Chapter 7: Feels Like Home

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(07/30: Here is FandomTrash0520 's request! I am so sorry this took me so long to make but I hope you like it!!)

A/N: Ok so I had some difficulty writing this chapter cuz I had NO CLUE what to write about and even if I did I somehow couldn't properly write it. I would've posted this sooner honestly. But I hope you enjoy this chapter, I made it a bit uplifting compared to the other chapters.

TW: mention of self-harm


The smell of spaghetti fills the house when I walk downstairs. I can still feel my hot cheeks after the "being-held-half-naked-in-only-a-towel-by-Sans" incident. My heart beats rapidly from the event.

   I can't believe Sans seen my scars and cuts. I frown at the thought, stopping on the stairs.

   The bandages on my arms and thighs scratch against my hoodie and leggings. They give me the sudden urge to itch them. I start bringing my arm to relieve the itching temptation when I hear a voice below me.

   "HUMAN WOULD YOU LIKE SOME OF MY SPAGHETTI?" My body flinches from the volume.

   I hope I'll get used to this soon.

   Papyrus sounds more cheerful than usual. I wonder what's up?

    "Sure Papyrus, spaghetti sounds good," Despite Sans warning me about Papyrus's spaghetti and its... unique taste, I don't mind it. I've actually showed Papyrus some tips and tricks toward adding flavor to his creations.

   Once I'm off the stairs I see that Sans, being the lazy skeleton that he is, is lounging lazily on the couch. I roll my eyes at him and sit down beside him. I notice a slight blue tint resting on his cheekbones.

   "Papyrus sounds happy, did something come up?" I ask with curiosity. Sans opens one of his eye sockets.

   "From what I've heard something about getting into the Royal Guard," he casually explains, though I can tell by his voice that he's happy and proud of his brother.

  "Wow that's great! I bet he's so happy," A genuine smile forms on my face. Sans must've noticed and smiles contentedly toward me. "It is great,"

  His white orbs gaze into my e/c eyes. I feel an unfamiliar warmth fill parts of my soul. My heart beats quickly and I feel heat rise to my cheeks once more. I can't look away from Sans. I can't explain why either.

  From the corner of my eye I notice Sans's hand move toward mine. Without thinking my hand moves into his. His fingers intertwined with mine and both our hands fit perfectly, as if we were meant to hold hands.

    I take a glance at our intertwined hands and smile. Surprisingly his hand is warm. I feel my stomach fill with butterflies.

    I think I like him.

   That thought rings in my mind.

   For a moment I forget my scars and depression. Looking into his eyes and being around him makes me feel more alive. And happy.

   I hear someone clear their throat. Papyrus! My face heats up like I'm standing in front of a fire. I take a glance at Sans and see that his face is also flushed, but not as bad as mine.

  "H-hey Paps, so is the spaghetti ready?" My embarrassment flows in my voice.

   "YES HUMAN IT IS READY," he answers my question. I see him cock an eyebrow toward Sans's and mine still intertwined hands. Frisk walks out from the kitchen and notices our hands.

(ON HOLD) Worth-full? (Sans X Depressed!Self-harming!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now