Part 18: Family Talks

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Harry's POV

"Good morning" I smile as I see Ari's eyes flutter open and shut as she begins to wake up. I haven't slept much last night, I mainly just laid awake thinking and gently tracing my fingers up and down Ari's arm trying to make sure she was comfortable and could have a good night's sleep. She was crying a lot last night and after a brief sort of confession on her feelings she cried into my chest until she fell asleep. She woke up in the middle of the night, I heard her go into the bathroom and start crying but we both acted like everything was fine when she came out. I hate that she is going through such a hard time and I don't know what to do. I spent all night trying to figure out how to help but I don't know what to do. I don't even know how Ari's gonna behave today, it's pretty possible that she'll keep things to herself all day and then at night open up again, she was a complete emotional mess last night and I don't know how many nights this will repeat itself but it's not healthy. I hate seeing Ari cry and crying herself to sleep at night absolutely broke my heart in a way that I've never felt before.

"How long have you been up?" she asks as she pushes me away slightly to lean against her elbows as she tries to wake herself up. I watch as her beautiful brown hair trickles down her back, I feel like I need to pinch myself to make sure that this is real, I can't believe I get to lay next to such a beautiful and, sweet creature.

"Not too long, did you sleep okay?" I lie since I don't want Ari to worry if I wasn't sleeping. I mean it isn't that big a deal anyways. Even though I didn't sleep that much, I've been sleeping better than I was when we weren't together.

"Perfect" she says with a smile which makes me so happy, I hope she means it. If I could just lay awake every night and essentially rock her to sleep I would do so gratefully. I watch as she looks around our hand made fort for a moment and her smile fades away, what is she thinking about? "Should we talk about last night?" she asks and to be completely honest, I was asking myself the exact same thing.

"We can talk about whatever you want" I admit, since it's the truth and I don't really know what else to say. I guess there is some stuff I would want to talk about from last night but I would never bring it up, unless she wants me to. Does she want me to? I mean it's not an easy subject to discuss, or even bring up, maybe she'd want me to initiate it.

"I don't want to talk about last night" she admits. I nod my head in agreement, if she doesn't want to talk we don't have to talk. What if she does though? What if she just didn't want to start it off, maybe she was hoping I would just start talking about it after she brought it up. Crap. I really don't know what she wants at all anymore. "I want to just go back to sleep" she says and I smile, I guess now I do know.

"Okay babe" I chuckle as I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me when I hear my phone begin to ring. I'm not sure if I should answer it since Ari just woke up and I want to stay with her, especially after last night even answering a phone call doesn't seem right. I want to do nothing but hold her and give her attention all day. But before I can decline the call I hear Ari speak.

"Take it outside" she says with a cheeky little laugh over her dumb joke. I'm glad to see her smile and laugh especially over something so stupid and so I do as she says as I give her a quick kiss on the cheek before I head out of the fort to pick up my phone. As I get out I notice it's my mum calling me.

"Hello! Good morning- or good afternoon" I cheer, since it's about 10am here so it's probably around 3pm over in England. I hear some chatter in the background and I can tell she's probably hanging out with a couple of others. I miss the sound of hanging out with my family.

"Good morn-fternoon, what are you up to honey? How are you and Ari, have you two ate breakfast yet?" she asks which makes me smile. My mom always asks me if I've eaten when she calls and I usually just tune it out but hearing her ask about not just me but Ari as well feels good. I'm so thankful that she cares about Ari as well

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