Part 38: Here Are the Rules

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"I mean we've done it before, we can do it again" I shrug as I sit cross legged on my sofa as Harry comes to sit next to me. It's snowing outside and I'm wearing one of his hoodies so I feel really warm and cozy. But, Harry pulls me into his lap and while I guess I'm still pretty comfortable, being near him changes everything.

"I can't tell if it's gonna be easier or harder. I mean I guess we've done it before and we're stronger now but, I can't imagine spending time away from you" he says and I nod my head. Harry's going on tour in a few months, his album is coming out soon as well. Since I'm still working on SNL I won't be able to go on tour with him, although I don't know if I want to stay with him that much longer anyways. He's got a bunch of promo for his album and then Dunkirk and then has a little bit of free time this summer, this summer is when I'm leaving him.

"I think it'll be easier" I say and Harry nods his head. I know he thinks I'm just trying to be optimistic and reassuring but honestly, being away from Harry is exactly what I want. "These next few months are gonna be hectic, mainly for you but we can't do anything about it" I admit.

"But we can try and be close" he smirks. What is he talking about?

"What are you talking about?" I frown, I don't know why but these days I have absolutely no time for Harry's antics. I just want straightforward answers, I'm sure Harry just thinks I'm having one of those days- or weeks where I'm just in a bad moody and am pissy all the time for no reason. There is a reason, he is the worst and won't even address it.

"My first performance is gonna be in three weeks, in New York on this show- I don't know if you've heard of it, it's called Saturday Night Live" he smirks.

"When Jimmy is hosting?" I question, I knew Jimmy Fallon would be hosting in a few weeks but as far as I had heard they were still looking for someone to be the musical guest. I assumed it would be someone old and iconic since when people like Jimmy, who have such huge connections on the show and in the business, they usually want someone huge to be their guest. Plus, it's the first ever episode in SNL history to be live all over the country, it's a huge historical event, I can't believe Harry managed to get a part in it.

"Try and contain your excitement" he says sarcastically as he rubs his hand up and down my leg.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around it" I say with a smile. I guess I am really happy for Harry, I've seen him work hard, he's talented, and sweet. I hate what he's made but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve anything he's being given. I mean he's hurt me with this album and I'll never forget that, but after all he's done for me I want to stick by him and be there for him for this. "I'm proud of you" I admit as I run my hands through his hair.

"I'm nervous" he admits and as I look into his eyes I can tell he's being sincere. That's why I'm with him, I know he needs someone to be there for him right now and I have to do this, I want to do this.

"You're gonna be great, trust me. You've earned this, I mean it's a big deal to even be the musical guest and this is a huge episode, plus I never even helped. You got this on your own" I admit and he nods his head. He's so clearly nervous, I haven't seen this side of him for a while usually he's helping me out but he can get just an nervous and on edge as I do. "If anything, just toss me the mic and I'll takeover. I'm a professional" I joke which makes Harry laugh.

"That's what I was hoping" he jokes, his smile is so infectious that I can't help but smile as well, I'm not pretending to be happy right now. Maybe I won't ever have to again and we can make this work.

"Do you know what songs you're gonna perform?" I ask since I really want to know.

"Sign of the Times, of course, and I don't know. I really want to do Ever Since New York, seems fitting" he smirks. SNL is taped in New York, it always has been and I imagine it always will be so I see why he thinks that's a good song to sing.

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