Part 19: He Did What

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Ariana's POV

"I put it in the bathroom, behind your cleaning supplies" Amy whispers and I nod my head.

"Thanks, your a life saver" I smile as Amy and I avoid saying exactly what we're talking about in case Harry overhears us. I asked Amy to get me a pregnancy test when she came over today. Harry thinks she's here to help pack up my stuff, and she'll definitely help but, I really only asked her to help so she could bring me one.

I've been so stressed lately, it's all I can think about. I hate Ricky, I don't like the thought of him being near me so the idea of him literally being inside of me makes me so angry and gross. I've actually been coming around to the idea of having kids in the future but this isn't what I want. Not right now, not with him, this fucking sucks! And I can't even tell Harry about it, I need him right now but it's impossible. 

"I'm gonna go find the tape" I announce as I stop boxing up my stuff and head into my bedroom. I need to know if I'm pregnant and I need to know now but I can't let Harry know what I'm doing so I have to make an excuse for leaving. I quickly head into my bathroom and grab the pregnancy test, it takes two minutes to work. Hopefully, it's not too long and Harry won't get suspicious. Besides, I know where the tape is and won't have to waste time searching for that after all of this.

These two minutes feel like hours, every second that goes by my anxiety rises slightly longer. But I'll have my answer soon enough, at least that's what I thought. As I wait I hear Harry begin to yell and rush back into the living room to see what's going on. 

Fuck, things just got so much worse.


Harry's POV

"I think we're gonna need a bigger box" I say and I hear Ari's best friend Amy Schumer laugh and Ari groans. It's currently Wednesday afternoon and the three of us are packing up some stuff in Ari's apartment for when she moves. We're going to London tomorrow night but Ari wants to start 'house hunting' online and moving out almost immediately after she comes back which is fine, I've done it before as well. So we're packing up so she can quickly get out of this place when she needs to. At the moment we're trying to put her DVD collection in a box but she's got so many of them, it's definitely gonna take up a lot of space, not that I care, I find it cute that she has such a huge collection and they bring her a lot of joy.

"Yea we're gonna need a lot of boxes" Ari smiles as she tries to defend her collection and just act like it's a completely normal thing. "Now let's get over it and pack, carefully!" she jokes as she grabs some of her DVD's from a shelf and begins packing them in a box. We've mainly been packing up little things in her house like the picture frames and personal mementos that she wants to keep since she plans to simply donate her couches and tables and whatever else and buy new ones. "I'm gonna go find the tape" I hear Ari say as we continue to pack up her collection.

"Okay babe" Amy shouts as Ari walks into her bedroom. "I'm really happy you too are back together" Amy says as she looks up at me, this is the first time we've been left alone together today and it means a lot that someone so important to Ari likes me as well. "She really needs someone like you around" she says and I nod my head since I completely agree.

"Thanks, I'm happy to be with her too. Especially after all she's been through, she told me everything by the way" I admit, since it feels like Amy's been beating around the bush lately because she doesn't know how much I know. I don't blame her, since Ari hasn't really told anyone else, she didn't want to tell me anything at first either so I'm sure Amy's unsure of exactly what she's told me.

"Oh really? Okay good that makes me so happy, Ari shouldn't keep that stuff bottled up it's not healthy and I was really worried about that. God I can't believe someone would do something so sick and disgusting" she exclaims and I nod my head. "I mean what kinda guy hits a woman?" she shakes her head and I feel my whole body freeze up, what the Hell is she talking about?!

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