Tom Holland|Prank wars pt.2

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This takes place two days after the last chapter, "Prank wars pt.1"
Btw I took the following pictures when I visited New York and it was an AMAZING trip! And yea, if you couldn't tell, I edited Tom in lmaoo
Whoops some of the pics that were vertical ended up horizontal


It had been a long day in New York city for Y/N, Harrison, and the cast of Spiderman: Homecoming. The premiere was the day before, and everyone was excited and kind of tired at the same time. Tom, Zendaya, Laura and Jacob were doing interviews and went to other places to promote their movie, while Y/N and Harrison tagged along and made funny instagram stories of themselves behind the cameras from the interviews. There were a few times where Harrison brought his fancy camera out and took candid pictures of Y/N walking around and shopping. She didn't mind it though, because Harrison's photography skills made up for the fact that she thought she wasn't very photogenic. (Same)

It was late in the afternoon, and everyone wanted to go to a restaurant. They decided on going to the Hard Rock Cafe to eat, and also because Tom wanted to see the wall of famous guitars. It was really busy that night, so all of the friends waited outside for a few minutes to get into the restaurant. Y/N decided to take some more pictures of the beautiful city.

 Y/N decided to take some more pictures of the beautiful city

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"God dammit, Tom! You ruined my picture! I had a perfect view of the sign!" Y/N muttered

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"God dammit, Tom! You ruined my picture! I had a perfect view of the sign!" Y/N muttered.

Tom started laughing, then he apologized.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I really am. But, I am the view!"

Y/N rolled her eyes in giggled.

Minutes later, they got into the restaurant. There was music playing, and a music video playing on a big screen where everyone eating could see it.

The six friends finished their food and paid for it, and they were going to go back to their hotel. Y/N found this giant neon guitar in the ceiling of the restaurant and decided to take a picture. At the last second, Tom decided to jump in front of her camera.

 At the last second, Tom decided to jump in front of her camera

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"TOM! What the heck!" Y/N grumbled.

Harrison and Tom just giggled at Y/N's frustration.

The cast arrived at the hotel. Harrison, Tom and Jacob shared a room and Y/N, Zendaya and Laura shared a room right beside them. The six of them were getting tired, and were watching a movie quietly in the boys room, when Zendaya broke the silence:

"GUYS! We should get dessert! Can someone go get some ice cream or something?"

"Daya, it's almost midnight. But I do want some dessert" Laura replied.

"I wanna go get it! I know what everyone likes for dessert." Y/N said excitedly.

"I'll go too! I wanna drive!" Tom exclaimed.

Y/N could hear Harrison and Jacob go 'oooooohh'.

Y/N and Tom got into their rental car, and Tom was driving like he said he would.

They arrived at a 24h corner store, a few minutes of a drive away from the hotel, and got some snacks. They got ice cream, candy bars, extra water bottles, and fruit for the morning.

On the way back, Tom was driving again because Y/N was exhausted. She put her elbow on the arm rest and rested her head on her hand, trying not to fall asleep. It was silent in the car on the way to the hotel. Maybe too silent. Tom smiled to himself.

"AAAAAHHHH" Tom yelled, trying to get his revenge for the coffee prank.

Y/N jolted up and yelled a little, being very startled by the sudden noise. She slapped Tom's arm, and shortly after, Tom started laughing. Really hard.

"You alright there, sunshine?" He asked, laughing so hard that his laugh was silent.

Y/N made an angry face, but started laughing with him.

"Why the hell would you do that, Tom! You scared the living crap out of me!" She said, giggling.

"Revenge, darling. Sweet, sweet revenge" he replied, grinning. "The photobombing was just a set up, to make you think that that was the prank. But we're even now. We good?"

"Yes, Tom, I still love you. We good."

Tom grinned, and thought about what Y/N had just said. She loves me? Does she mean it as a friend? But I love her too...

Y/N, on the other hand, was thinking about something completely different.
Imma get back at you Tom...


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