Part 16: Can't Move Fast Enough

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Ariana's POV

"Good morning Ariana" I hear Harry say as he opens his eyes. I've been up for about a half an hour, I mean I haven't really slept properly all night but I officially gave up on trying to sleep about a half hour ago while Harry was still sleeping. We slept together last night, in only the most literal sense because that's all I wanted and thankfully Harry got that. It was nice to fall asleep in his arms again, it was nice to be so close to him, to be able to hear his heartbeat, to see the little scruff on his face, he's beautiful both inside and out. Thinking about him always makes me feel better, I'm so happy he's with me.

"Good morning" I smile as he leans over and gives me a kiss, reminding me of another thing I missed about our relationship. I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest, I hope he wasn't planning on getting up anytime soon.

"Did you sleep okay?" he asks and I nod my head as I continue to smile. I look up at him and notice that he's frowning, I guess he could tell I was lying. I mean I kept tossing and turning and sighing last night, I was just hoping that he was fast asleep and wouldn't notice. Harry's caught me in a couple lies all within the last few hours. Like last night when I had tears in my eyes yet still tried to convince him/ that everything was fine. Thankfully he hasn't brought them up, in a sense he's treating me differently but I'm glad he is, pushing me to answer his questions truthfully is worse. He's not trying to fix me and that's what I want, I'll get better at hiding my thoughts and feelings as I fix myself and then there will be nothing to hide, I'll be happy and there will be no act to try and uphold.

"Alright" he says and things get awkward for a bit. "We have to get going soon" he says and I wince, I don't want to get up. "C'mon!" he laughs as he removes himself from my grasp and gets off the bed before turning to face me. I continue to groan as I bury my head into his bed, I've been awake for a while but that doesn't mean I want to get out of bed. Suddenly I feel myself being lifted up into the air.

"Harry!" I exclaim as he lifts me as well as his blanket up off the bed and heads towards the door. "What's so bad about lying in bed forever?" I groan as I look back at the bed that keeps getting further and further away from me. "Okay, you can let me down" I say as we walk down the stairs. His house is huge and I'm sure it's not fun to lift me up and carry me around it, especially when he's just woken up and hasn't even had anything to eat. But for some reason he insists on continuing. We get all the way to his living room where he finally puts me down gently on one of his large couches. "You're stronger than I thought" I groan which makes him laugh.

It was the truth though, as he carried me I saw his muscles and they were huge, much larger than I remembered. Maybe it was his training for Dunkirk, but I think they've always been large, I just never cared. Being 'fit' or whatever has never been important to me, I don't work out and I don't care if he does either. Although I can't help but think of his muscles in a different light at the moment and it makes me want to just curl up and die. All I can think about is how much it would hurt if he ever tried to hit me. It's insane, he would never do that! Why do I have to think like this?!

"I hope you don't mind having some crisps and dip for breakfast" he smirks as he heads to the kitchen and I can't help but laugh over how ridiculous the food situation in his house is. I mean he's got an excuse considering he hasn't been here in a while but it does make me feel better about myself. Even at my worse I have more food in my apartment than Harry Styles.

"That's my favorite breakfast food!" I exclaim sarcastically as I watch him walk away. I think I left my phone up in his bedroom so I just sit back and enjoy my view. His living room is huge and gorgeous, I use to feel weird coming here, I didn't like LA and I had never met anyone with a house as big as his. But today I love it, it reminds me of happier times. He's got some pieces of artwork hanging around which I love, he's got such a unique sense of style and those pieces really show that.

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