Jack Fawcett|Regret

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^ an edit I did a while ago of me + Tom 😂
Sorry it took so long to upload! I'll upload sooner for the next imagine


Jack and Y/N have been friends since they were babies. They were 7 years old, and playing in his room when they heard his parents arguing.

Jack got up slowly and headed to his parents' room, while Y/N followed quietly behind him. They made it to the door and listened closely to what they were saying.

"The jungle is no place for a women! There are snakes, and dangerous animals and diseases. You don't have the training that I have!" Percy, Jack's father, stated. His mother wanted to come with Percy the next time they go to the jungle, but they need someone to take care of the house and the children.

Y/N was always determined to prove people wrong. She believed that women can do just as much as men can. Her ear was against the door, as she was still listening to Jack's parents' conversation. He looked over at her and she shrugged her shoulders, and he decided to enter his parents' room to stop the argument.

Eight years later

Y/N was at Jack's house to do some homework. They were finishing up a geography paper when Jack's father came home after long day of work. It was fairly dark outside, considering it was only about 7pm on an automn evening. Y/N was distracted by putting her things into her bag. She heard Jack speaking to his father but she didn't listen until she heard him say; "You have come home a failure....", She looked up at Jack, his cheeks turning red from anger against his father. She understood, because she came to his house at least twice a week every single week, and his father had been gone for years at a time.

She sat in her seat, not wanting to interfere with the father and son  argument. Y/N looked up, and as if on cue, Percy slapped Jack in the face. She could tell that Percy was angry at the words Jack had said, and Jack was angry that his father was gone for years at a time. After Percy left the room, Y/N went to Jack and held his face in her hands, trying to get him to look at her. She looked at him and he finally looked her in the eyes, letting a tear escape. She wrapped her arms around him and a few seconds later he did the same.

Six years later

Y/N had just turned 21. Jack was only a few months older than her. They celebrated by going out to a big Lake and boating around. Over the years Y/N and Jack got really close. They were dating, and Y/N spent most of her free time with him, which was a lot, because her parents were always out. Whether it be working or at the bar, her parents never payed a lot of attention to her anyway. Y/N didn't care about how they weren't sober most of the time, or that they were never home. She just cared about being there for and with Jack.

Jack forgave his father after what happened to Percy after the war. He went blind and almost died, and Jack realized he should enjoy the moments with his dad. Jack finally wanted to find the lost city with his father.

"Please, mum? There are people my age going out to war..." Jack pleaded his mother. Y/N stood a few feet away from him, listening to their conversation.

"Well, you used my word against me. How could I say no to that?" his mother sighed.

Y/N wanted to prove Percy wrong. He said all those years ago that the jungle was no place for a women, but she always craved adventure to the unknown. She managed to tell her parents she was going.

"I'm going on a big trip with some friends. But I guess you wouldn't care" Y/N mumbled at the end, barely audible from where her parents were sitting on the couch.

A month later, everything was set. The route was planned, the crew was ready, and everything was packed. Now they would be headed to the lost city of Z.

Jack, Percy and Y/N continued the journey into the forest after they travelled down the river for weeks. Percy's crew had gone back to England, and Y/N was enjoying an adventure with Jack and his father.

"We'll set up camp over here for the night and continue tomorrow morning. This is where I left off last time... We shouldn't be too far from our destination" Percy stated.

Percy and Jack made a decent shelter while Y/N made a fire for the night. Her feet hurt, but if she was going to find a lost civilisation then it was worth it. She smiled... She did it. She proved Percy wrong. She proved that a woman can go to the jungle, and that women are just as capable as men.

The next day went by fast. Maybe too fast. They almost made it to their final destination when a clan of "Indians" took them. The sun had set and it was getting really dark out. The "Indians" had lit up a long pathway with torches every few feet. They made Jack, Percy and Y/N kneel on the ground, and they had their hands tied behind their backs. The chief of this clan gave them something to drink. Neither of the three explorers knew what it was. The clan prepared to do some sort of ritual when Jack shed a tear.

"We're going to die here," Jack said as his voice broke, and he tilted his head towards the ground.

Y/N had already started crying. It felt like her heart was being weighed down with regret. I shouldn't have come here. The jungle is no place for a woman. I shouldn't have left home. We're going to die. Mother and father won't give a damn. No one will even notice that I'm gone. I shouldn't have come here...

"J-jack?" Y/N whispered, barely audible from the few feet that separated her and Jack. In response, he looked at at her and waited for her to continue, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I-i'm sorry" she uttered. He furrowed his brows,

"Y/N, what could you possibly be sorry for?"

"I feel like I've weighed us down this trip. And your father's right, the jungle isn't a place for a woman to be."

"Y/N, dont say that...we made it this far! I...I love you Y/N" Jack responded. He had rehearsed the I love you for years but he never thought of a good time to tell her. But now...now it was too late.

Y/N smiled weakly ans replied with a quiet 'i love you too' before they were taken far away, never to be found again.

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