Chapter 1: Runaway

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A/N: this chapter is trigger free so no worries. Hope you enjoy!

Thank you CatFlame8 for image!!


~Unknown amount of time passed~

    It's so cold. There's noise. I can't feel anything. There's total confusion. My head throbbed and my stomach hurt, feeling like someone continually kicked me. Wait someone did.... I opened my eyes and tried looking toward the window. It was dark out. I felt my hand around the floor and felt glass laying about.
Why is there glass on the floor? I lay there confused until I remembered the events that played out before. Oh my goodness how did I even survive all that? Very carefully I attempted sitting up with my body aching and sore. My head continues to ache and pound as I look around the kitchen. Moonlight illuminates bits of the kitchen revealing pieces of glass on the floor that came from the bottle.
    I looked over toward the doorway and see that it's dark out in the living room except for the light from the tv. I quietly try standing up and tip toeing to the doorway. Everything is quiet, even the tv. I scan the living room and notice empty beer bottles laying on the floor with my parents next to them. Their chests rise up and down evenly indicating that they're in a heavy sleep. I use this opportunity to go to my room.
    Very very quietly I continue to tiptoe upstairs, trying hard to prevent the floor from creaking. I successfully make it to my room and immediately lock the door for safety. Not that that would do much difference anyway. I can't continue living here, I should pack and run away. It's too much and I can't stand seeing them. I felt a couple unnoticed teardrops slide down my cheek.
    Wiping them off I grab my f/c backpack and pack necessary items. An extra pair of clothes, my sketchbook with a couple of pencils, pens, and an eraser, a couple of water bottles that I store in my room and some granola bars also, and finally a flashlight. After packing everything I change into something suitable to run away in. I wear black leggings that have pockets in them, my f/c sweater, a grey hoodie, and a pair of f/c sneakers. I pull my hair up into a high pony tail so that it's not in the way. This remind me to pack a hairbrush just in case.
    After I'm all done I take one last look in the mirror and turn toward my window. I open it up and crawl out, climbing off the roof onto the tree in our back yard. Quietly I open the back gate and close it behind me to make it seem like no one left. I turn around and break into a fast sprint into the forest that sits behind my house.
     My lungs burn after about half an hour of sprinting and jogging. I come to a stop as I lean against a tree to catch my breath. My head still hurts like crazy as I try to figure out if I'm far enough from the house. I seem to have gotten lost in the forest but it doesn't matter.
   As I take in my surroundings I notice that I'm actually on Mt. Ebott. Rumor has it that those who climb this mountain never return. I've always wondered what happens to those. Do they commit suicide? Is there some other world in there? Maybe there's a way and most likely no way out. Or maybe everyone just died.
I let countless theories run through my mind as I climb the mountain. After several minutes I find an opening to a cave. The inside is covered in vines and even some beautiful golden flowers. They remind me of the days when I'd run around under the sun playing tag with my parents, giggling and smiling not giving a care in the world. I walk into the cave and feel myself trip over something.
   My hands reach out in front of me to break my fall but I realize that I'm free falling into a large hole in the ground that I haven't noticed. Is this the end? Is this how I die? I smile at the thought. Finally I'll be in peace. Before I know it I'm welcomed into darkness.

