Lucas Bennett|Hopeless

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Tom is such an amazing actor I cri every time

Just like the last Lucas imagine, read at your own risk.


Y/N and Lucas met in Thailand. Y/N and her family were on vacation, and on the second day of their stay, she started playing and hanging out with a fellow tourist, Lucas Bennett. They started to get really close, and their parents started talking to each other and becoming friends as well.

The two thirteen year olds were playing volleyball in the more shallow part of the hotel pool, since Y/N couldn't swim very well. They have been hanging out for a week, and they started to become really good friends. Y/N accidentally hits the ball out of the pool and Lucas climbs out of the pool to get it.
"I got it! Gimme a sec"

Lucas almost grabs the red ball, and a big tsunami hits. He dives in the pool and tries to swim away as fast as possible, but Lucas, Y/N, and everyone in their vicinity were engulfed in the giant wave.

Y/N tries to swim to the surface, being hit and dragged down by whatever was in the water. She gets to the surface, gasping for air.
"LUCAS? SOMEONE HELP! I CAN'T SWIM!" she screamed in fear. She kicked her legs frantically, trying to stay afloat.

After an exhausting minute or two of trying not to drown, something sharp cuts Y/N in her abdomen. She squealed in pain, but still attempting to swim. The current of the water makes other small debris brush against her body, as she winced, making all of her cuts and scrapes even more painful.

Y/N finds some higher ground, sits down and pants from trying not to drown and die. Am I gonna die here?
She takes a look at her injuries. A scrape on her arm. Alright, just a scrape. She looks down at her shirt and sees that it's stained in blood. Oh crap. Hooooly cow. She lifts her shirt, breathing heavily, and sees the big cut she had gotten earlier. Y/N can feel her heart pumping hard. She has a sick feeling in her stomach, looking at all the blood dripping from her abdomen. I am gonna die here, aren't I. Y/N lays down, feeling light headed, because of the blood she has lost. She reaches for a leaf near by, still laying down, and puts it on her stomach, trying to cover her cut.

Y/N still lays on the ground, tears streaming down her face and onto the ground. There is no hope left. I'm dying. Her head is throbbing, her ears are ringing and she's started to have tunnel vision. She puts her hand on her stomach, and then brings her hand closer to her face. Her hand is shaking, covered in blood. She drops her hand back onto the ground and starts crying some more.

Minutes later, after Y/N's crying started to stop, her eyes started to get heavy. She couldn't keep them open, even if she tried. Her eyes closed slowly and her breathing had slowed down. Then, darkness.

Y/N wakes up in a cot, next to the sound of crying, beeping, and people talking. She opens her eyes slowly and notices that she has another shirt on. She lifts the shirt and sees the big cut all stitched up. She places the shirt as it was before and looks to her side. Lucas is sitting in a chair, sleeping while weakly holding her hand. She noticed that his cheeks were stained with tears, but she sighs with relief. I'm alive? Lucas is alive?

A nurse comes in to check her vitals, and leaves the space, coming back seconds later with Y/N's parents. Lucas wakes up, looking at Y/N and smiling.

After a quick five minutes, the nurse politely asks them to leave so Y/N could rest. Lucas asks to stay for a little longer, and the nurse said she'll give him five more minutes.

"L-Lucas? How did I get here?" Y/N asked her friend.

"My mum and I got on a truck to this hospital, and we saw more people. You were one of these people. You were laying on the ground, bleeding from your stomach. You were barely alive!" Lucas replied as he teared up, recalling what had only happened a couple hours ago. He couldn't bear to see his new best friend dying and bleeding immensely. He thought there wasn't anymore hope left for her.

Lucas left the room and wiped away his tears. Y/N started crying more, and she couldn't stop. There was a tiny bit of hope left. What if that truck came five minutes later? What if I drowned before I could reach land?

All these scenarios were building up in Y/N's head, but she let go of them and took a nap. She felt like she hadn't slept in days, but it was probably just from all the lost blood. She fell into a much needed sleep, and woke up again hours later with Lucas sleeping into the empty bed beside her.


Yikes I'm not good at ending imagines lmao

I'm probably gonna make a Q+A eventually so if u have any questions or just comments in general you can leave them in the comments here :)

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