Peter Parker|Halloween

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I got the Spidey onsie for my birthday which was yesterday and Omg it's so soft
And I got this idea from Pinterest don't attack me lol
[Y/C=your costume]
*Takes place before anyone (except Tony Stark-because of the Spidey suit) knows that Peter is Spiderman


It was halfway through September. Just a couple of weeks had passed since the beginning of the school year. Y/N was sitting with Peter and Ned, with Michelle a few seats away.

"Hey, Peter? Ned? I know we're fifteen and kinda old for this, but we should dress up for Halloween." Y/N suggested, breaking the silence.

"Hmm. I dunno." Ned replied.

"Aw, c'mon guys! It'll be fun! Do you wanna join, Michelle?" Y/N asked. Michelle looked over and shrugged her shoulders, giving a look that said 'I don't know, why not?'

Peter studied Y/N's as she looked over at Michelle. She's so cute. Stop blushing, Peter. Stop. Oh god, she's gonna think you're obsessed with her or something.

"That does sound fun. It's just one night. How about, we get dressed up and we all meet at my place the walk around the city?" Peter replied. Y/N nodded happily to his suggestion and started thinking about what costume she'd use.

October 31, 5pm

Peter had gotten his costume. It was a rejected Spiderman suit that he never really ended up using. Ned dressed up in a big cloak like Obi Wan Kenobi in star wars. Michelle ended up coming, and she was dressed up as...well, herself. Y/N finally arrived in a Y/C costume, and the four friends were off to walk around.

"Peter, you're dressed up as Spiderman, right? Because it's slightly inaccurate to the actual one he wears" Ned asked, curiously.

"Psftt, of course I am! Does it not look like the friendly neighborhood Spiderman?" Peter replied, confused with what Ned was trying to ask.

"Well, I mean maybe it's a different version of the suit, because it's not exactly like the one Spidey uses." Y/N said, trying to (kind of) defend Peter. After all, over time she started to develop a crush on him.

"Exactly! Y/N gets it! I-its just a different version of the suit." Peter stuttered, mentioning Y/N's name. He put the mask on so no one could see him blush.

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