~Sometime later~

    I wake up to bright light shining into my eyes. My body aches and my head throbs just like before. My hands feel the ground and I notice that I'm laying on a patch of golden flowers just like the ones I've seen before.
   Slowly I stand up feeling slightly dizzy and unsteady but I quickly regain my balance. I look around taking in my surroundings. The walls are covered in vines and to the right of me there's a pathway. Above they're a huge hole which is where I presumably fell down from. I grab my backpack which lay on the floor and dusted it off picking it back on.
Time to get going to explore this place, wherever "this" is even. I walked along the path and entered an opening. I took a glance inside and noticed a patch of grass with a yellow flower in the center of it. Just as I took a step forward the flower moved.
   "I wonder when the next human will fall down, when they do I'd need to obtain their soul too," the flower spoke. Wait. That FLOWER SPOKE?! I stood there shocked about this talking flower. Just great Y/N you must've hit your head real hard enough that you now hear TALKING FREAKING FLOWERS.
   "Hmm, I can't make the same mistake as I did to that other human Frisk," I hear him continue and hissing out the name Frisk. "If I don't get this soul who knows what Chara would do to me," the flower scoffs. "As if I'm afraid of them,"
   I back myself away from the entrance to try to recollect this but instead step onto a twig that snaps loudly. I see the flower perk up and turn around toward my direction, squinting in suspicion. Crap.
    "Who's there?" Asks the flower. I stand there as still as a log. After a few more moments I don't hear anything. I take a sneak toward the grassy patch and notice that the flower is gone. Ok that's good. I think.
   I use this opportunity to walk toward the grassy patch and toward the entrance that's behind it. There's an open purple door and I walk through it taking in the scenery of purple brick walls and wines that decorate it. After many minutes of endless walking and various puzzles I hear something behind me. I turn around and notice something yellow merge into the ground and disappear. Weird, I'm probably seeing things from when I hit my head.
   I shrug it off and continue my journey. I later came across a hallway and on the pile of leaves there lay a... Ghost?? Confused I became even more convinced  that I hit my head too hard. I carefully walked up to the ghost and tried talking to it so it'll move.
   "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I in your way?" The ghost asks sadly.
   "A little bit," I reply.
    "I'm sorry I'll move out of the way,"
    "Wait no it's alright!" I call out. "My name is Y/N by the way. Uh what's yours?"
   "I'm Napstablook," he answers.
   "It was nice meeting such a friendly ghost Napstablook," I smile.
   The ghost smiled back sadly. "It was nice meeting you too," he then floated away.
    It feels nice being kind and friendly toward others. I wish I was treated this way back home. I sigh sadly at that thought and continue my way through the ruins more.
    A while has gone by and I'm greeted with a large building that looks like a house of some sort. It matches the ruin color and has a wide opening that goes inside.
   I'm greeted with pale yellow walls and the smell of cinnamon and butterscotch. It's warm and cozy in here. Almost feels like I'm....home. I frown sadly at that.
   "Hello?" I call out. From the room to my left comes out a goat lady? I'm confused at that.
   "Why hello there my child, my name is Toriel. How did you get all the way here?" Toriel asks kindly, her soft eyes glimmering in patience.
   "I fell down the hole and found my way in these ruins, I'm Y/N," I explain.
  "Oh my child I'm sorry I wasn't there to greet you, would you forgive me with some of my butterscotch-cinnamon pie?" She suggests.
  The sound of food makes my mouth drool and my stomach growl. "Of course, and some food wouldn't be bad either,"
   We both chuckle at my stomach. This is the first time in ages since I've laughed. My depression prevented me from enjoying anything in life, although now I guess I'm able to enjoy it a bit.
   Toriel shows me to my room and then continues to baking the pie. I thank her and set down my backpack as sit on the bed. I let out a heavy sigh and slump against the wall putting my knees in front of my chest. My head feels better as I lay it on my knees and close my eyes.
   I think about my life on the surface and shudder at it. My scars itch and ache. My chest grows heavy and my throat burns a bit as I feel a wave of tears fall.
   I sit this way for a long while and let my thoughts roam around. I wonder why I survived the fall. I should've been dead. I wanted to be dead. More tears fall from those thoughts.
   I hear a soft knock on the door and I quickly wipe away my tears and put on a fake smile.
  "Y/N the pie is ready," Toriel calls out.
  "Ok thank you, I'll be out in a sec," I get off the bed and head over to the kitchen to eat Toriel's pie.

A/N: so there we have it, chap 1! I'm really enjoying this and I can't wait to introduce the skelebros in the next chapter. I'll try posting ASAP and every other day. I'll also try keeping them consistent on the length of the chapters. Cya guys in the next chap! Hope you enjoyed it!!

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