Peter Parker|Instagram

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Yes, the second pic is my edit (so creds to me haha) and yes, that girl there is me so I blurred my face [just imagine ur face is in the little "insert face here" thing.]


Y/N and Peter have been friends for 3 years. Y/N had always bugged Peter into getting some kind of social media, and finally, Peter decided to get instagram. Only Peter's closest friends, Y/N and Ned knew that Peter was Spiderman, so Peter warned them that if any of the two mentioned Spiderman on the internet, bad things can, and will happen.

Basically everyone who was close to Peter and Y/N shipped them since they were always hanging out, because they were best friends, after all.

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Y/N: Peter got mad at the little photo shoot I was having with him 😂 pls don't attack me Pete 🙄
Tagged: @peterparker

peterparker: why did you post this? And no, I won't attack you, you're too cute to be attacked 😂😘

Y/N: because you're cute when ur angry @peterparker and, did you just call me cute?

MJ: what's that in the distance? Do I hear a ship about to sail? I shall be the captain of this ship

Lizzz: ah yes, the ship shall sail ^^^
And yes, @peterparker, you are cute when ur mad

Y/N: @lizzz umm I'm gonna freakin blow up this ship before it sets sail 😒😑



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peterparker: I love when she talks to me about star wars
Tagged: @Y/N

MJ: aw look at Peter low-key looking at Y/N like she's a goddess

Y/N: @MJ that is because I am a goddess 😏😏😏

Lizzz: @Y/N why didn't you invite me there? I'm all alone because Michelle won't get out of her house @MJ

MJ: @Lizzz maybe she didn't invite you because she's too busy hanging out with Mr. Im-very-good-at-being-subtle @peterparker

Lizzz: ooh, the ship shall sail @peterparker @Y/N

peterparker: stopppp we're just friends Liz, gimme a break

MJ: I can sense the lies from here, Pete.

Flashthebest: aww penis Parker has a crush 😏😏😏😏

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