Tom Holland|Not normal pt.2

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"...what the fuck is happening?" I opened my mouth in shock. I saw 6 boys sitting in a circle on the ground, one of the guys being...Tom. This is not normal. They all looked at me as shocked as I was. I heard someone whisper 'she wasn't supposed to be awake', and that's when I knew that I shouldn't be here.

My mouth was still open. I didn't now what to say, or how to react. I started to step back slowly out of the door way. Tom got up and started walking towards me with an 'I'm sorry let me get you outta here' kind of expression.

I was still speechless. All that I could say was "No."

Tom furrowed his brows and tried talking to me.

"Y/N, it's not what it looks's project for my brothers."

"No. It's exactly what it looks like. You're performing a ritual. And you need someone's blood to do it! What now, you're gonna sacrifice me to the Gods so they won't kill you?"

Tom knew that I knew what was going on, even before I told him. He knew that I liked learning history, and I did my research on Aztecs and all those ancient tribes that have done human sacrifices ans rituals. I was going down the stairs quickly, grabbing my coat.

"Y/N! You're not safe anymore...they've got your blood already. Come with me!" Tom whispered loud enough for me to hear. By now that other boys were walking downstairs slowly.

I put my coat on and opened the door, and started jogging. I wasn't sure where, but I needed to get away. I heard footsteps behind me, and I knew Tom was trying to follow me, to "help" me.

I'm not safe here. I kept on running. I ended up behind Tom's house. I've been here so many times before, so I know that there's a window that leads to the basement. I kneeled down and tried to open the window with shaky hands. I was stressed, I was being chased, I was high on adrenaline. I finally got the window opened and I rolled inside.

Once I closed the window, I went to the furnace room and sighed in relief. But I sat there. In the dark. In fear.

I didn't have any concept of time. I don't usually wear s watch, and someone took my phone while I was sleeping. Shit.

Harry's POV

I need to chase Tom's girlfriend. We knows what we do. We either use her to complete to gift to the Gods or she goes and summons some Satan spawn or some shit. You can't just call the police for this.

I was running around the backyard and I noticed that the basement window was opened. Tom picked a smart lil girl.

I climbed into the basement and looked around for traces of that little shit. Then I noticed that there was mud everywhere on the ground, that led a path to the furnace room. I smirked and walked towards the door quietly.

I opened the door briskly and saw a fragile little Y/N sitting in the corner. I was about to grab her feet and drag her out of there but I didn't pay attention to the shovel...


I hit Harry. In the head. With a shovel.  What the hell? I found the shovel in the corner...and Harry was chasing me so I guess it was the best thing to do?

I ran out of the house as fast as I could. This is a crazy fricken house.

I was outside again and I saw Tom. I started to run again but he was yelling something at me.

"Y/N! Please help me! We need one sacrifice before sun up or the Gods will, uh...punish us..."

I stopped walking away and turned around to face the boy I once loved.

"No. Fuck you, Tom. First you ask me out at an ice cream parlour, you act sweet to me, you pretend that you love me, you bring me to your "normal" family's house, you put sleeping pills in my food, you take my blood, and you're in a cult? It's not even for the Gods anymore, Tom. You are literally in a cult. For the devil. You're stupid fucking brothers dragged you into this and now it's your problem. Goodbye, Thomas." I said. I was filled with so much emotion, I couldn't even identify what I was feeling. Betrayal, anger, sadness, anxiousness...I just needed to get out of here.

I ran to a park I used to go to with Tom when we first started dating. I climbed on top of a large tree and sat on a sturdy branch while leaning my back on the trunk.

Tom's POV

Fuck. Shit. Mothershitter. What the Mcfuck. If we don't complete whatever my brothers started, the whole town can be doomed.

I needed to find the one person who had the idea to start all this. Vincent. I'm sure he's still looking for Y/N. And I wished I wouldn't have taken her here.

I ran back to my house to get Vincent. I ran up the stairs ignoring my aching feet from all that running. I went straight to the twins' room and looked at the floor. Then at the window. We don't have enough time.

The sun was starting to rise and the bowl was still sitting there. Some light was coming from this fuckin bowl. Shit. This is the end. And it's all my fault.


This is T R A S H

1. merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
2.I realized that I suck at writing Supernatural shit like this
3.its supposed to be based off the movie "The babysitter" (the Netflix original lol) and a bit of "cabin in the woods" but uhh idk haha

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