Jack Fawcett|Gone

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First one from The Lost City Of Z! I hope you enjoyed it!
How do you feel about Tom's moustache in the movie?


Y/N has been dating Jack for over a year. She has also been helping his mother when she needed it, and she grew a strong bond with Jack's younger brother and sister. She had always wondered what his father was like. The great Percy Fawcett, map maker and Explorer.

"Y/N, you know what next week is?" Jack asked.

"Hm, we have plans for a picnic...for your birthday! I've gotten a great surprise for you!" she replied happily as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The next week

Y/N and Jack had enjoyed his 16th birthday with a picnic on a big hill near his house. It had started to get dark outside.

"Jack, I better get home soon." Y/N said as she gave him a big hug and kissed his lips. Everyone loved seeing the couple together. They were meant to be together.

Y/N had previously given a note to Jack's mother for the birthday  surprise. She left the note on the table near the table where Jack and his brother Bryan did their homework.

Jack opened the note. It read:
Dear Jack, I know I should've given this to you before, but I didn't know how to tell you. I had communicated with my father and your father a while ago and he said he would come home just in time for your sixteenth birthday. I know you hate it when your father leaves you for long periods of time, but please, give him a chance. He's your father. And you never give up on family. This was the surprise! I love you so much.

Jack smiled, and then his father walked through his door. The teen was angry and disappointed that his father had left for months, even years at a time.

"...father, you have come back a failure..." Jack said. He was so angry at his father for abandoning his family for so long, and his father was getting angry at his words. Moments later, Percy slapped Jack across his face, and the 16 year old landed on his bed, holding back his tears.

The next day, Jack had told everything that had happened to Y/N.
"I know you're angry. You have every right to be. But he's your father, just give him a chance."

Five years later    (big time gap I know)

Percy had resigned from the Royal geographical society. Jack had talked to Y/N about exploring the amazonian rainforest before the Americans had gotten there. Y/N knew that this was a big risk and she was worried he wouldn't come back.

Days later, Jack had gotten the approval from his mother and his father to go on the final expedition to find the lost city once and for all. Y/N knew it was going to be hard for her, living without Jack for a long time. Luckily she had the lovely Nina fawcett, Jack's mother, and his siblings to keep her company.

The day of departure came. Y/N tried to hold back her tears as Jack and Percy jumped in the truck and waved, saying their final goodbyes. She gave a hug to Mrs. Fawcett. Y/N knew that this moment would be the last time she saw him for a very long time.

No one knows what can happen to the men. Snakes, crocodiles, bugs, and maybe there is some lost city. With people who have weapons, or find the British men as a threat.

Years have passed. Y/N hasn't lost hope. She still thinks that the love of her life with come back to her. A letter came in the mail, saying that after all these years, declared Percy and Jack missing, or dead. Y/N couldn't and didn't believe what she read. She dropped the letter as she put her hand across her mouth and let a tear go down her face.
Jack was gone and was never coming back.

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