Chapter 16: Troubled Thoughts

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A/N: *looks up at title* yes I know very original. *sighs audibly* I suck at titles lately ok!? Anyhow here's another chapter. Also for those of you wondering, what you're about to read next *coughs* minor spoiler *coughs* I tend to feel that "pain" pretty often but don't worry bout me. Just thought it would've been a "fun" lil fact. Oh and:

Early chapter! Also:




I wake up, feeling someone holding onto me. Soft snores come from behind me in a repetitive pattern. Cute. However due to my drowsy and sleepy state I don't acknowledge it. Yet.

It feels nice being held by someone. I feel safe, like nothing can harm me. I smile softly, cuddling more into Sans.

I probably bother him. But if I did bother him he wouldn't be holding me. But what if he's doing this only because he knows I like him. I did tell him that after all. Also he might also just be doing this to comfort me and make me feel better since I told him about my....issues.

I let out a small sigh. Some strands of h/c hair fall toward my face, tickling my nose. Still feeling tired and drowsy I close my eyes, taking in some more sleep and trying to silence my toxic thoughts. The world around me is in a peaceful state. Almost like nothing can break it.

Y/n why did you wake up? You were supposed to be dead.


Everything around me spun and something poked my chest violently. My breathing became ragged as I sit up within a second, managing to free myself from Sans's grasp. I feel my heartbeat race a million miles an hour as my head feels like cotton. Panic flowed throughout my system.

I clutch my head tightly.

Am I dying!?

The poking continues, moving its way down below my left breast. I clutch my side, hunching over. That only made it worse.

"Ah, w-what's happening? Gah!"

What's happening? Am I having a heart attack?! I can't be! I'm too young to have that! I don't want to die! I'm not ready to die!

I thought you wanted this.

I don't know what I want!

"Why does this hurt so much?" I whine out, falling to the side and off the bed with a thud.

Someone grunts from the bed. "Morning Y/- Y/n?!"


I hear Sans shuffle off the bed and onto the floor. "H-hey s-sweetheart, are y-you okay?" Panic slurs in his voice when he cups my face gently. My panicked e/c eyes made contact with his.

"I-it hurts S-Sans," I say, my voice hoarse from sleep.

"What hurts sweetheart?" His orbs dart around my body, searching for any injuries.

I grunt. "It h-hurts. Sans m-make it s-stop," Tears flow down my cheeks.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me where it hurts sweetheart," He gently grabs my shoulders.

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