Peter Parker|New kid

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1. I apologize for not updating in so long. I didn't have the motivation and I missed like a week of school so I had tons of hw.
2. For the sake of this imagine, the new kid is Haz Osterfield
4.TYSM FOR 35K!!

Requested by Tom_Holand_Is_Bae


Y/N and Peter have been friends since fifth grade, when Y/N's family moved to Queens. Now they're in grade 10, slowly getting closer to the end of high school.

Peter has always had feelings for Y/N. What's not to love? She has a cute laugh, he loves it when her nose crunches up after he tells a lame joke, and she fangirls over the newest movies coming out. He would only wish that she could feel the same about him. She probably doesn't, which makes Peter's heart sink. But she loves spending time with him nevertheless.

It was the first day of 10th grade. Y/N sighed as she walked to her bus stop. The same bus stop she's had since 4th grade. She waited outside for a while until the bus turned  the corner and came to a stop. The doors of the school bus opened and she entered it, rushing to get a seat before the bus took off again. Y/N was one of the first people to get on the bus, the next person being her best friend, Peter Parker.

He entered the bus and sighed. He probably didn't get a lot of sleep last night. He looked up and saw Y/N and he smiled. Y/N was already sitting in their favourite seat, and Peter sat down. They started asking each other questions for a history test that they had first period.

Half an hour later, they arrived at school. They had a good twenty minutes before first period started, so Y/N and Peter met up with Ned and Michelle in the library. They studied some more and left the library a few minutes before the bell rang.

The bell rang and Peter and Y/N went to their history class.

"Before we start this quiz, we have a new student!" the teacher exclaimed, and the new student stood up from his seat.

"Uhh hey. I'm Chris Holland and I moved here from California." the new guy said, and sat down again.

Damn. He's cute. Y/N thought. Chris had beautiful pale blue eyes and blond-brown hair that looked super smooth.

Peter looked at the new kid and rolled his eyes. Another new kid? Our class is full already!

After the history test, the bell rang and they were on break for a few minutes before the next period. Y/N and Peter were walking down the hallway and comparing answers to the test they just took.

"...and then the French people attempted to attack the 13 colonies but then—" Y/N said, getting cut off by someone who bumped into her. She turned around to see the asshole that did it, and she met ocean blue eyes. Chris Holland.

"Oh-I'm sorry about that. Y/N, right?" He asked, making Y/N's cheeks turn pink. "Y-yeah." she replied, trying to act chill.

Peter stood behind Y/N and rolled his eyes. He and Y/N continued walking after the Chris incident and soon enough, the bell rang to gt ready to go to class.

"What class do we have next?" Y/N asked Peter as hey stopped at her locker.

"We have—uh...drama" Peter sighed. He wasn't the best at drama class. Y/N, on the other hand, liked it.

Everyone settled in before the bell rang. Peter sat beside Ned, and Y/N went to sit with her other friend.

"So when are you gonna confess your feelings to her?" Ned whispered to Pete.

"Uhh. Well, I-i don't know. I was thinking m-maybe during lunch."

"Unless you chicken out again." Ned smirked.

The door of the drama room opened and in came....Chris. He went up to the drama teacher and apologized for being a few minutes late. He gave the teacher a late slip and sat down near Y/N.

Ned noticed a drastic change of emotion on Peter's face once Chris walked in.

"You good?" Ned elbowed Peter. He just looked at Ned, looked at where Chris was sitting, and rolled his eyes.

"oh." Ned understood what Peter was trying to hint.

One week later

Y/N spent more time with Chris and showed him around the school. They became friends, which meant that Y/N was getting distant from Peter, and that Peter was getting jealous.

One day during lunch, Peter sat with Ned in their normal spots and Peter saw Y/N sitting at a table with Chris. Ned looked over at Peter.

"You gotta make your move soon, Peter. Or you're gonna miss your shot."

Peter just nodded, still looking at Y/N and Chris. Today's the day, Peter. He thought to himself.

He got up with an empty juice box in his hand and walked near Y/N's direction. Peter threw the juicebox in the recycling and walked over to Y/N, who was talking with Chris.

"Oh hey, Y/N! What'd you get on at Spanish exam?" Peter asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Hi Peter! I actually got 89%, so I'm pretty proud. How bout you?"

"90%. Ha!"

"Dammit, Pete. Oh, Chris, this is my best friend Peter. Peter, this is Chris."

Peter flashed a *fake* smile and looked over at Chris.

Chris looked at Y/N, she looked at Peter and Peter looked at Y/N. Chris leaned in for a kiss on Y/N's cheek, but she saw it coming from the facial expression Peter made. She turned her head to Chris and put her hand on his face, pushing him back. Peter started walking back to his seat. He lost his girl.

"What the hell, Christopher Avery Holland!?" Y/N whisper-yelled. He slapped his face gently, because she was too nice to give him a real slap.

Y/N got up and saw that Peter was walking away. She speed walked to catch up with him, and Chris was alone at the table.

"Peter! Peter wait!" Y/N called and reached for Peter's shoulder.

He turned around and it looked like he was about to cry.

"Peter I'm so- are you okay?" She pulled him into a hug and he hugged back.
"Do you want to talk about it? You know you can talk to me about anything. I love you and I'm there for you!" she said gently.

They pulled apart from the hug and Peter looked at her in the eyes.

"I-I was gonna ask you this for the longest time. I've liked you for years and never brought myself to say this but..I love you. And when I saw Chris about to kiss you I couldn't handle it. You're my best friend, well, best girl friend. But maybe today we can take out that space between us and you can become my girlfriend?"

Y/N giggled and nodded in excitement. She pulled him into another hug and he hugged her tighter, closing the space between them.

Then, Peter whispered in her ear:

"Chris's middle name is Avery?"

Y/N laughed and nodded. And he whispered one more thing in her ear.

"I love you"

She smiled and replied

"I love you too"

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