Part 30: Burst Our Bubble

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"Have you found a place to live yet?" My dad asks as I give him a hug.

"Well it's nice to see you too dad" I say as I pull away. My dad and brother are flying over to visit this week and unfortunately, Frankie won't be here until tomorrow so Harry and I are stuck alone with my dad today. I don't know where my dad stands with Harry, they've had a bit of a rocky relationship but judging his greeting, he clearly isn't happy I'm with him again and I don't know why. I look over to see Harry a few feet away, walking towards us. I raced outside as soon as I saw my dad's Uber pull up so that I could assess the situation alone at first. "Be nice" I whisper as I turn back to my dad. Hopefully be realized that I care about Harry just like I care about him.

"It's nice to see you again" Harry smiles, he looks as uncertain as I do about this whole situation. I didn't want my dad coming over but he wanted to and Harry supported it as well. I'm sure he wants to make sure he's on good terms with my dad and I know he cares that I spend time with my family as well.

"Well I wasn't sure if it was, neither of you two came to pick me up" my dad says passively as he gives Harry a hug.

"You tweeted out that you were flying to London, it wasn't gonna be safe" I say sternly since my dad's been here for about a minute and is already acting so stuck up, I'm not having it.

"You're right, it was hectic over there" he admits as he pulls away from Harry's. "Look at her, I make one mistake and she's fuming! I don't know how you deal with it" my dad jokes as he pats Harry on the back and walks towards his house. I don't know why his mood has changed so suddenly but I'm happy that it did.

"Are you alright?" Harry whispers so my dad doesn't hear as we grab his bags and head back to the house. I nod my head since I don't want to start anything, I'm frustrated with my dad but I'm just hoping things will go smoothly. "Don't second guess yourself, it's gonna be good" he says and I smile, I'm so thankful that he cares about how I feel even when he too is not feeling comfortable.

"I'm sorry in advance. I had no idea what mood he would be in, even now I don't really know how he's gonna act. Just let me know if he's ever pushing you too much, I can handle it" I admit. As much as I love Harry taking of me, I want to be able to be there for him as well.

"Alright, but really don't worry Ari" he says as puts my dad's luggage in his other hand so he can wrap his arm around me and he kisses my forehead. We walk into the house and I see my dad looking- or more realistically snooping around. I can't help but mentally roll my eyes.

My dad and I have also had a pretty roller coaster relationship. His relationship with my mother was a total disaster that damaged his relationship with my brother and I. But I grew up with him and I couldn't just let him get out of my life, it's been a lot of work trying to build up our relationship. I would never admit this to Harry but it feels like once we started dating my relationship with my dad started to slowly fall apart again. He didn't like me dating him, he didn't like me dating anyone but once he saw Harry's history from his relationships to reported one night stands and 'womanizer' status I could tell it was something specific about Harry that he didn't like. And after our on and off status, I can tell it's gonna take a lot for my dad to truly accept Harry.

"Here, I'll show you your room" I say as I lead my dad towards the staircase to show him his bedroom. If he's not gonna be warm and welcoming, neither will I. "Do you like it? If not I can show you the other one and Frankie can sleep in here" I say but he shakes his head.

"It's fine, it's very nice, obviously" he scoffs.

"What do you mean? Why are you so angry?" I ask since Harry isn't around and I need to know.

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