Part 8: Just Listen

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Ariana's POV

"Wait so you're saying this isn't your birthday party too? I thought you guys did everything together" I exclaim sarcastically as I tease Dwayne Johnson (a.k.a. The Rock) about constantly working with Kevin. We were currently at Kevin's birthday which was pretty 'star studded' because... of course it. Kevin knows pretty much everyone and it seems like pretty much everyone's here whether they're good friends of Kevin's or just famous and in town.

"Wow, you're right, you know what, I must be mistaken, this is definitely for me too, nobody tells me anything. Kevin loves all the attention" he jokes. I nod my head understandingly as I watch Chris Rock walk up to us and begin talking. Soon others gather, some people I know, others I don't but it's fine, Chris is doing most of the talking and the music's so loud, my silence isn't awkward at all.

I stand and watch as everyone talks, and people join in and people walk away- politely of course. I hear someone, I don't know begin telling some joke about Chris and Kevin when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around to see Amy standing behind me, she's smiling but her eye's are giving me a look of pretty grave concern.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask turning away from the group I was halfheartedly listening to, so we can talk.

"Hey uhm, so I think we should go. Right? I mean this isn't fun, we've been here for hours let's head out" she says trying to act kinda casual.

"Are you hitting on me? It sounds like you're trying to get me alone and back to your place, how drunk are you?" I joke.

"Very drunk, now what do you say?" she says in a serious yet comedic fashion and I give her a strange look. I know she's joking but why does she want to go?

"What's up, why do you want to go?" I ask "don't lie to me" I add in a much more serious tone. I don't know if this has anything to do with me or it's just her but if it is about me I don't want her lying to me. She knows what I've been through and I don't want her to treat me differently, or think I'm weak or something. To be honest I'm doing much better now too, I've taken the past couple days to myself, to work on myself and it has helped a lot.

"Uhm" Amy says with a sigh, "Harry's here" she admits and it feels like my entire world's spinning. What? He's here? How? I mean he does know Kevin, I just never thought he'd be here, I thought he was in London. I haven't seen him since we broke up.

"What? How do you know? You're joking right" I say, trying to act calm.

"I'm not joking, I saw him! I'm not that drunk, he's with that red head musician guy- I forget his name sorry I'm drunk" she says and I can't help but laugh at her failed attempt to say Ed Sheeran's name before suddenly getting freaked out again. I guess I should go, I heard a couple of days ago that he has some new girlfriend and that's fine, he deserves to be happy. I mean it hurts, it really, really sucks but I have to let him live his life.

"Uhh, yea okay. If you're fine with leaving I'd like to go, why don't you say goodbye to anyone you need to and meet me in the back, I'll get us an Uber" I say and she nods her head as we break away from each other. I begin to make my way out of the party when I see him. My heart starts to race and I begin to walk faster to avoid him seeing me before abruptly just stopping and turning back around at him. I look at him once again, he looks so beautiful, I want to just leave and let him be happy but I have so much shit to say for some reason I can't just walk away. I have a lot of nerves building up inside me and I decide to just walk up to him so I don't think about 'what I could have done' for probably the next week... or lifetime.

As I walk up to him I immediately begin to regret it and try and get myself to turn away. Unfortunately it's definitely too late now as I see him look up and make eye contact with me, I watch as he walks away from Ed and Jeff and make his way over to me as well.

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