Peter Parker|Seriously? pt.2

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Comicbook_girl2 requested a part 2 a really long time ago so I apologize if it sucks and if it doesn't relate to the first part


A week had passed since Peter discovered that Y/N is Tony's daughter, and he was disappointed that she didn't tell him earlier. It took a bit for the information to sink in for him, and he was slightly mad that out of the few years of friend Y/N and Peter had had, she didn't even tell him.

"Peter!" Y/N yelled in the school's hallway, trying to get his attention.

Peter turned around slowly and his unimpressed expression wiped the smile off of Y/N's face.

"What's wrong, Pete? You haven't really spoken to me for the past week."

"Well, for your information, miss Tony Stark's daughter, my so-called friend didn't tell me she was Tony Stark's daughter" Peter said as he turned red, and continued to walk away. Y/N stood in the middle of the hallway and sighed, also wondering why he was so red. But she didn't know it wasn't because of anger.


For the rest of the day, Y/N wasn't in a happy mood. She felt guilty for not telling Peter earlier. When she got home, she went straight to her room and flopped on her bed. She rolled around to lay on her stomach, and looked at her phone, opening her texts.

Peter sent a message, and she felt her cheeks heating up, questioning whether or not she should open the message. But during her contemplation, Tony knocked on the door and startled her, making her open the text Peter sent. Crap, she thought. Tony just came in to ask if she wanted anything from the store while Happy went, but she politely declined.

Her dad then left and closed the door, and Y/N looked at the message on her phone.

Y/N, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out on you because you're Tony Stark's daughter. I mean, I didn't tell you I was spiderman. But I mean sometimes it's hard to talk to the person you like, because you're not sure what to say. Anyway, I'm sorry again and I hope you'll accept my apology.

Y/N looked at the text , blushed and smiled. Peter likes me. She turned around to lay on her back again and accidentally dropped her phone on the floor. Y/N jumped up and checked if it was cracked, but thank god it wasn't.

"Y/N, what was that?" She heard Tony yell from the other room. She turned to the door, yelled 'nothing!' and replied to Peter.


The next day during lunch at school, after a long text conversation between Peter and Y/N, they sat together and talked.

"Y/N, do you maybe wanna go on a date with me?" Peter said out of the blue.

Y/N looked at him for a second and said yes, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

"Seriously?" Peter asked, a smile lighting up her face.

She just nodded and gave him a hug.


Idek how I ended this sry.

Idek how I ended this sry

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And woah. I wrote the first part when I was at 4.5k. And now I'm at 53k and 1k votes! I just wanna say thank you all so much for reading my book(s) and voting I love y'all ❤️ and also I have 1 request left so pls request something Lucas, Isaac or Jack related bc I have a lot of Peter and Tom.

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