Part 29: Words I Never Said

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story, it gets much more entertaining soon! This chapter is pretty chill however, and I was actually thinking about uploading two chapters a day so you can read at whatever pace you'd like. Please let me know it you'd like that either through a comment or personal message!

"I don't know, I feel like as I'm here I've kinda adopted a bit of an accent but I don't know- I don't know if it's really apparent and I don't know if you can hear it" I hear my good friend and fellow comedian Maya Rudolph say in her best impression of an English accent. It's insanely good which is no surprise since she practically specializes in impersonations.

I'm spending the day with her just out and about as we go into different shops here in London. Harry is spending the day with some friends and I think it's good we're spending some time apart. Maya has been in England for a couple of months now with her family since her husband's here for work. They practically live here at the moment which is perfect since I've known her for so long and we're genuinely friends. It's nice to know someone here that isn't in some way connected to Harry. I also kinda see her as a mother figure in my life, while no one can replace my mom I'm glad I still have someone like that in my life. She's much older than I am and gives great advice, she also makes me laugh so much. I'm glad I get to spend time with her because we often don't get the chance to.

"Oh yea no that's an English accent!" I play along. I've missed joking around with her, we have such similar senses of humour.

"Really? I don't know" she continues as she begins to make her impression much heavier, it's almost like she's impersonating a completely different type of English accent.

"It's getting more aggressive by the second" I admit and I can't help but laugh, my cheeks have been hurting so much today due to all my smiling.

"Really? But I can't hear it" she says as she continues to make her accent more intense and specific.

"What's weird is that it cuts through all the different sectors of England" I tease as she and I burst into laughter since Maya isn't just sticking to one type of English accent.

"Momma! Momma! I know what I want now!" I hear one of her daughters, Lucille, shout as she runs over to us. We were currently in a small little Gelato store and Maya's children were all standing by the counter trying to decide what to get.

"I do too! She stole my idea" says her oldest child Pearl. And soon the two of them begin to bicker back and forth.

"Alright, alright! It's fine you both can get the same thing" Maya says as she tries to calm her kids down. Maya has four kids and we're spending the day with all of them. I think they're all so cute and I've met them on several occasions before so I'm really happy they're here.

After we've all ordered our gelato we sit at one of the tables in the shop, there's no one else here which is nice. Although the shopkeeper did recognize us and asked for a photo so I know we're not completely invisible right now. I watch as Maya shares her gelato with her youngest child Minnie since she's too young to have her own. They look so cute, all of Maya's kids are so cute and nice. I love spending time with them, it kinda makes me excited about the idea of having my own one day, which is something I've never told anyone.

"Alright should we go? Yea? Okay say thank you to the nice man for our food" I hear Maya tell her children as we begin to exit from the store.

"Thank you!" I hear her kids sing in unison as the man says goodbye and we begin to walk down the streets of London, peaking at the storefront window decorations and judging whether we want to go in them. I carry her youngest daughter in my arms as we walk, since I'm sure Maya's feeling a bit tired and she is the cutest kid ever.

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