Peter Parker|Seriously?

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Added the pic above to this chapter (so credit to owner)
Idk what this imagine is, one night I was about to go to sleep and this idea popped into my head so...*shrugs shoulders*


Tony Stark had adopted Y/N when she was just a week old. Pepper and Tony were happy to raise Y/N and they were a happy family, until Pepper and Tony decided to take a break. Pepper left them, and now it was just the two of them. Not including Happy and the close Avengers. Now Y/N is fifteen, and she goes to the Midtown School of Science and technology, and she was the first in her class. Following close in second was Peter Parker, whom she has had a crush on for a few months now.

Y/N had a different last name for school. She goes by Y/N Y/L/N instead of Y/N Stark, just to blend in with the people at school. She was undercover, kind of. If anyone knew she was a Stark, she'd be bombarded with questions and people, and she did not want that. Because, ew, people.

Tony was working on a new design for the new crime fighter in Queens, and he asked his daughter to help, since she loved helping with projects like this.

"Hey, dad?" Y/N asked Tony.


"Do you know who this Spider-boy is? Like, did you meet him in person?"

"Yes, Y/N. I did. Well, once. And we gotta figure out what this suits gonna look like before I ask this spider guy to help, and maybe tag along for a mission."

"Well, if you know him, then can I meet him? Or at least know his name?"

"Not yet. This is classified stuff, Y/N"

Y/N sighs and continues to sketch some designs for the new high-tech Spidey suit. She also wrote down numerous different web shooter combinations for fun.

The next day

Y/N was sitting in chemistry class, two seats behind Peter. She glanced at him and saw his soft brown hair and his probably super comfy sweater, and daydreamed about how in an alternate reality she could be with him, and take his sweaters and run her fingers through his hair and watch movies together and—

"Miss Y/L/N, you'll pair up with Mr. Parker. Ned, you'll be with Michelle." The teacher went on naming the teams, snapping Y/N out of her dreams. Me? And Peter? What the hell, seriously? Come on. Why? He's gonna see me blushing and staring at him and he's gonna think I'm creepy.

During the break between classes, Y/N hesitantly went up to Peter, who was talking with Ned.

"Um, hey Peter. So... For this project, uh, do you think I can come over tonight or tomorrow after school to work on it? It's either that or next week, I gotta help my dad with some stuff at home" she explained, trying not to mention any more of her dad.

"Uh, I don't know. I can probably do tonight, I mean, if that's ok with you. I got, the Stark internship tomorrow." Peter answered.

Y/N's eyes widened. The Stark internship? Seriously?

"The Stark internship? Like, with Tony Stark?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's awesome! Tony Stark is great"

After school, Y/N texted Tony saying that she was going to Peter's house for this project. They worked on it for a while, and then Ned came over to Peter's house as well. Y/N was curious about this 'Stark internship' so she asked some questions to Peter.

"So, about this internship thing. You actually get to see Tony Stark?"

"Yeah. He's really awesome. He gave me a sui- uh, a scholarship. As a reward for my work with him" Peter replied smiling.

Ok, Pete. I heard you almost say suit. Are you the Spiderman? No, Peter wouldn't be that guy.

"Ah. I see. He seems like a cool guy" Y/N said, sounding like she hadn't heard of Tony that much, even though she sees him every. single. day.

A phone started buzzing. Ned picked it up, realizing it was Peter's phone, and handed it to Peter.

"It's your dad, Tony Stark!" Ned said as a joke.

Y/N's eyes widened, realizing her dad was calling Peter. Really, dad. Now? Seriously? And, he's my dad.

Peter sighed. "Tony Stark isn't my dad! I feel like maybe he's more of a father figure, though."

Peter pressed answer and put his phone to his ear.

"Hey da-i mean hey mister Stark! How ya doin?" Peter said. During the phone call, Y/N blushed, rolled her eyes and giggled just thinking about how it was wierd that her crush just called her dad "dad".

After Peter hung up, Y/N mentioned that she should probably head home.

"So, do you live around here? I can walk you home if you want" Peter asked.

"Oh, no I don't live too close from here, actually. But...uh, my uncle is picking me up." She replied. She usually used the code name 'uncle' for when Happy picked her up.

When Tony was out on a mission, it was usually Happy or Pepper that was at the Avengers facility, AKA home. But sometimes some of the Avengers that weren't on a mission just hung out with Y/N. She loved it there.

Happy's car pulled up near Peter's place and Y/N got in the car, waving goodbye to Peter.

At home

Once they got to the Avengers building, Tony was waiting in the lobby for Y/N.

"So, Y/N, how would you feel if I adopted Peter Parker?" He asked.

"Daaaaad! Seriously? No!" She exclaimed, a little embarrassed.

"Ooh, someone's got a crush! And, Y/N you know I'm joking. I do like his aunt, though. She's very sweet. And Peter, ah. Such a bright kid. You have my approval to go out with him" Tony chuckled.

"I kinda regret telling you I had a crush on him..." She sighed.

"What if I told you that your beloved Peter boy is the spider boy? Well, the... the Spiderman."

"What? No! You're serious!? I knew it!" She exclaimed.

"Yep. You helped me design an awesome suit for your best bud."

The next week

It was lunch break. Ned went off to the bathroom, and Michelle was hanging out with her new friends. It was just Y/N and Peter sitting face-to-face. She smirked and decided to break the silence between them.

"So... Peter. How do you like that new Spidey suit? Cool, eh?"

Peter was shocked. "How did you? Who told you? Why do-?"

"I have an answer to all of your questions, but don't tell anyone. Okay?"

Peter nods his head and Y/N continues.

"I am Tony Starks daughter. I helped him design the suit, and added most of the cool web combos. You're welcome."

"Holy crap! You're Tony's daughter?"

"Yep. I just use a different last name for school."

Peter grinned from ear to ear. My crush since last year is Tony Starks daughter? WOAH.
"Seriously? And yeah, the suits awesome! Thank you! Holy crap, you live with Tony. So you know that I come over every once in a while?"

"Peter, of course I do."


Edit: thx for 4.5k!

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