Tom Holland|Smol

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This was requested a while ago and idek why it took me so long sorry my friend gymnast9543
Tom is 19 or 20 in this not 21 lol.


"Y/N! Can you get some milk and bread?" Y/N's mom called. Y/N was laying on her bed when she heard her mum call her, and she sighed and stood up, putting a hoodie on and going down stairs. She put some sneakers on and headed out the door, saying bye to her mom.

Y/N walked to a close by grocery store and plenty of thoughts raced through her head.

I could get kidnapped.
I could meet someone I know maybe?
Frick, I should've brought a warmer sweater.
Cmon Y/N, you're 19, almost 20. Chill.
My toes are cold.
Milk n bread. Bread n milk.

Y/N finally arrived at the store, and a blast of warm air hit her when the doors opened.

She walked over to the dairy section and grabbed a jug of milk, then Y/N went to the bread section. After getting a loaf of bread, she decided to treat herself as well. She went to the cereal section with her hands full. She put the milk and bread on an empty shelf and looked up at the top shelf, where her favourite cereal was.

Damn you, my 5 foot-ness.

Y/N stood up on the tip of her toes but the cereal was still, barely out of her reach.

After a minute or two of trying to reach, a pair or arms came up from behind her and grabbed her cereal for her.

"Is this what you were trying to reach? I saw you struggling from over there, but I decided to help." said a giggling British voice.

Y/N turned around to thank the person who grabbed her cereal.

"Oh, tha- oh my god. You're Tom Holland?!" Y/N said, her voice more high pitched and excited than intended.

Tom smiled and nodded. He looked at the cereal box and gave it to her.

"That, I am darling. What's your name? Hmm, I've never tried this cereal before. It must be good if you struggled trying to grab it for a while" he said while laughing some more.

"I-I'm Y/N. And yeah, it's my favourite." Y/N replied, her cheeks turning red.


Tom went to get something, an Y/N got her things and went to the cash register. She paid for the three items that she needed and was about to leave the store when she heard her name. Tom walked over to her smiling.

"I know this might seem weird, but you look like a sweet person. Do you maybe want to go out for coffee sometime? And bring your cereal" he said giggling, and handed her his receipt. He then said goodbye and walked out of the store and into his car.

Why would he give me his receipt?

Y/N turned around slowly to leave the store and flipped the receipt, showing some quickly written words. 'xxx-xxx-xxxx, I hope I can trust you with this number :) -Tom'


Y/N sped walked to her house, as it was getting even more cold outside. She unlocked her front door and closed it quickly. Her parents were probably watching tv. She kicked her shoes off and put the milk, bread and cereal away, then she went up to her room, shut the door quietly and plopped on her bed.

I am going to go on a date with THE Tom Holland. Holy shit.

Not very long after, Y/N had fallen asleep, dreaming happy dreams.


Lame ending sry
Hey y'all I prolly seem annoying but u should follow me ;)))

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