Part 14: It's Not Lying

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"Why are we even talking about this?" Harry says with a laugh as he throws his head back. He and I were currently laying in the bed of my hotel room just talking and goofing around. We were watching some old episodes of Family Guy off my laptop although we were really just talking through it and not really paying attention.

"Because... I think in the show Stewie said something about... No... I honestly don't know" I giggle as I wrap my arms around him and place one of my legs over his before resting my head on his chest. I don't know how we ended up laying in bed, we could have watched TV on the actual TV in the hotel but I don't mind as long as it doesn't lead to anything. We lay in silence for a second, my eyes are glued to the show we're watching, I was drawn to this little segment that had Peter teleporting back in time and I want to see how it plays out, I don't know exactly what Harry's thinking but I have a feeling it's the same thing.

After that scene the show continues on to it's original plot and I lose interest since I wasn't really listening at the beginning of the show and don't have enough context to follow along. Harry on the other hand is still watching so I choose not to say anything and just bury my head into his chest. This feels really nice, just laying in bed, no one knows we're together meaning no one cares what we're up to, in this moment it feels like Harry and I are just two regular people, there's nothing around us that would indicate otherwise.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear Harry mumble as he lightly squeezes my shoulder and I shake my head before looking up at him. Then suddenly a thought pops into my mind.

"Do you think if we just met in a bar somewhere that we would hit it off? Just like that? Neither of us are famous, neither of us have jobs that are even remotely interesting- you working at a bakery and me still in school studying to become an optometrist or pharmacist or something. Do you think we'd ever fall for each other?" I ask, I mean I'm thankful that we're together but it is purely based off luck. I watch as Harry begins to frown although I know it's only because he's genuinely thinking about the question.

"I don't know. I think so" he says as he grabs my hand and begins to play with it.

"Really?" I ask as I move myself so I'm now leaning against his chest as I watch our hands interlock.

"Yeah, why? You don't?" he asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know, I think we could but we also might not, I mean c'mon let's be realistic" I admit. "Would you ever approach someone like me, with no idea what kinda of glowing personality I had" I joke.

"Well alright fine let's be realistic, no I don't think we would talk in a bar because first of all Ari you would never go into a bar, you don't even drink! Why would you ever even put yourself in that situation?" he asks and I burst out laughing. "And why am I still working at a bakery? That was only a temporary thing for me! Ari this whole situation is just too unrealistic to give a real answer to" he laughs and so do I.

"Okay fine, fine, you're right, you're right" I laugh.

"But I would approach you, there's no doubt in my mind and I'm not just saying that. You're beautiful and there's something that's illuminating about you, I wouldn't be able to ignore it. I mean we wouldn't be at a bar or something, it would probably be at some thrift shop where you're in the back looking at some old comedy tapes and I'm looking through some stupid indie rock vinyls stacked nearby" he says and it honestly feels like my heart is fluttering. He's so right about the situation and it means a lot to me that he thinks he would still talk to me. After lunch today I realized I'm worth it and can totally be Harry's 'type' or whatever and this just reassures it. I feel Harry squeeze my shoulder once again as if asking me to say something and I let out a small moan before pausing.

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