Peter Parker|Field trip

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Hello, sorry for not updating in a while
Requested by EmmzersStories

"Okay class, these forms need to be handed in by next Monday if you want to go to the Stark Industries." the science teacher said before the bell rang. Once it rang, everyone was out of the classroom faster than you could say holy shit Peter Parker is Spider-Man?!. Peter and Ned walked around in the hallways before the next bell rang for class.

"So, are you gonna go with us to the Stark Industries? Would Tony talk to you?" Ned asked. Peter continued walking, not sure what to reply.

"Mm, I don't know. Maybe he'll pretend I'm a normal student. Or I mean, what if he needs me there and I can't go? We'll I guess"

During the next class, history, Peter couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying. Nothing new about that, but he just really didn't listen to the teacher at all today.

After school, Peter took the metro (train?) home, like usual. He unlocked the door to his apartment and said "hey, May!" Like always, but aunt May wasn't at home. "May?" He asked again, but no reply. He walked into his room and May's room, but no aunt was to be seen. She's probably still at work, he thought. Peter went to the kitchen and opened the freezer, looking for a snack.

He grabbed an ice cream sandwich and then opened the fridge, getting some milk. He closed the fridge and tony stark was standing there, scaring the shit out of Peter.

"Holy moly what the heck!? M-Mr. Stark what are you doing here!? You made me drop my ice cream sandwich." Peter exclaimed, and proceeded to pick up the sandwich from the floor and cleaned up the mess.

"Your aunt is at her friend's house and should be back later tonight. Anyway, I heard you have a field trip at the Stark Industries soon. That's gonna be fun" tony said, getting straight to the point.

"How did you know that May.... How'd you know about the f—" Peter started, but tony interrupted him shortly after;

"Don't worry about it, kid. Anyway, I'll need you the day of the field trip."

Peter asked what he would do, and Tony said to just be 'sick' that day.

-the day of the field trip-

Ned texted Peter once he woke up to ask what he was doing. Peter asked aunt May if she could call the school to say he was sick, because of the internship.

Peter ended up going straight to the Stark Industries, being greeted by Pepper.

"Your class is coming in fifteen minutes, so you can go join them to make it less suspicious if you'd like" Pepper said, and Peter nodded and smiled.

Peter walked back to the entrance and waited for his class to arrive. He played on his phone and texted Ned, and then he heard people walk in.

"Hey! It's Penis Parker!" Flash exclaimed the moment he saw Peter. Peter sighed and looked for Ned, who was waving at him.

A moment later, Tony Stark walked into the lobby and took off his sunglasses dramatically.

"Welcome, to where it all happens. You already know me, anyway, let's take a stroll. Hiya Peter, how's your aunt?"

Peter looked at him, embarrassed, and Tony chuckled and said 'just kidding, but how've you been doing, kid?'. Peter smiled and replied, saying he was doing fine. The whole class looked at him in shock, and Flash's jaw dropped to the floor. He couldn't believe that Peter actually just spoke with THE Tony Stark like it was nothing.

"Come on class, move along!" The teacher exclaimed, and Peter was relieved.

Tony showed the class his lab. All the cool sciencey stuff, all the awesome tech, and a few older versions of the iron man suit. Everyone was amazed, and Peter was smiling, because he has already seen this stuff, and more.

"Hey Peter! Where are you going?" The teacher asked as she watched Peter trail off somewhere else.

Peter stood there for a second, trying to find an excuse.

"Uh-I-I gotta go to the bathroom"

The teacher nodded and let him go, and once she turned away, Peter ran as quick as he can to a different lab. Pepper was waiting there for him.

"Peter..Mr. Parker, you have three minutes to try this suit on before your teacher starts to suspect something." She said as she handed him a brand new spidey suit.

He looked at it in awe and jumped into the washroom to try it on. He opened the door quickly and showed Pepper.

"Wha- th-this is amazing! Can you ask Tony to add some.. headphones or something in it though? That'd be cool!" He exclaimed. Pepper assured him that she would tell Tony to add some built-in headphones and told him to hurry.

Once Peter ran, jogged, speed walked, and walked back to where his classmates were, he lowkey went to stand beside Ned and pretended that he casually just went to the washroom.

"Peter, you've seen this stuff before, but class, this is a new toy I'm working on. It's a ring that'll turn into a suit, using nanotech a friend showed me." Tony said, bring all the attention to him.
Everyone stood there and watched as he transformed a little ring into a suit. Peter was grinning, because he was the one who came up with the idea, which he got from a new friend in Wakanda; Shuri.

That day, all of Peter's classmates, yes, even Flash, thought he was the coolest kid for being buddies with Tony Stark.

(Sorry Idek what this imagine is)

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