Chapter 2: Skelebros?

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(Edit: Cover was added on 12/26/17)

A/N: hey so here's another chapter! I "accidentally" made it longer than it should've been but that's alright. I mean who doesn't like a long chapter? There's only one curse and I've decided that from now on I will be adding cussing BUT they are censored. Enjoy!


"Thank you Toriel for this delicious pie," I thank her as I finish up the pie. I haven't tasted delicious food in a long time, or any food other than granola bars.
"You're welcome my child, is there anything else you'll want?" She asks kindly taking my plate to wash.
"There's nothing really but would it be a problem if I rested here for a bit?"
"Of course not Y/n, get your rest," she replies. She continues washing the dishes while humming an unfamiliar tune.
I stand from the table and start heading to the doorway but then remember something.
"By the way Toriel, I've been wondering about something," Toriel was drying the dishes at this point.
"What is it my child?"
"Where am I?" I ask.
"Oh you're in the ruins," she answers.
I become a bit frustrated. "No, I mean I know I'm in the ruins but what is this location?"
"We're in the Underground, there's a king named Asgore who rules over it. I would not recommend going anywhere near him taking into the fact that he collected six human souls and needs seven in order to set the monsters free," she sighs and looks at me sadly. "I wouldn't want you to have the same fate as the others my child," Her body slumps a bit when she turns around and hugging me tightly. I was not expecting that.
I felt my arms sting from my cuts and bruises but I managed to hold back my pain. Ow crap damnit! Toriel let go of me and looked me in the eyes. "Please my child don't go to him," she pleaded.
"T-Toriel," I opened my mouth to talk but I see a single tear sitting on the side of her eye. "I-I won't go to him, I promise. But I do want to explore what's up ahead," I forced a smile trying to persuade her.
Toriel sighs her arms falling to her side and she stand up. "My child it is dangerous out of the ruins,"
"But Toriel-,"
"No buts," she cuts me off and turns around. "Like I said it's too dangerous, and that's final,"
I opened my mouth to say something but decided against it and went back to my room. Once I closed my door I locked it and sat on top the bed. My fake smile dropped and turned into a sad smile. I gave out a heartless chuckle and felt eyes fill with tears.
My body shook as I cried silently feeling overwhelmed by various emotions. Why would a stranger be kind to such a bratty loser like me? Let alone treat me like I'm their child. I choked on my sobs thinking about Toriel's actions and comparing them to my live on the surface.
My fingers began itching for my razor. My razor. My eyes shot open as I reached for my bag. Rummaging through the backpack I couldn't find my razor. Where did I put it?
I heard a knock on the door and I quickly wiped off any remaining tears and shoved everything into my backpack. "Come in,"
The door opened revealing Toriel. "My child may I talk to you?" I nod my head. Toriel sits near the edge of the bed. "I've been thinking and I'm decided on allowing you to explore the areas outside the ruins,"
This news surprised me a bit as I plastered a fake smile. "Oh that's great, thank you Toriel,"
Toriel smiled sadly, "Just please be careful my child," she brought me into a hug. "Let me lead you outside," she stood up and motions me to follow her. I get off the bed and grab my backpack putting it on while we walk.
She walks down the stairs that lead toward her basement. Once I'm down there I'm greeted with purple walls the same as in the ruins and I feel a light cool breeze. My strides catch up with Toriel as she walks a bit hastily toward a large purple door. She turns around and bends down, hugging me.
"My child please promise me that you'll be safe out there," I was taken aback at this. No one cared about my safely, and those who did were ignorant and oblivious of obvious signs of my self harm.
"I promise," I hugged her back. We hugged each other for a few minutes and Toriel was the one to let go first.
"Goodbye my child," I see a small tear fall down her cheek.
"Goodbye mom," I choke that out as a happy and sad tear rolled down my cheek. Toriel really felt like a mother to me and I'm glad I got to feel some motherly love even if for a few hours.
Toriel smiles sadly and turns around heading for her house. I myself turn toward the door and take a deep breath wiping away my tears. Ok here goes.
I struggle to open to heavy door and I close it behind it. The weather wasn't what I expected, it was freezing! I shivered and walked down the pathway that wasn't covered by snow. The cold breeze blew by and I decided that now would be a good time to put on my hood.
There was a large stick laying in the middle of the path but I ignored it and walked over it. I walked a few feet when I heard a loud snap come from behind me. My body froze entirely in panic. A memory came to me.
I stood against a tree trying to keep my breathing quiet. My legs shook in fear from the thought of being caught.
"Oh Y/N, you can't hide from me," slurred a deep drunk voice. "I'll find you and I'll beat the crap out you if you don't get you useless a** out,"
I can practically smell the alcohol and I froze when I heard a tree branch snap behind the tree I was standing. Rough arms grabbed me. "I told you that I'd find you," my father beat me until I lost unconsciousness.
