Peter Parker|Too good pt.2

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Hey guys, after 8391 years, I finally got to writing the part 2 for this
And the people tagged are the ones who asked for a pt 2, sorry for taking so long to update Comicbook_girl2 Weasleypotter9


A week after "Too good pt.1"

Peter and Ned went over to the Avengers building....Y/Ns home to hang out. And so Y/N could get her uncle, The Tony Stark, to help the boys with a robotics project.

"I'm really sorry I couldn't come last week, Y/N. I-I've just been busy with all the friendly neighbourhood spiderm-" Peter said to Y/N, but was cut off with her saying,
"Pete, you don't need to apologize. It's just one time, and besides, you spend your time saving the city and doing homework. And the rest of the time with either me, Ned or aunt May. But don't be too hard on yourself, Peter."

Peter nodded slowly, but changed the subject and asked where Tony was. But Tony was out for a bit with Mr. Rogers, aka Captain freakin America. Except without the freakin.

A few Avengers were still hanging out in he building, so Ned, Peter and Y/N decided to see what they were up to.

Y/N knew the place like the back of her hand. She strolled around the building with the boys following close behind. They made it to the large kitchen, where Wanda was sitting and drinking some tea and Vision was making some sort of soup.

"Hey guys! Vis, I didn't know you could cook!? That awesome!" Y/N said to the superhumans.

"Oh, I do try, Y/N. It is quite amusing to observe Wanda laugh at me attempting to make this." Vision replied while Wanda giggled. Y/N then said she'll see them later and went to another level. The three friends entered an elevator and Y/N showed the boys how it's done.

"FRIDAY, to floor 6 please." and FRIDAY replied,
"Floor 4, going to floor 6"
Y/N thanked FRIDAY and the AI said,
"My pleasure, Y/N."

Peter and Ned looked at each other, and then looked at Y/N.

"That was so cool! Woahh, that was awesome!" Peter exclaimed. Y/N smiled.

"Wait, why are we skipping the fifth floor?" Ned asked.

"Becaaauuuse those are the Avengers' rooms and living areas. My uncle said we're not allowed. And FRIDAY wouldn't permit it either. That's how my uncle programmed her." Y/N explained.

"Then where do you and Tony live? Or like where are your rooms?" Peter added.

"On the second highest floor. My uncle's in on the very top, though." Y/N said.

Peter and Ned nodded, and then the elevator beeped and opened. The sixth floor.

There was a big living room with a TV, a few sofas and seats, a big coffee table, and in the corner there was a mini bar for Tony and his friends.

Natasha was sitting on a sofa with a book in her hand, and Thor was looking out the large windows.

"Nat!" Y/N exclaimed. Natasha looked up from her book and smiled. She put the book on the table and got up to hug Y/N.

"Hi hun! It's been so long since I've seen you!" Nat exclaimed after the hug. Peter and Ned stood not far behind, being surprised that their friend is a close friend of basically all the Avengers.

Peter saw Thor and walked over to him.

"Oh my god, h-hi Thor!" Peter stuttered.

Thor turned around and smiled.

"Hello young midgardian!" he replied, looking at Peter who was smiling like a dork. Ned walked over to Peter and the Asgardian, because he wasn't sure what to do.

"So, I've had this question for a while. Has anyone ever lifted your hammer, not including you?" Peter asked. Thor looked at him for a bit, and then answered.

"Well, Cap- uh, nevermind. Nobody has lifted it except for the mighty Thor!"

Peter continued and asked if he could try for fun.

"Be my guest, young man!" Thor replied enthusiastically.

The fifteen year old walked over to where the Mjolnir was on the table.

"Ya ready Ned?" he asked. Ned nodded slowly and smiled, still having hope that Y/N was wrong and that Peter could lift the hammer.

The spiderboy's hands wrapped around the handle of the hammer and he started pulling upward.

"Peter-" Ned started.

"Wait, Ned, I felt it move! I think I got it!"

"Peter! You can't lift it, I'm sorry."

Peter let go of he hammer and looked at his best friend.

"W-what do you mean?"

" can't lift it because you're too good of a person. The Mjolnir accepts people who will kill for the greater good, and who are warriors. But you're a good person and that's why Y/N loves y- oh" Ned explained, cutting himself off when he realized what he said and when he saw Y/N staring at him.

Peter turned to Y/N with a faint tint of red on his cheeks.

"Y/ love me?"

Y/N turned a deep shade of red and looked at Ned with anger, but looked back at Peter.

"I, uh...well not love..." she tried to explain.

Peter walked over to her and opened his arms for a hug. Y/N wasn't sure how to respond so she hugged him, and he whispered in her ear,

"I love you too"

And Natasha and Thor stood there, watching this young love.


Sorry if this kinda sucked

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