Peter Parker|Too Good

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K so I found this somewhere on Instagram (cr to owner) and I was like WOAHH I gotta make an imagine out of this so here it is


Y/N's parents were divorced, so her and her parents decided it would be best to live with her uncle Tony Stark for a while. She loved living in the Stark tower, and now at the Avengers building. She was home schooled, but she didn't mind it at all. Tony had assigned her to check up on the Spiderman suit he had built, and to her it was a big privilege to survey a superhero. She just checked whenever she wanted to make sure Spiderman didn't get himself killed. Her uncle had set up the training wheels and baby monitor protocol for Peter Parker's sake.

Peter did come to the tower often, and he and Y/N started to become good friends. Sometimes Y/N would go to his house, but since she was home schooled, she just told his aunt May that she was also in the Stark internship. Y/N also met Ned, and the three became best buddies.

Y/N invited Ned and Peter to the Avengers facility, but Peter had Spidey duties. Ned came anyway.

"Um, the training wheels protocol is off? Did my uncle turn it off? He wasn't supposed to for a while." She muttered to herself. Ned decided to tell her the truth.

"Well...I did. And Peter took the tracker out."

"I knew it. At least the baby monitor protocol is still there. Don't tell Peter, but my uncle knew that would happen... so he put another tracker somewhere else in his suit."

"Okay... But, the... Baby monitor? Did Tony name it?" Ned questions, giggling.

"Yep. It was all his idea." Y/N replied, smiling.

"Well, can we see what's on it?" Ned asked curiously.

Y/N tapped into her computer, logging into the footage from Peters mask. She finds a clip of Peter with his mask on, in front of a mirror. She and Ned watched it out of curiosity.

"Hey everyone! Kick ass party! Hey Liz, Peter told me alot about you..." Peter went on, while Y/N and Ned laughed at the clip. Y/N skipped to later and found another video of him in front of the mirror.

"It is I, Thor, son of Odin!" Peter exclaimed, on his most Asgardian accent. Ned and Y/N laughed even harder at Peter's impressions.

After they calmed down, Ned had a question. An important question.

"Hey, Y/N, do you think Peter can actually lift Thor's hammer? Like, he's a good person. He's got to be able to!"

Y/N thought about it for a few seconds.

"Hmm. I never thought about that, Ned. I can ask Thor, he comes back for a visit in a couple days. You should come back next weekend and I'll tell you everything I'll ask him."

The next weekend

Ned went over to the Avengers place again. Y/N greeted him at the lobby, eager to tell him what she learned.

"Ned! Okay so Thor visited. I asked him some questions, but I also did some research."

"Okay, whatchu got?" He asked.

She began explaining things.

"So I asked Thor who could lift the hammer. He said: 'He who be worthy of the Mjolnir are warriors. Those who kill for the greater good and are still good people at the core. Your midgardian friend can only lift the hammer if he be worthy'" she said in a low voice, doing an impression of Thor.

"So Peter can lift it? Continue." Ned said, wanting more information.

"I did more research and Pete can't lift the hammer." Y/N replied with a sad tone in her voice.

"Why not? He's a good person at the core"

"I know. But he isn't willing to kill for the greater good. He isn't willing to kill anyone. He's too good and pure and the Mjolnir only chooses warriors. But that's what I love about him. That he's too good." Y/N explained.

Ned stood there speechless. His best friend was so good and nice that even Thor's mighty hammer can't accept it.

"Wait, you love Peter?"

Y/N widened her eyes, realizing that she had mentioned her feelings towards Peter out loud. She could feel her cheeks turning red.

"Don't tell Peter, please" she said in a quieter voice, as if someone else was listening. Ned nodded and gave her a smile.

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