I slowly turned around toward the noise and expected someone to be there. No one was there. My horror and panic remained as I continued my way. The wind picked up blowing strands of h/c baby hairs as I came upon something that looks like a gate.
My spine shivered and prickled as I felt a presence behind me. Am I going to die? Wait why am I afraid of dying? Isn't that what I want? I'm snapped out of my thoughts.
"Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" Spoke a deep, low voice behind me. My eyes widened in panic as I turned around and saw a skeleton? The skeleton was wearing a blue jacketed hoodie with white fluff on the hood, black shorts, and white slippers. I'm guessing my shocked and pale face remained agape as the skeleton raised an "eyebrow".
This is too much. I couldn't move my body. "Hey are you alright?" The skeleton asks, lowering his arm with a whoopee cushion in his hand. He looked concerned.
I don't know what to say. I tried speaking but my mouth continued opening and closing like a fish. Goodness I probably look so stupid now. Now he'll definitely think I'm a loser.
"Kiddo?" He cocked an eyebrow. Kiddo? Does it really look like I'm a kid? Well I mean I AM 16 but still.
I shake my head slower still in disbelief. "A-ah I'm uh sorry about t-that," I replied in a hurry plastering on a fake smile. "I'm just shocked, I've never seen a skeleton before nor did I imagine ever seeing one. I'm sorry," I rambled.
Wow you're such an embarrassment, no wonder nobody likes you.
I let that thought sink in.
"Well now you've met a skeleton. I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton," as if he was never concerned just a moment ago, he gave me a lazy smile.
"I'm Y/N, sorry about earlier," I apologized, putting my hand around my neck.
"It's no problem. What do you say about going through that gate," oh right! The gate. I turn toward the gate, if you can even call it a gate. "Papyrus made the gate too wide to keep anyone out so it's no problem going through," he explains to me.
"Oh ok,"
Sans motions me to go through and I walk. I don't dare look down on the small bridge. Even though the distance is pretty small I felt uncomfortable. Why am I scared of this? I fell down the hole how is this any different? A sudden realization came to me, stopping me slightly in my tracks. Could I want to live? No that's nonsense, plus no one would miss me anyway.
"Hey kid, why'd you stop?" I hear Sans ask. "Oh uh it's nothing, sorry," I quickly reply. "I just got lost in my thoughts,"
I don't hear a reply. Great now he definitely thinks you're a loser. You should've just fell off this bridge. The last thought just me an idea. Maybe I can come back here later.
When we pass through I notice what looks like a sentry post and a lamp. Wait a lamp? Why is there a lamp here?
"I would suggest you hide behind that conveniently shaped lamp," I hear Sans say and whirl around facing him.
"Well my brother is a human hunting fanatic," I pale at that. My father was a hunter. Sans must've noticed my pale face. "Are you ok there kid? You look almost as pale as a skeleton," I groan a bit from the pun, attempting to calm myself in the process.
"Ok I'll go hide behind the lamp," I sighed and plod over to the lamp. This seems a bit unnecessary taking into consideration that I really don't care if I get hurt or not. I pout.
"SANS HAVE YOU SEEN ANOTHER HUMAN?" Yelled out a very animated voice. I flinched at the yelling. A tall skeleton with what looks like a superhero costume, red boots, and a red scarf strides toward Sans.
"No Paps but check out this lamp isn't it just cool?" He grins at his pun.
"SANS I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME FOR YOUR SILLY PUNS," Damn his voice is loud. My body shook from the volume of his voice, reminding me of the many times my drunk and sober parents would yell at me. "ANYWAY SANS PLEASE KEEP WATCH FOR MORE HUMANS,"
"I thought you became friends with a human?" Sans cocks an eyebrow.
"I DID BUT THAT'S FRISK AND THEY'RE VERY NICE, BUT I AM WILLING TO MAKE MORE FRIENDS!" His shouting leaves me in a terrified state as memories flooded in.
My eyes glued shut and I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks. Come on don't cry now, if anyone sees you they'll think you're a crybaby. My fake smile fell for a moment but I quickly recovered, hiding everything.
I've noticed Sans call me and I looked out from the lamp to notice that the tall skeleton left. "So kiddo I'll see you up ahead,"
He turned to leave but I grabbed him but the wrist. "Wait," I surprised myself by the action and Sans as well. "Sans uh can you stay with me? I don't really want to be alone,"
Why am I asking him to stay with me? I myself can't answer my own question, but I feel at ease and myself around him. It's not like I was at school or at home. I feel... safe.
"Sure kiddo," he grins lazily and we turn away from the gate and continue our way.
"Where are we going anyway?"
"To Snowdin, but we'll most likely see Paps along the way,"
"Paps?" I ask shivering a bit from the cold weather.
"Oh Papyrus, I just call him Paps. It just sounds cooler," m
I groan and chuckle slightly at the pun as we continue making our way to Snowdin.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this! I think I'm gonna take a small break (or not idk haha) from writing, but there should be a post sometime this week. Since I've said before that I'm gonna keep the chapter consistent that's what I'm doing. The minimum of words that I write is 1,500 and then I add more depending on how the writing goes. This one happened to be a little over 2,000 words(oops). Anyway I'll cya all in the next chap!

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