she can't bear to lose another"

"Aunt May will kill you dead" Peter imitated an annoying voice, mimicking his sister, "but fiiine. I'll explain what this is about"

"Shut the hell up." She muttered, "but you better explain to me. I pinky promise that I won't tell May," She held out her pinky finger but Peter was changing out of his suit and putting a shirt on. Y/N never realized that her brother had lots of muscle. It seemed like only yesterday he was just skin and bone.

"Peter, do your muscles come with the spider package?" She said giggling.

A couple hours later

It was now 10pm, and Y/N was still exhausted. Peter had explained everything while he and his sister ate some pizza. He also apologized for stealing her blanket, even though he didn't really mean it. It is super comfy. He had no regrets.

Aunt May came home later than usual, but she knew that her niece and nephew were smart enough and responsible enough to stay home alone, and they knew what to do in case danger is near. Also, Peter is Spiderman. Y/N had fallen asleep a bit before Peter went patrolling the city one last time before bed. He came in through the window and went up to the mirror in his room. He took off his mask and looked at himself in his Spidey suit and admired it, being satisfied that he saves lives everyday.

He forgot to shut the door, so as he looked at himself in the mirror Aunt May stood in the doorway in shock.
Peter realized she was standing there and his face immediately went from glad to shocked as well. May was speechless. All she could say was...

"What the fu-"

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