Part 42: The Last Laugh

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"Harry that's bullshit! C'mon! I mean- you know what? I saw this! I saw this coming. I didn't want to say anything because I could tell you really had some feelings for this girl but I didn't think her intentions were pure" Jeff scoffs. I just told him about Ari and I breaking up, he seemed pretty sympathetic over everything but now that I've told him she did it all because of the album he's become surprisingly defensive.

"I had more than just 'some feelings' for 'this girl.' Jeff I fucking love the shit out of Ariana and you know that. Her intentions weren't pure? We got together over a contract that I signed! My intentions weren't pure from the start, hers always were. If you're trying to make me feel better try another approach" I argue. I'm so upset but hearing Jeff's comments are making me furious.

"Look I think Ariana's a great girl, I do. But she was never gonna be able to give you what you need, she's not the type of girl who could love you, support you, or care for you like a girlfriend should. She just can't. She's a sweet girl but she's not you know, girlfriend material, you can have any girl in the world, get one who can nurture you. Ari can't. The idea of having to be your person and supporting you with your work was too stressful she had to back out this has nothing to do with your album" he adds.

It shows how little he knows about our relationship, Ari was the perfect girlfriend. Yeah she was shy and awkward at times but she took care of me, she listened to me, she loved me. And what's Jeff's idea of a girlfriend? Someone who's beautiful, who impresses your family, who can pleasure you, cook for, clean for you. Ari did all that but she was her own person too, not some mindless beauty like the girls Jeff has continuously tried to set me up with anytime I'm single.

"She did support me, she was supporting, she's done it in the past she was doing it now even when she didn't like what I was doing" I argue.

"That's my point! If she had a problem with this album she had months to tell you about it. It's an excuse" Jeff rebuttals and I kinda see his point.

"If that's not the reason then what is? I find it hard to believe Ari would lie about that. And she was convincing, it's pretty easy to tell when she's lying. If she wants to break up with me there's nothing stopping her from being honest" I defend.

"Harry you said yourself this was hurting her career. Maybe she's trying to hurt yours too" he says. I really hope he's being honest with how he feels and isn't just saying anything that'll make me feel better.

"Ari isn't the type to try and get revenge. I've done some crappy stuff to her but she's never done anything to get back at me. I find it hard to believe all of these key characteristics in her behaviour have suddenly changed. I believe what she told me, I don't believe I deserve better and I don't believe she wasn't a good girlfriend" I admit so Jeff can stop trying his bullshit explanations. He can try and make me feel better without the personal attacks on Ariana and her character.

"Well do you believe it's finally over. For good. This is the last time I'll ever have to order the 'Hariana is over' press release?" He asks. Every single time before I've been convinced Ariana and I could make it work, that we still loved each other. This time was different. Ari felt different. Like she was already out of love with me, and to be honest I don't think I deserve her back. She should move on and she should be happy.

"Yea. Yea it is" I admit. It's hard to say out loud but it's the truth and I need to accept it in order to try and move on.

"Alright then just one thing. Do what Ari said and perform those songs. But don't think about her and how these songs ruined anything. Harry you worked hard for this and don't let her taint this album because it's fucking great! It's who you are! The album is called Harry Styles for crying out loud" he says in a more cheerful tone.

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