Chapter 14: Birthday Celebration

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(Edit: I want to thank the oh so wonderful @Mochaistrash for the header/drawing above! It's absolutely beautiful and amazing ^-^)

A/N: I'm back from a month long break!!! I'm so so sorry for being freakishly inactive lately and I'm still very surprised that people continue to read this despite this long break. Despite me coming back with a new chapter it won't always mean that I'll be as active as I was before. Sure my stressful situation is gone but boy do I still always have a crap ton of school work to do, plus with all my art projects, requests, commission, and other stuff that I have to do/work on it won't be too often that I'll be posting. Though tbh I have no clue how the chapter updates will be doing.

I recently came up with more plot to the story line so you'll be reading that in later chapters, so hopefully this will drive me toward writing a lot more.

Anyway thank you for those who read my rant above haha and thank you all for just reading my fanfiction in general. It means a lot to me and it's crazy to see that I'll reach 2k very soon.

Happy reading!


"Sans thank you so much for taking me to Waterfall, I had fun." I face Sans who's standing by the front door.

"No problem kiddo, I'm glad ya liked it." He gazes down to me. I feel my heartbeat speed up and my cheeks flush. Oh boy.

I open the door and we walk in. The house is dark and it doesn't seem like anyone's home. "I wonder where Frisk and Papyrus are,"

Just then Papyrus, Frisk, and other monsters jumped out from different parts of the room shouting "Surprise!".

I jump up from the sudden surprise and place my hand on my chest. My heart speeds up more. "Oh my goodness,"

My mouth is agape in surprise. A "Happy Birthday" banner hangs above the tv. F/c balloons scattered around the room with f/c and s/f/c streamers hanging across from the walls.

Tears form in the corner of my eyes. Is this really happening? Frisk and Papyrus run up toward me, crushing me into a hug. "Happy birthday Y/n!" Frisk says happily.


They let go of me as the other monsters come up toward me. "This is Undyne, Mettaton, and Alphys." Frisk introduces the monsters as they all greet me.

"Happy Birthday punk!" A fish-like monster says with a big toothy grin, before handing me a wrapped present. My hands quiver as I take the fish wrapping. "T-thank you Undyne," 

"Happy birthday darling, oh what a beauty you are," The second monster, who's a robot, compliments. With a racing heart I return a thankful smile to Mettaton. He places a magenta bag into my hands. "A little present for you darling,"

    My eyebrows furrow at "darling". I glance toward Sans and he gives me a concerned look which I return with a false smile.

"H-happy Birthday!" Says a short reptile like monster, must be Alphys, she hands me a star wrapped present. "I uh wasn't sure what you l-liked so I g-got you this, h-hope you like it,"

"Thank you Alphys," I smile

"Happy Birthday my child!" Toriel's voice says.

Wait Toriel?!

"T-Toriel? Is that you?" I shove my presents into Sans and run toward Toriel, hugging her. Tears trickle the corners of my eyes. I finally get to see Torial again.

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