Part 21: Perfect Definition

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"Are you tired, go to sleep love get some rest" Harry says as he runs his hands up and down my leg. We were currently sitting in the private jet we were taking to London, I'm sitting on Harry's lap with my legs draped over his as we wait for the plane to take off.

"It's only 8pm" I whine since I know I should go to sleep but I also know there's no way I'm falling asleep for the next couple of hours.

"Which means it's like 1 in the morning in London" he rebuttals and I let out a small groan. By the time we land it'll be only 3 in the morning in New York but 8am in London. "C'mon, I'll sing you to sleep" he chuckles, finding my terrible sleeping habit hilarious, he was in England just about a week ago so his sleeping pattern is nowhere near as bad as mine.

"Or you could just keep talking, that'll probably be more helpful" I joke as he playfully pinches my sides in revenge. "But seriously, I won't take you down with me, if you can fall asleep then go for it" I admit, I don't mind if he sleeps through the flight as long as he gets his rest. He's been awake before me these past few days as well so I'm sure he's more tired than I am.

"Alright, goodnight" he chuckles as he shuts his eyes and throws his head back and begins to snore obnoxiously.

"Stop it! That's how you actually sleep" I laugh as I squeeze his arm.

"Is my snoring really that annoying?" he asks which makes me giggle. Harry usually snores in his sleep but I don't mind, I think it's cute and unless I can't fall asleep, it doesn't keep me up. But if I'm having a hard time falling asleep his snoring makes it impossible to fall asleep but I don't hold it against him, it's not his fault.

"Oh yea, it is terrifying, it sounds like you're possessed or something" I joke as I make even worse and unrealistic snoring sounds before laughing at myself.

"You're really cute, you know that?" he smiles as he rests his forehead against mine. I close my eyes for a second to see if I can possibly fall asleep, everything is just so relaxing right now, it's pretty quiet and chill which is perfect for sleeping but I can't.

"Am I flying away from my problems? Everything just feels so perfect right now, but just hours ago in that apartment I was so stressed and scared and now none of that matters" I admit, I mean this may be one of the first nights where I'm going to sleep without any major anxieties of what the next day holds. I look at Harry since I would love his input and notice him just smiling from cheek to cheek. "Why are you smiling?" I frown since I'm genuinely confused.

"You said everything feels perfect. And I-I'm glad you can finally feel that way" he says which makes me blush, I'm being honest and it's sweet how carefully he listens to what I say. He looks genuinely happy about my own happiness. "And I don't think you're flying away from your problems, the only thing you're flying away from is New York and I mean that in a literal sense, no hidden meaning or anything" he adds trying to cover up his joy so that he can give me his opinion. I don't have any reservations about our future anymore and can't wait to see what happens. I guess the idea of flying away from my problems means that I'm leaving them all behind but I'm not, they're still in the back of my mind, there's still stuff I need to resolve. I guess perfection doesn't mean having no problems, it just means they're not getting in the way of my long term happiness.


"I think they're more excited to see you then they are to see me" Harry laughs as we sit in the back of a car taking us to his home in London. We just landed a couple minutes ago and since Harry's car is at his place we had a car service come pick us up. His mom, Anne, suggested coming to pick us up but we told her not to since we got in quite early in the morning and don't want them waking up. Although they do plan on coming by fairly soon and thankfully I'm not too tired. The weathers really nice out which is strange, I mean London's weather is rarely perfect but it's a nice way for the city to greet us.

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