Lucas Bennett|Worried

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Request from kadyiw
Tom did such a good job in The Impossible! I cried during that movie
*WARNING*If you don't like reading gory things, skip Y/N and Lucas's POV (basically skip everything in this font) if you do skip that part, make sure to read the small summary at the end with no gory stuff


"Mom, dad, please can I go? I've known them for so long!" Y/N asked her parents.

"Fine. But be responsible and listen to his parents." Her dad replied.

Y/N and Lucas have been friends since they were two years old. Lucas had finally asked her out last year on his 13th birthday. This year for Christmas, the Bennett family is going to Thailand. Y/N had begged her parents for weeks to go with her boyfriend, and her parents finally let her go.

Lucas's family loved having Y/N come celebrate Christmas with them. The day after Christmas day, Lucas and Y/N were playing in the pool with his little brothers, Simon and Thomas.
"Wait a second, I'm hungry. I'll be back in a bit." Y/N told Lucas. She went to get some chips and poured some in a bowl. She walked out to the pool again and she set down he bowl of chips on the table along with a glass of water.

She stopped for a second, looking at the glass of water. The water was moving, and she felt the ground shake a bit. She turned her head to where Lucas was in the pool. Y/N saw a giant wave crash through the trees that were bordering the hotel.
"LUCAS! RUN!" she yelled at him as he turned and ran as fast as he could to get out of the pool.

"Y/N! GO! RUUNN!" Lucas yelled back, trying to go as fast as he could, but it wasn't fast enough.

Then, darkness. The wave had hit Y/N, and everyone around her. She tried to swim up to the surface for air, but she kept getting hit by chairs and debris that were in the water. Once the water had calmed down slightly, Y/N gasped for air and tried to grab onto a tree. She held the tree as tight as she could trying to look for higher ground.

"Y/N! OVER HERE!"screamed Lucas, holding onto another tree, far away from Y/N. She had also spotted Lucas's mom, Maria, trying to swim to reach something that floats. Y/N tried to swim to Lucas as well, but the water was moving too fast still. She reached for the mattress that Maria has latched onto and held her hand. Y/N sighed of relief, knowing that at least Lucas and Maria were alive. She turned her head and saw a tree coming up, hitting the mattress and separating Y/N and Maria, and also losing sight of Lucas.

Ten minutes later

The last ten minutes had been hell. Y/N had been swimming around in water full of who-knows-what, being cut and scraped by wood and glass. She finally reached some high ground. Once she was out of the water, she felt her arms and legs stinging. She looked down and found that her arms and legs were all cut up and scraped, and slowly bleeding in some areas. Shit. Of course.

Y/N climbed a tree, being careful of her cuts. She reached a strong enough branch and sat down, tearing up. What if I never find them again? What if I end up dying here?

Suddenly, something catches her eye. Someone is driving around looking for people. Y/N climbs down as fast as she was able to and started waving her arms around.

"Hey! HELLO! HELP!" She yelled, getting the attention of the man driving. She managed to get a ride to the hospital with him and a few other people that were in the truck.

Lucas's POV

He had helped Maria find high ground. He didn't have any injuries, except for a scrape a on the back of his neck. Once they were out of the water, he looked away from his mother. He couldn't bear to see her injuries. Her shirt had been partially torn off and she had a big cut on her chest. She also had a piece of flesh cut and hanging from her calf, and she was bleeding badly. She grabbed a big leaf and some rope material she found near by, tying up the injury to prevent it from getting too infected and the slow down the bleeding.

Lucas and Maria climbed a tree as well, and she was groaning in pain. Lucas looked around to see if he could find Y/N. She's gone. Is she dead? We need to find help! And what happened to dad and Simon and Thomas?

They did find help. There was another man driving a truck, searching for survivers of the tsunami. Lucas and the man, as well as a few other strangers helped put Maria on a door, as a make shift stretcher, and put her in the back of the truck, making sure she was ok while they drove to the nearest hospital.

At the hospital

Y/N didn't need surgery, or an IV, or alot of special care. She just needed to disinfect and bandage her scrapes.
After a nice nurse took care of that, she walked around slowly, looking for any sign of Lucas or Maria, or Lucas's father and brothers. She shedded tears silently, looking at all of the people laying on gurneys, some severely injured, and some just needing some rest and a bit of care.

She walked up the stairs to the next floor, still searching for her boyfriend and his family. She went through the hallways full of people, the busy nurses and doctors speed walking to their patients.

Y/N sees a familiar figure running around. "Lucas?" She said, losing her voice from all of the previous yelling. The boy turned around and smiled, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Y/N! I was so worried about you!" Lucas exclaimed, running to his girlfriend and giving her a big hug. The two fourteen year olds sat on the ground, still hugging, and cried tears of joy, knowing that their best friend was alive and not severely hurt.

[Summary of Y/N and Lucas's POV for those who skipped it] ⤵⤵⤵

Y/N gets to higher ground and climbs a tree. She finds a man driving in a truck looking for survivers of the tsunami and she yells for help. She gets in the truck and goes to the nearest hospital, while worrying about Lucas and Maria, and still being scared of what happened to them after they got separated.

Lucas's POV
Maria and Lucas find higher ground and climb a tree as well, and Maria is in pain from her injuries. Lucas yells for help when he finds a [different] man searching for people who are alive and seeking help. They put Maria on a door as a make shift stretcher and go to the hospital. Lucas starts worrying about what happened to Y/N and his dad and brothers.


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