Tom Holland|Kiss

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First imagine! Tell me what you guys think! Don't forget to leave some ideas in the previous chapter (or here if you want lol)


Y/N has been casted to play Peter Parker's crush in the upcoming Spiderman movie. She was so excited because she got to work with one of her best friends, Tom. They had known each other since Tom was 8 and Y/N was six, and they stayed best friends ever since.

They had just received their scripts, and as the sun went down, Y/N and Tom walked to Y/N's trailer to review their lines.

Y/N had started to grow feelings for Tom, but she ignored them for a while. It had occurred to her that he isn't just her best friend, but she loved him. He was so perfect. His eyes, his sense of humour, his accent. She didn't want to tell him about her feelings towards him, because she was worried he wouldn't feel the same way about her.

Tom's POV
She is beautiful. Tom could tell that she's a bit insecure about the way she looked but he thought that she is perfect. He can't stop thinking about her. His feeling are growing for her and he wants to tell her, but the other part of him wants to stay friends with Y/N and not make anything worse. Tom just doesn't want to break her heart, or have his heart broken.

Five minutes later

Y/N was still reading through her script, and Tom had just gotten off the phone with the pizza delivery guy.

"Uhh, we have a kissing scene?" she said. Tom furrowed his brows as he put his phone on the table and replied.
"We do? When?"

"Well it's almost halfway through the script, but it's at the park. And we film that stuff tomorrow."

Tom feels his cheeks turn red as he subtly turns around. Y/N also feel blood rushing to her cheeks as she takes a gulp of water trying to hide the redness.

The next day

Y/N and Tom were on set, about to film the kissing scene. Everyone filming or backstage were all waiting for this moment.

"I ship it" whispered a makeup artist to the other.

Tom was only and centimetre or two away from Y/N's face. She felt herself blushing again. They were about to get closer for the kiss as Y/N sneezed and hit her head on Tom's head.

"Ow, God dammit!" she said, as she pulled away from Tom. The two were rubbing their foreheads in pain as everyone else laughed. Someone gave the two actors ice, and both Tom and Y/N laughed with everybody as well.

"Put that on the gag reel!" exclaimed Tom.

By now, Tom and Y/N were laying on the ground with ice packs on their faces, crying tears of laughter from the surprise sneeze.

That evening

Y/N and Tom hung out in Tom's trailer for a change, still eating some left over pizza from the previous night.

"Tom?" Y/N asked, poking the bruise of her forehead.

"Yes, darling" he replied -in his beautiful accent-

"Ugh you're killing me slowly everytime you say that! But seriously, I have something to tell you. I like you. Like more than a friend, or a best friend. I was always scared to tell you, because I don't know what to expect but you'll probably find out eventually, to be honest."

"Y/N, I like you more than a friend too. You're so cute and I love hanging out with you. I love you. I really do. Will you go out with me?"

"Yes! I love you, and I've wanted to say that for a long time!" Y/N exclaimed.

They went in for a kiss. They were so close, and Tom gets up from where he was seated, grabs a random shirt and wraps it around his forehead, just in case one of them sneezes again. They both start laughing until tears of joy go down their faces.


Lame ending? Idk how I was gonna end this one but oh well 🤔 hope you guys enjoyed reading this!

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