Part 43: New Lives

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"Harry over here! To your left Harry! Over here Harry!" I hear the photographers shout as I stand on the red carpet and look out into the sea of photographers. This is my first award show of 2018 and actually my first time ever going to the Golden Globe awards. Both me personally and the movie, Dunkirk, got nominated so I'm here with the rest of the cast and our director Christopher Nolan. The movie has been so successful and while I'm not surprised that it is, I am surprised by how positive everyone has been about me and my role in the film. Although as excited I am to be here since it's my first time at an award show based entirely around acting rather than music, I'm also really nervous. I know Ariana is here and I can't get my mind off of her. I haven't seen her in almost a year- well actually about 10 months but it feels like forever. I haven't seen her since our breakup, I know she's doing well but it's still nerve wracking to see her. I still love her, I always will, but so much has changed. I even have a new girlfriend, nothing's gonna happen between Ari and I but I still want to see her, talk to her, kis- I just want to see her, in person, again.

"Alright, you've got to just do a quick interview for Entertainment, they're the one's hosting the red carpet so it's gonna be on live television. After that we can go in and sit down, you're at the table with the cast sitting next to Fionn" Jeff advises me as I head towards the two reporters standing in front of a large camera.

"Oh and here comes Harry Styles! He made his acting debut last summer and has shocked audiences with his amazing and scene stealing performance" I hear the girl exclaim as I walk over. "Hi how are you Harry" she says with a smile as I give her a hug before looking over at her co host and giving him a hug as well.

"Harry you're one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, it's always a pleasure to be around you. I just have to let the people at home know just how nice you are" he says.

"Thank you" I say with a faint smile, knowing we're on live television makes me a little nervous, especially since I'm being filmed just as myself and I know people are judging me. I listen as the interviewers begin asking generic questions about the film and the process of making it. I've done so many press rounds for this movie that I've gotten so good at answering these questions, I don't even really have to think about what they ask, my mouth just knows what to say.

"And now this is your first time at the Golden Globes, how does it feel?" he asks, this is the first time I've gotten that question, for obvious reasons, so I have to think a bit before answering.

" I don't know really. I'm excited, I've been to award shows obviously in the past but it's always been for music, and it was always with the band so this is all very new for me. But it's good, I'm enjoying the experience" I admit with a smile.

"Yeah it's a different vibe that's for sure. Even a set of different people, less musicians, more actors, actresses, directors, writers, producers, a very boring set of people" the man says with a laugh. "But you know some of them. We were just talking about Ariana Grande, before you came by, you know her quite well. She's here, she's presenting the award for best original screenplay and is nominated for a few awards herself for her work on Tv, like on SNL. How do you feel about that? Are you excited for her?" he asks and now I'm extremely nervous. I see Jeff panicking behind the camera, he wants me to leave this interview and fast, he just wants everyone to think I'm in a happy and healthy relationship with someone better than Ariana, I don't know why.

"Uhm yeah, for sure. I've seen how hard she works, she deserves it. It's always great to see her talent being recognized, I'm so proud of her" I admit, telling the total and complete truth. I've seen interviews of Ari's where they've asked her about my movie, she says the same thing, she says she's watched the movie, and is impressed, and happy for me and I believe it.

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